第一周 Week 1 (1/1-1/8)



创世记 1

 Genesis 1

 创世记 2

 Genesis 2

 创世记 3

 Genesis 3

 创世记 4

 Genesis 4

神是创世记 1-2 章中的主角。这些章节对祂的主权有何教导?如果神创造了世界,那将如何影响你在日常生活中甘心乐意地順服祂?


God is the central character in Genesis 1-2. What do these chapters teach about His sovereignty? If God created the world, how should that impact your willingness to obey Him in daily life?

Notice how Adam and Eve’s sin impacts their relationship with each other, their sons, and eventually the entire world. Satan loves to say, “Your sin will not affect others. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” Recognize his lies. Remember this lesson for disciples: your sin will harm not just you but the people you love.



 创世记 5

 Genesis 5

 创世记 6

 Genesis 6

 创世记 7

 Genesis 7

 创世记 8

 Genesis 8


划出创世记 6:8即使在一个罪恶的世界中,你也可以忠心地与神同行。在一个罪恶大行其道的世界里,什么样的属灵操练能够帮助你对神持守忠心?

The central character in these chapters is Noah. What does his life teach about faithful obedience in a fallen world?

Highlight Genesis 6:8. Even in a sinful world, you can walk faithfully with God. What spiritual practices will help you remain faithful to God in a world where sin is prevalent?



 创世记 9

 Genesis 9

 创世记 10

 Genesis 10

 创世记 11

 Genesis 11

 创世记 12

 Genesis 12



There are two great events in these chapters: man’s rebellion at the Tower of Babel and God’s call to Abraham. At Babel, man responded to God with unbelief and rebellion. At Haran, Abraham responded with faith and obedience.

Each of us must choose either unbelief or faith. If we truly believe God and His promises, we will obey Him. Remember that Abraham had no Bible, no pastor, and no church. The only thing he had was faith in God. What would this kind of faith look like in your life today?




 创世记 13

 Genesis 13

 创世记 14

 Genesis 14

 创世记 15

 Genesis 15

 创世记 16

 Genesis 16

 创世记 17

 Genesis 17



亚伯拉罕的信心也很重要,因为“人非有信,就不能得神的喜悦。”(希伯来书 11:6

Abraham demonstrates an important lesson for disciples: our walk with God includes both

God’s faithfulness to us and our faith in God. Both aspects are important:

God’s faithfulness is important because without His grace and power in our lives, it is impossible for us to remain faithful. Abraham struggled with doubt, but God never gave up on him. This encourages us to know that God will not give up on us.

Abraham’s faith is important because “without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6).



 创世记 18

 Genesis 18

 创世记 19

 Genesis 19

 创世记 20

 Genesis 20

 创世记 21

 Genesis 21


给门徒的教导:求大事!(马太福音 7:8)你在生命中应当向神祈求什么“大事”?

What does the story of Abraham’s prayer for Sodom teach about the power of prayer? Imagine the courage of Abraham’s prayer. He made a huge request: to spare an entire city!

Lesson for disciples: Ask big! (Matthew 7:8) What “big things” should you ask God to do in your life?



 创世记 22

 Genesis 22

 创世记 23

 Genesis 23

 创世记 24

 Genesis 24

 创世记 25

 Genesis 25

在读创世记 22 章之前,先读希伯来书 11:17-19。亚伯拉罕相信神能让以撒从死里复活。当你读这个故事时,不要问,“我有像亚伯拉罕一样的信心吗?”而是问,“我愿意让神按照祂的选择来建立我的信心吗?”


Before you read Genesis 22, read Hebrews 11:17-19. Abraham trusted that God could raise Isaac from the dead. As you read this story, do not ask, “Do I have as much faith as Abraham?” Instead, ask, “Am I willing to allow God to build my faith as He chooses?”

At the end of the story of Abraham’s life, what lesson for disciples have you learned from his example?





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?

有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?

有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?

有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?

有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?


第二周 Week 2 (1/9-1/15)



 创世记 26

 Genesis 26

 创世记 27

 Genesis 27

 创世记 28

 Genesis 28

 创世记 29

 Genesis 29

以撒是创世记 26-27 章的主角。然而,他的角色远不如他的父亲亚伯拉罕或是他的儿子雅各令人印象深刻。他的故事很多是由别人的行为决定的:被亚伯拉罕献为祭品,被雅各欺骗。但是以撒是神计划的弥赛亚家谱的一部分。

给门徒的教导:我也许不是“主角”,但神对我的生命有个计划。这为每个神的儿女都是的。神有个计划;在你出生之前,神已经预备叫你行善了。(以弗所书 2:10

Isaac is the central character of Genesis 26-27. However, his role was much less impressive than either his father Abraham or his son Jacob. Much of his story is determined by the actions of others: being offered as a sacrifice by Abraham and being cheated by Jacob. But Isaac is part of God’s plan for the messianic line.

Lesson for disciples: I may not have a “leading role,” but God has a plan for my life. This is true for every child of God. God has a plan; before you were born, He prepared a good work for you to do (Ephesians 2:10).



 创世记 30

 Genesis 30

 创世记 31

 Genesis 31

 创世记 32

 Genesis 32

 创世记 33

 Genesis 33


尽管雅各的品格有问题,神在创世纪 28 章向他显现,之后在 32 章神给他改了名字(雅各意为抓脚跟的,骗子),神叫他以色列(王子),这是神的选民当有的名字。要认识神的大能,可以把你从老我改变成祂要你成为的样子,这就是恩典的大能。

Jacob might be the most problematic character in Genesis. He has few redeeming qualities! From childhood, he is known for his dishonesty. You might read his life and say, “What can we learn from Jacob?” Here is the good news from the story of Jacob: No one is beyond the reach of God’s transforming grace.

Despite Jacob’s questionable character, God revealed Himself to Jacob in Genesis 28. Then in Genesis 32, God renames Jacob (heel-grasper; cheater). God calls him Israel (prince), the name by which God’s chosen people would be called. Recognize the power of God to change you from who you were to who He wants to make you. That is the power of grace.



创世记 34

 Genesis 34

 创世记 35

 Genesis 35

 创世记 36

 Genesis 36

在创世记 35 章,神再度向雅各显现,又一次,神说,“你不再是雅各了,要叫以色列。” 雅各仍在一步步地学习跟随他先祖亚伯拉罕的耶和华神。但是神很有耐心地向雅各重申祂的应许。


In Genesis 35, God reappears to Jacob. Again, God says, “You are no longer Jacob, but Israel.” Jacob is still learning what it means to be a follower of Yahweh, the God of his father Abraham. But God patiently renews His promise to Jacob. Lesson for disciples: God is a patient God who will continue to teach us as we learn to follow Him.



 创世记 37

 Genesis 37

 创世记 38

 Genesis 38

 创世记 39

 Genesis 39

 创世记 40

 Genesis 40


请注意 39 章中重复出现的经句,“耶和华与约瑟同在。”约瑟是个奴隶,但主与他同在;他被诬告强暴,但主与他同在;他被冤枉下狱,但主与他同在。约瑟也许很难感受到神的同在,但神与他同在。请记住:在你生命中最黑暗的时刻,神与你同在

Remember God’s promise to Abraham. “I will make you a great nation, and your descendants will be a blessing to all families of the earth.” Two hundred years later, a dishonest Jacob is the family patriarch. Simeon and Levi have murdered the men of Shechem. Judah has twin sons through a shameful act with his widowed daughter-in-law. It might appear that God’s promises have failed. But God always keeps His promises. In the last section of Genesis, we will see God keep his promise through Joseph, a young man sold into slavery in Egypt.

Notice the repeated phrase in Genesis 39, “The Lord was with Joseph.” Joseph is a slave, but the Lord was with him. He is falsely accused of rape, but the Lord was with him. He is sent to prison unjustly, but the Lord was with him. It may have been hard for Joseph to sense God’s presence, but God was with him. Please remember: in the darkest hours of your life, God is with you.




 创世记 41

 Genesis 41

 创世记 42

 Genesis 42

 创世记 43

 Genesis 43

 创世记 44

 Genesis 44

 创世记 45

 Genesis 45


Put yourself in Joseph’s situation. His brothers who sold him into slavery are now in his power. How would you react? Would you forgive? It would not be easy! Lesson for disciples: because God has forgiven us, we must forgive others – even when forgiveness is difficult.



 创世记 46

 Genesis 46

 创世记 47

 Genesis 47

 创世记 48

 Genesis 48

 创世记 49

 Genesis 49

 创世记 50

 Genesis 50

花些时间思想创世记 50:20。记住约瑟所受的一切苦难,但随后要看到神用约瑟来完成祂在创世记 12:2 中对亚伯拉罕的应许。通过约瑟,亚伯拉罕的后裔和埃及都逃过了饥荒(“我必赐福给你,叫你的名为大;你也要叫别人得福。” )


Spend some time thinking about Genesis 50:20. Remember all the suffering Joseph endured. But then recognize that God used Joseph to accomplish His promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:2. Through Joseph, both Abraham’s descendants and Egypt were spared from the famine (“I will bless you and make your name great so that you will be a blessing.”)

Lesson for disciples: God is working His good purpose even in the bad things that come into our lives. We can trust the providence of our good God.





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?

有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?

有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?

有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?

有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?


第三周 Week 3 (1/16-1/22)



马可福音 1

 Mark 1

 马可福音 2

 Mark 2

 马可福音 3

 Mark 3


在马可福音 1:16-20 和 2:13-14,我们读到耶稣呼召几个门徒。每次,他们都是立刻放下所做的 去跟从耶稣。门徒会很快顺服神在他们生命中的呼召。神正在呼召你为祂做什么?你会顺服吗?

马可福音 3:14 教了关于基督徒服事很重要的一课。耶稣设立门徒要他们常和自己同在,也要差他们去传道......。顺序很重要:在耶稣差他们去传道之前,他们要先花时间与耶稣在一起。 给门徒的教导:为耶稣做工之前必须先花时间与耶稣在一起

This week, we will read the Gospel of Mark. This gospel is based on the teaching of the Apostle Peter. Many of the stories in Mark teach lessons that Simon Peter learned as a disciple of Jesus. They are practical lessons about discipleship.

In Mark 1:16-20 and 2:13-14, we read about Jesus’ call to several disciples. Each time, they immediately leave what they are doing and follow him. Disciples are quick to obey God’s call in their life. What is God calling you to do for him? Will you obey?

Mark 3:14 teaches an important lesson about Christian service. Jesus appointed the apostles “so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach….” The order is important: they will spend time with Jesus before he sends them out to minister. Lesson for disciples: Spending time with Jesus must precede our work for Jesus.



马可福音 4

 Mark 4

 马可福音 5

 Mark 5

 马可福音 6

 Mark 6

当你读到撒种的比喻时,听听马可福音 4:15-20 的教导:我们对道的反应决定了这道在我们生命中所结的果子。这种子(神的道,神的话)在每种情况下都是一样的。唯一的区别是土壤不同。对神在你心里种下的种子你会怎样反应呢?

对于马可福音 5:14-17 中的那些人,猪比人还重要。比起被鬼附的人,他们更关心自己的财产。 看看你的生命。什么对你更重要:人还是财产

As you read the Parable of the Sower, hear the lesson of Mark 4:15-20: our response to the Word determines its fruit in our life. The seed (the Word of God) was the same in every case. The only difference was the soil. How are you responding to the seed that God plants in your heart?

For the people in Mark 5:14-17, pigs mattered more than people. They cared more for their possessions than for the demon-possessed man. Look at your life. Which matters more to you: people or possessions.



马可福音 7

 Mark 7

 马可福音 8

 Mark 8

 马可福音 9

 Mark 9

马可福音 8:36-37 问了个很重要的问题。我们常常谈论作门徒的代价,但这些经节问,“拒绝作门徒的代价是什么?”在付出门徒训练的成本和赢得你永生灵魂的天价之間,比较一下吧!

马可福音 9:24 对我是个奇妙的鼓励。当我没有足够的信心时,我可以祷告,“主,我信;但我信不足,求主帮助!”换句话说,“神,我信,但我的信心微弱,求祢补足我的信心!”当我们在信心上挣扎的时候,这是个美好的祷告。

Mark 8:36-37 asks an important question. We often talk about the cost of being a disciple. But these verses ask, “What is the cost of refusing to be a disciple?” Compare the cost of discipleship to the incredible value of your eternal soul.

Mark 9:24 is a wonderful encouragement to me. When I do not have enough faith, I can pray, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” In other words, “God, I believe, but my faith is weak. Please make up the difference!” That is a wonderful prayer when we struggle to have faith.




 马可福音 10

 Mark 10

 马可福音 11

 Mark 11

 马可福音 12

 Mark 12

马可福音 10:35-45 提醒我们,真正的门徒训练是关乎服事,而不是地位。门徒不问,“我能担任什么职位?”而是“我能够提供什么服事?”

作门徒意味着什么?马可福音 12:28-34 给了很好的总结。作耶稣的门徒意味着全心全意爱神,并且爱邻舍如同自己

Mark 10:35-45 reminds us that true discipleship is about service, not status. Disciples do not ask, “What position can I hold?” but “What service can I give?”

What does it mean to be a disciple? Mark 12:28-34 gives a great summary. To be a disciple of

Jesus means to love God with an undivided heart and to love your neighbor as yourself.



 马可福音 13

 Mark 13

 马可福音 14

 Mark 14

在整本马可福音中,我们看到作耶稣门徒要付出多少代价。在马可福音 14 章,我们看到耶稣为救恩付出了多少代价。作为门徒,我们必须背起我们的十字架;作为救主,耶稣背起了真正的十字架。

耶稣在客西马尼园的祷告给了门徒宝贵的教导:门徒与耶稣一起祷告,“阿爸!父啊......,不要从我的意思只要从你的意思。”(马可福音 14:36

Throughout Mark, we see how much it costs to be a disciple of Jesus. In Mark 14, we see how much it cost Jesus to provide salvation. As disciples, we must take up our cross; as our Savior, Jesus took up a literal cross.

Jesus’s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane gives a valuable lesson for disciples: Disciples pray with Jesus: “Abba, Father…, not what I will, but what you will” (Mark 14:36).



 马可福音 15

 Mark 15

 马可福音 16

 Mark 16


There were thousands of people who followed Jesus to see the miracles and eat the bread and fishes. There were hundreds who listened to his teaching. There were twelve who traveled with him for three years. But at the cross we see a handful of people who were disciples to the end: John, Jesus’ mother, Mary Magdalene, and a few other women. These were willing to follow Jesus even to the cross. Will you be a “disciple to the end?”





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?

有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?

有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?

有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?

有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?


第四周 Week 4 (1/23-1/29)



出埃及记 1

 Exodus 1

 出埃及记 2

 Exodus 2

 出埃及记 3

 Exodus 3

 出埃及记 4

 Exodus 4

 出埃及记 5

 Exodus 5

在出埃及记 2 章中,神似乎忘记了祂的百姓。他们正在受苦,但好像没人在意。但出埃及记2:23-25 给了一个奇妙的门徒教导即使我们看不到祂的时候,神也会垂听我们。祂是自有永有的(出埃及记 3:14)。所以即使我们找不到祂,祂也与我们同在。出埃及记 5 章教导说,神的答案并不总是瞬间到来。祂的答案常常比我们想要的来得慢。实际上,在神回应我们的祷告时,情况常常在转好之前变得更糟!在那些时候,我们必须对神有耐心,让神按照自己的时间行事。

In Exodus 2, it appeared that God had forgotten His people. They were suffering and no one seemed to care. But Exodus 2:23-25 gives a wonderful lesson for disciples: God hears us even when we cannot see Him. He is the eternal I AM (Exodus 3:14). So even when we cannot find Him, He is present with us.

Exodus 5 teaches that God’s answer does not always come in an instant. He often answers more slowly than we like. In fact, as God is answering our prayers, things sometimes get worse before they get better! In those times, we must be patient as God works in His time.



 出埃及记 6

 Exodus 6

 出埃及记 7

 Exodus 7

 出埃及记 8

 Exodus 8

 出埃及记 9

 Exodus 9

 出埃及记 10

 Exodus 10

数数出埃及记 6:2-11 中出现的“我”字。十节里面出现了十六次。神重复地说,“我是;我要。”作为门徒,你可以满怀信心地向这位“行动的神”祷告,求祂拯救祂的百姓。

出埃及记 7-10 章中的瘟疫是神在竞争对手前不示弱的一个记号。这些瘟疫让埃及人看到,耶和华比他们的假神更强大。这些瘟疫向以色列人表明,他们可以信靠神的应许。

Count the word “I” in Exodus 6:2-11. Sixteen times in ten verses. Repeatedly, God says, “I am; I will.” As a disciple, you can pray with confidence to the “God who acts” to rescue His people.

The plagues in Exodus 7-10 are a sign that God accepts no rivals. These plagues showed the Egyptians that Jehovah was stronger than their false gods. The plagues showed the people of Israel that they could trust the promises of God.



 出埃及记 11

 Exodus 11

 出埃及记 12

 Exodus 12

 出埃及记 13

 Exodus 13

 出埃及记 14

 Exodus 14



在出埃及记 14:13-14,摩西给了一个神会为百姓争战的奇妙应许。在 2023 年,这个应许仍旧是真实的。当你面对生活中的难处时,“不要惧怕,只管站住,看神向你所要施行的救恩。

Passover was an important testimony to the faith of the Israelites. The Israelites who believed God’s promise to deliver them obeyed His command to sprinkle sacrificial blood on the doorposts of their houses. Later the Passover festival reminded the people of God’s promise to send a Messiah. As you read this story, rejoice that as Christians, our Passover Lamb died once-for-all to deliver us from our sins.

In Exodus 14:13-14, Moses gave a wonderful promise that God would fight for His people. This promise is still true in 2023. When you face life’s difficulties, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord.”




 出埃及记 15

 Exodus 15

 出埃及记 16

 Exodus 16

 出埃及记 17

 Exodus 17

划出出埃及记 15:26 中神给的名字!“我是耶和华,你的医治者。”这不仅仅是身体上的医治。

祂差遣耶稣来医治我们情感上、关系上,和属灵上的伤害。(以赛亚书 53:5

今天的门徒教导可能有点痛苦:抱怨是得罪神的罪。(出埃及记 16:8)我们倾向于认为抱怨是 个小问题,但是神却严肃看待它。为什么?因为抱怨显出对神的供应缺乏信任。如果我们相信神在做工,使万事效力让我们得益处,我们就不需要抱怨。

Highlight the name God gives in Exodus 15:26, “I am the Lord, your healer.” This is more than just physical healing. He sent Jesus to heal our emotional, relational, and spiritual hurts (Isaiah 53:5).

Today’s lesson for disciples may be painful: Grumbling is a sin against God (Exodus 16:8). We tend to consider grumbling to be a minor problem, but God takes it very seriously. Why? Because grumbling shows a lack of trust in God’s provision. If we trust that He is working all things for our good, we do not need to grumble.



 出埃及记 18

 Exodus 18

 出埃及记 19

 Exodus 19

 出埃及记 20

 Exodus 20

 出埃及记 21

 Exodus 21


划出出埃及记 19:5-6。这些话最初是对以色列人说的,但在彼得前书 2:9 中,神对耶稣的每个门徒都说了。如果你觉得灰心,觉得被忽视,请堅定信心、鼓起勇气:你是神宝贵的产业祂看重你超过你所能想象的

The story of Jethro and Moses has an important lesson for leaders: You need help! Are you a cell group leader or leader of some other ministry? Don’t try to do it alone. Share the load. That is God’s great plan for accomplishing the work of ministry. Every member has a part to play.

Highlight Exodus 19:5-6. These words were first spoke to Israel, but in 1 Peter 2:9, God says it to every disciple of Jesus. If you feel discouraged and overlooked, take heart: You are God’s treasured possession. He values you more than you can imagine.



 出埃及记 22

 Exodus 22

 出埃及记 23

 Exodus 23

 出埃及记 24

 Exodus 24

 出埃及记 25

 Exodus 25

当你读出埃及记 20-23 章中的诫命时,请记住这些诫命不是作为沉重的负担,却是作为神慈爱的记号而颁布的。神的律法是祂慈爱的礼物。永远不要忘记这个真理:神对你生命的计划比你的更好

当你为神的事工奉献时,你是高兴地给,还是带着牢骚?神所悦纳的礼物是出于甘心乐意的心。(出埃及记 25:2

As you read the commands in Exodus 20-23, remember that these commands were given not as a heavy burden but as a sign of God’s love. God’s law is a gift of His love. Never forget this truth: God has a better plan for your life than you do.

When you give to God’s work, do you give gladly or grudgingly? The gifts that God welcomes come from a willing heart (Exodus 25:2).





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?

有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?

有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?

有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?

有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?


第五周 Week 5 (1/30-2/5)



 出埃及记 26

 Exodus 26

 出埃及记 27

 Exodus 27

 诗篇 1

 Psalm 1

 诗篇 2

 Psalm 2


诗篇 1 篇给了我们一个多结果子的门徒的画面。这位行在神道路上的人会经历神的祝福,并结出属灵的果子。

As you read the detailed descriptions of the Tabernacle, you might find the details boring. However, remember that this was God’s dwelling place, and He cared about every detail. Today, God lives in the hearts of believers. He cares about the details of our lives just as He cared about the details of the Tabernacle. We are His “home,” and He cares about us.

Psalm 1 gives a picture of a fruitful disciple. The person who walks in God’s way experiences God’s blessing and produces spiritual fruit.



 出埃及记 28

 Exodus 28

 出埃及记 29

 Exodus 29

 诗篇 3

 Psalm 3

 诗篇 4

 Psalm 4

你认为只有牧师和传道人才有服事神的地方吗?读出埃及记 28:3,神给“擅长”缝纫的人一项特殊的任务。他们被指派为亚伦和祭司们做美丽的袍子。给门徒的教导每种技能都可以用来荣耀神。


Do you think that only pastors and missionaries have a place to serve God? Read Exodus 28:3. God had a special task for people who were “skillful” in sewing clothes. They were assigned to make the beautiful garments for Aaron and the priests. Lesson for disciples: every skill can be used for God’s glory.

These psalms are prayers for deliverance during times of trouble. Highlight the words of trust in these Psalms: God is a shield, my glory, and the lifter of my head; He sustains me; He gives relief; He hears when I call. This is a promise to disciples: God hears you when you call.



 出埃及记 30

 Exodus 30

 出埃及记 31

 Exodus 31

 出埃及记 32

 Exodus 32

 诗篇 5

 Psalm 5

 诗篇 6

 Psalm 6


看看诗篇 5:11-12 中作门徒的喜乐。作耶稣的门徒并不是沉重的负担,而是会带来喜乐和欢欣。

Do you want a weekly reminder of God’s love for His people? Our weekly day of worship is a reminder of a God who loves us and calls us to put every day under His control.

See the joy of discipleship in Psalm 5:11-12. Being a disciple of Jesus is not a heavy burden; it brings joy and delight.




 出埃及记 33

 Exodus 33

 出埃及记 34

 Exodus 34

 出埃及记 35

 Exodus 35

 诗篇 7

 Psalm 7

 诗篇 8

 Psalm 8

人们怎么知道我们是门徒?读出埃及记 33:16。神与我们同在,这让我们“跟别的民有分别”。 神与祂子民同住,标示出我们是祂的门徒。

当你读出埃及记 35:30-36:1 时,请再一次注意:我们交出并让神掌管的才干和恩赐能为神所使用。

How will people know that we are disciples? Read Exodus 33:16. What makes us “distinct from every other people” is the presence of God with us. God lives with His people and that marks us as His disciples.

As you read Exodus 35:30-36:1 notice again that God uses the talents and gifts that we surrender to His control.



 出埃及记 36

 Exodus 36

 出埃及记 37

 Exodus 37

 出埃及记 38

 Exodus 38

 诗篇 9

 Psalm 9


注意出埃及记 36:2-7。工人们来工作,是因为他们的心“受感前来做这工”。人们如此甘心乐意地奉献,摩西还得拦住百姓不再多献。门徒服事或是奉献不是出于义务,他们服事或奉献是甘心乐意的。

These chapters give details for building the Tabernacle. Why? Because worship matters to God. He cared for the details of how and where His people would worship Him.

Notice Exodus 36:2-7. The craftsmen worked because their hearts were “stirred to do the work.” The people gave so willingly that Moses had to restrain the people from giving more. Disciples do not serve or give from obligation; they serve and give with a willing heart.



 出埃及记 39

 Exodus 39

 出埃及记 40

 Exodus 40

 诗篇 10

 Psalm 10

 诗篇 11

 Psalm 11



Each time God gave an instruction, Exodus says that the people did it “as the Lord had commanded.” Disciples want to please God, so they are careful to follow His instructions in every detail.





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?

有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?

有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?

有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?

有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?