28 Week 27 (7/3-7/9)


我从阅读中学到的关于门徒训练的 3 个功课:

因着读经,改变了我生命中的 3 件事:

You have read halfway through the Bible. Take a week to reflect on what you have read. This week, think about what God has taught you through His Word about the life of a disciple.

3 Lessons I have Learned about Discipleship from My Reading:

3 Things I Have Changed in My Life Because of My Reading:

28 Week 28 (7/10-7/16)



雅歌 1

 Song 1

雅歌 2

 Song 2

雅歌 3

 Song 3

雅歌 4

 Song 4

雅歌 5

 Song 5

雅歌 6

 Song 6

雅歌 7

 Song 7

雅歌 8

 Song 8



The “Song of Songs” or “Song of Solomon” is a collection of love poems. However, these poems remind us that discipleship is more than a “duty.” Our discipleship must be motivated by love for God.
Many readers of the Song of Solomon have used the language of this book to express their love to God. As you read this book, do you feel this kind of intense love for God? Do you believe that God loves you in such a passionate and profound way? How can you grow in your love for Him?



传道书 1

 ecclesiasts 1

传道书 2

 Eccl 2

传道书 3

 Eccl 3

传道书 4

 Ecc 4

传道书 5

 Eccl 5

传道书是所罗门写的,可能成书于列王纪上 11 章记载的他离弃神而悔改之后。 传道书记录了所罗门在财富、成功和辛勤工作中寻求满足。他所有的寻找都不过是 "虚空 ""烟雾"

传道书还表明生活中的美好事物是 "神的恩赐",是那些与赐予者保持正确关系的人所要享 受的。与箴言一样,传道书对比了两条道路。在箴言中,这两条路被称为 "智慧 ""愚昧 "。在传道书中,它们被称为 "神的恩赐 ""虚空"任何偏离门徒训练道路的事物都是愚 昧和虚空

你在所罗门的努力中,是否看到自己在财富、自我放纵、世俗智慧、辛勤工作或成功中寻找满足感? 其中哪一个对你是最大的诱惑?

Ecclesiastes was probably written after Solomon repented of his apostasy recorded in 1

Kings 11. Ecclesiastes records Solomon’s search for fulfillment in wealth, success, and hard work. All his search came to no more than “vanity” or “smoke.”

Ecclesiastes also shows that the good things in life are “the gift of God” to be enjoyed by those who live in right relationship with the Giver. Like Proverbs, Ecclesiastes contrasts two paths. In Proverbs, these two paths are called “wisdom” and “folly.” In Ecclesiastes, they are called “the gift of God” and “vanity.” Anything that takes away from the path of discipleship is folly and vanity.

Do you see yourself in Solomon’s efforts to find fulfillment in wealth, self-indulgence, earthly wisdom, hard work, or success? Which of these is the biggest temptation for you?




 Ecclesiastes 6


 Eccl 7


 Eccl 8


 Eccl 9


 Eccl 10


 Eccl 11


 Eccl 12

传道书 7-11 章是一部简短的智慧箴言集。以错误方式生活的人是 "虚空",但智慧的人是按照神的模式生活。将传道书 7-11 章作为门徒训练的实用技巧集来阅读。

传道书 12:13 总结了整本书的内容。与神建立正确的关系("敬畏神")并顺从他的命令,使 生命变得完整。这就是 "人的全部责任"。 你是否生活在与神的正确关系中?

Ecclesiastes 7-11 is a collection of short wisdom sayings. A life lived in the wrong way is “vanity,” but the wise person lives according to God’s pattern. Read Ecclesiastes 7-11 as a collection of practical tips for discipleships.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 summarizes the entire book. A right relationship with God (“fear God”) and obedience to His commands makes life complete. This is “the whole duty of man.” Are you living in right relationship with God?



列王记上 12

 1 Kings 12

王上 13

 1 Kings 13

王上 14

 1 Kings 14

箴言 12

 Proverbs 12

在列王纪上 11:11-13,神警告说,祂将因为所罗门偏离神而分裂以色列。所罗门死后,北国跟随耶罗波安陷入偶像崇拜,而犹大则跟随罗波安。列王纪上和列王纪下的其余部分讲述了以色列衰落的故事。

箴言 15:22 教导人们倾听明智顾问的重要性。罗波安的愚蠢决定(王上 12:6-15)说明了这个真理。当你面临决定时,你是否在自己周围寻找明智的顾问,或者,你是否寻找那些会强化你自己意见的人?

从箴言 12 章中抄下你的 "每日经节"

In 1 Kings 11:11-13, God warned that He would divide Israel because of Solomon’s apostasy. After Solomon’s death, the Northern Kingdom followed Jeroboam into idolatry while Judah followed Rehoboam. The rest of 1 and 2 Kings tells the story of Israel’s decline.

Proverbs 15:22 teaches the importance of listening to wise counselors. Rehoboam’s foolish decision (1 Kings 12:6-15) illustrates this truth. When you face a decision, do you surround yourselves with wise counselors – or do you look for people who will reinforce your own opinions?

Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 12.



王上 15

 1 Kings 15

王上 16

 1 Kings 16

王上 17

 1 Kings 17

箴言 13

 Proverbs 13

古代近东记录显示,暗利(王上 16:21-28)是以色列最著名的国王。暗利死后一百年,亚述人继续称以色列为 "暗利之地"。 按照人类的标准,暗利是一个伟大的成功者。 然而,按照神的标准,暗利是一个失败者。他 "使以色列人陷在罪里, 以虚无的神,惹耶和华以色列神的怒气"。你是按人的标准还是按神的标准来判断?你的人生能蒙神的称许吗?

从箴言 13 章中抄下你的 "每日经节"

Ancient Near East records show that Omri (1 Kings 16:21-28) was the best known of Israel’s kings. One hundred years after Omri’s death, the Assyrians continued to call Israel “the land of Omri.” By human standards, Omri was a great success. However, by God’s standards, Omri was a failure. He “made Israel to sin, provoking the Lord, the God of Israel, to anger.” Do you judge by man’s standards or by God’s standards? Will your life meet God’s approval?

Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 13.



王上 18

 1 Kings 18

王上 19

 1 Kings 19

箴言 14

 Proverbs 14


以利亚指责以色列人民 "心持两意"(王上 18:21)。以色列人想同时侍奉耶和华和巴力, 但神不接受半心半意的敷衍侍奉。祂要求完全顺服。你是否试图在侍奉其他 ""的同时侍 奉真神?你的其他 ""可能不是一个偶像,它可能是金钱、成功、工作、快乐,等等。你 是否在两个神之间心持两意?


从箴言 14 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"

Ahab was one of Israel’s most wicked kings; Elijah was one of Israel’s greatest prophets. These tell the story of the confrontation between these two men.

Elijah accused the people of Israel of “limping between two opinions” (1 Kings 18:21). Israel wanted to serve both Jehovah and Baal, but God does not accept half-hearted service. He requires full obedience. Are you trying to serve God while serving other “gods?” Your other “god” may not be an idol. It may be money, success, work, pleasure, etc. Are you limping between two gods?

Immediately after Elijah’s victory at Mount Carmel, he suffered a time of depression. Disciples learn that great times of victory are often followed by times of struggle. Have you learned to trust God in dark times as well as in times of victory?

Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 14.





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?

有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?

有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?

有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?

有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

29 Week 29 (7/17-7/23)



王上 20

 1 Kings 20

王上 21

 1 Kings 21

王上 22

 1 Kings 22


-神赐亚哈战胜便哈达。神不是通过强大的军事领袖,而是通过 "跟从省长的少年人"(王上 20:13-14)来赐予胜利。 神,而不是亚哈的将军们,得到了胜利的荣耀。

-耶洗别是西顿王的女儿。西顿的统治者是专制的君主,不尊重个人的财产权。耶洗别说服亚哈杀死拿伯以夺取他的葡萄园(王上 21 章)。

-亚哈在爭战中阵亡,这是神审判的结果(王上 22 章)。


These chapters continue the story of Ahab’s rule:

-God gave Ahab victory over Ben-hadad. God gave victory not through strong military leaders but through the “servants of the governors of the districts” (1 Kings 20:13-14). God, not Ahab’s generals, received glory for the victory.

-Jezebel was the daughter of the king of Sidon. The rulers of Sidon were absolute monarchs with no respect for the property rights of individuals. Jezebel convinced Ahab to kill Naboth to take his vineyard (1 Kings 21).

-Ahab was killed in the battle, the result of God’s judgment (1 Kings 22).

As you read 1 Kings, notice God’s sovereignty over human history. Do you believe that God is in control of history today? Does this give you peace in times of trouble?



历代志下 10

 2Chronicles 10

代下 11

 2 Chron 11

代下 12

 2 Chron 12

代下 13

 2 Chron 13

箴言 15

 Proverbs 15

尽管罗波安是一位强大的国王,但 "他不立定心意寻求耶和华"(代下 12:14)。神以忠心顺服的标准来衡量犹大的国王,而不是他们的政治实力或军事力量。

即使在亚比雅这个 "不完全忠于耶和华 "的国王手下,犹大仍赢得了一场战争,因为人民 "倚 靠耶和华,他们列祖的神"(代下 13:18)。门徒们在困难时期依靠神。回想一下你曾经依靠 过神和祂的能力的时候,你信心的结果是什么?

从箴言 15 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"

Although Rehoboam was a strong king, “he did not set his heart to seek the Lord” (2 Chron 12:14). God measured Judah’s kings by the standard of faithful obedience, rather than by their political prowess or military power.

Even under Abijah, a king who “was not wholly true to the Lord,” Judah won a battle because the people “relied on the Lord, the God of their fathers” (2 Chron 13:18). Disciples rely on God in difficult times. Think of a time when you have relied on God and His power. What was the result of your faith?

Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 15.



代下 14

 2 Chron 14

代下 15

 2 Chron 15

代下 16

 2 Chron 16

代下 17

 2 Chron 17

箴言 16

 Prover 16

当犹大面对强大的军队时,亚撒 "呼求耶和华他的神"祈求帮助,神给了犹大一个巨大的胜利(代下 14:11-12)。多年后,犹大再次面对敌军,这一次,亚撒依靠亚兰王的帮助。神谴责亚撒对神缺乏信心。先知告诉亚撒,神正在寻找那些 "向祂心存诚实(无暇疵)的人"(代下 16:7-9)。"无瑕疵 "一词也被翻译为 "不分心、专注"。你是否用一颗专注的心寻求神?你对神的心是无瑕疵、无可指摘的吗?

从箴言 16 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"

When Judah faced a powerful army, Asa “cried to the Lord his God” for help. God gave Judah a great victory (2 Chron 14:11-12). Years later, Judah again faced an enemy army. This time, Asa relied on the king of Syria for help. God condemned Asa for his lack of faith in God. The prophet told Asa that God is looking for those “whose heart is blameless toward him” (2 Chron 16:7-9). The word “blameless” is also translated “undivided.” Do you seek God with an undivided heart? Is your heart blameless toward God?

Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 16.



代下 18

 2 Chron 18

代下 19

 2 Chron 19

代下 20

 2 Chron 20

箴言 17

 Proverbs 17


请阅读约沙法在历代志下 20:6-12 中的祷告。你对你的慈父有这样的信心吗? 从箴言 17 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"

Jehoshaphat was faithful to Jehovah, but he married Ahab’s daughter in order to establish a political alliance with the Northern Kingdom. Even though Jehoshaphat was a good king, his alliance with a wicked king brought trouble to Judah.

Read Jehoshaphat’s prayer in 2 Chronicles 20:6-12. Do you have this kind of faith in your loving Father?

Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 17.



列王紀下 1

 2 Kings 1

王下 2

 2 Kings 2

王下 3

 2 Kings 3

箴言 18

 Proverbs 18

在这几章中,注意力从先知以利亚转移到他的继任者以利沙。加倍 "一词(王下 2:9)来自犹太继承律法。以利沙要求得到属于长子的双份遗产。(译注:他盼望接续以利亚的工作,好像长子继承父亲的产业一样。 )

列王紀下 2:23 中的 "小男孩 "可能是青少年,而不是幼童。称以利沙为 "秃头 "是他们对神的先知表示不敬的方式。伯特利是北国偶像崇拜的中心。列王纪下的作者展示了神对这些拒绝神的先知,却崇拜偶像的青少年的审判。

从箴言 18 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"

In these chapters, attention moves from the prophet Elijah to his successor Elisha. The term “double portion” (2 Kings 2:9) comes from Jewish inheritance law. Elisha is asking to receive the double inheritance that belonged to the eldest son.

The “small boys” in 2 Kings 2:23 were probably teenagers, not young children. Calling Elisha a “baldhead” was their way of showing disrespect to God’s prophet. Bethel was the center of the Northern Kingdom’s idol worship. The author of 2 Kings shows God’s judgment on these idol-worshiping teenagers who rejected His prophet.

Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 18.



王下 4

 2 Kings 4

王下 5

 2 Kings 5

箴言 19

 Proverbs 19



从箴言 19 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"

Naaman was a commander in the Syrian army, the enemy of Israel. This story shows God’s mercy on anyone who comes to Him in faith, even a Syrian military officer.

Disciples make disciples. The servant girl (a slave) of Naaman’s wife testified to the power of Israel’s God to her mistress. Who can you tell about Jesus?

Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 19.





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?

有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?

有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?

有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?

有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow

30 Week 30 (7/24-7/30)



王下 6

 2 Kings 6

王下 7

 2 Kings 7

王下 8

 2 Kings 8

箴言 20

 Proverbs 20


请注意列王纪下 6:17,尽管以利沙的仆人看不到火马和火车,但它们却在场。门徒们相信, 即使我们看不到神的看顾,神也眼目未离并守护着我们。

从箴言第 20 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"

Even in a time of apostasy, God sent Elisha to bring His message to Israel. God was faithful to His people despite their rebellion.

Notice in 2 Kings 6:17 that the horses and chariots were present even though Elisha’s servant could not see them. Disciples trust that God is watching and guarding us even when we do not see His care.

Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 20.



王下 9

 2 Kings 9

王下 10

 2 Kings 10

王下 11

 2 Kings 11

箴言 21

 Proverbs 21

列王纪下 9-10 章显示了神对亚哈家的审判。虽然神是仁慈的,但祂也是圣洁的神,不能允许罪恶不受惩罚。当我们赞美歌颂祂的仁慈时,也绝不忘记祂的公义和圣洁。

耶户王的一生显示了部分顺服的危险(王下 10:31)。耶户在很多事情上顺服了神,但他没有 "全心全意 "地跟随神。一个真正的门徒是一个致力于完全顺服的人。真正的门徒尽心、 尽性、尽力、尽意地爱神。在你的生活中是否存在部分顺服的地方?你会全心全意地跟随神吗?

从箴言 21 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"

2 Kings 9-10 shows God’s judgment on the house of Ahab. Although God is merciful, He is a holy God who cannot allow sin to go unpunished. While we celebrate His mercy, we must never forget His justice and holiness.

The life of King Jehu shows the danger of partial obedience (2 Kings 10:31). Jehu obeyed God in many things, but he did not follow God “with all his heart.” A true disciple is a person who is committed to complete obedience. A true disciple loves God with all his heart, soul, strength, and mind. Are there areas of partial obedience in your life? Will you follow God with your whole heart?

Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 21.



王下 12

 2 Kings 12

王下 13

 2 Kings 13

历代志下 21

 2 Chron 21

箴言 22

 Proverbs 22

以色列和犹大被迫向亚兰(叙利亚)国王哈薛进贡,因为他们实力不够强,无法打败亚兰的军队。为什么叙利亚比以色列强大?(答案见王下 13:3)。

历代志下 21:7 关于神对其应许的信实有什么教导? 从箴言 22 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"

Israel and Judah were forced to pay tribute to Hazael, the king of Syria, because they were not strong enough to defeat Syria’s armies. Why was Syria stronger than Israel? (The answer is found in 2 Kings 13:3).

What does 2 Chronicles 21:7 teach about God’s faithfulness to His promises? Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 22.



代下 22

 2 Chron 22

代下 23

 2 Chron 23

代下 24

 2 Chron 24


 Obadiah

 Proverbs 23

历代志涵盖了与列王纪相同的材料。但历代志的重点在于犹大遵守宗教的情况,特别是圣殿的情况。约阿施受到忠心大祭司耶何耶大的影响,就一直忠于神(代下 24:1-16)。但是耶何耶大死后,约阿施离弃了神去侍奉偶像(代下 24:17-27)。

阅读历代记下 24:19。你看到神信实地警告祂的子民即将到来的审判吗? 俄巴底亚的信息是神对罪人的审判(1:15)和对顺服祂的人的怜悯(1:17)。 从箴言 23 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"

Chronicles covers the same material as Kings. But the Chronicler focused on Judah’s religious observance, especially the Temple. Joash was faithful to God as long as he was influenced by Jehoiada, the faithful High Priest (2 Chron 24:1-16). After Jehoiada died, Joash abandoned God and served idols (2 Chron 24:17-27).

Read 2 Chronicles 24:19. Do you see God’s faithfulness to warn His people of coming judgment?

The message of Obadiah is God’s judgment on sinners (1:15) and His mercy on those who obey Him (1:17).

Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 23.



列王纪下 14

 2 Kings 14

历代志下 25

 2 Chron 25

约拿 1

 Jonah 1

约拿 2

 Jonah 2

约拿 3

 Jonah 3

约拿 4

 Jonah 4


亚玛谢顺服了神,但 "心不专诚"(代下 25:2)。其结果是叛教离弃神(25:14)和军事上的失败。你有全心全意地侍奉神吗?


Jonah ministered during the reign of Jeroboam II. This was a time of great prosperity in Israel. Assyria (Nineveh) was the primary threat to Israel. Jonah did not want to preach to Nineveh because he hoped that God would destroy Israel’s enemy.

Amaziah obeyed God, but “not with a whole heart” (2 Chron 25:2). The result was apostasy (25:14) and military defeat. Do you serve God with a whole heart?

Jonah saw the people of Nineveh as enemies; God saw the people of Nineveh as souls to save. Do you see people of a different language, skin color, or religious background as enemies, or do you seem them as people who are loved by God? Disciples learn to see people through the eyes of our Heavenly Father.




 Amos 1

阿摩司书 2

 Amos 2

阿摩司书 3

 Amos 3

阿摩司书 4

 Amos 4

阿摩司书 5

 Amos 5

箴言 24

 Proverbs 24


当你阅读阿摩司书时,请画出 "耶和华如此说 "这句话。这句话肯定每个警告必实现,意味 着什么?

阅读神谴责以色列的罪孽清单。当今社会,哪些罪恶是常见的? 从箴言 24 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"

Amos was written in a time of prosperity. The long reigns of Uzziah in Judah and Jeroboam II in Israel show the political stability of this time. Economically, Israel was stronger than at any time since the reign of Solomon. However, it was a time of spiritual apostasy. Although Israel was enjoying prosperity, Amos warned that God would soon bring judgment. This judgment came through the armies of Assyria.

As you read Amos, highlight the phrase “Thus says the Lord.” What does this say about the sure fulfillment of each warning?

Read the list of sins for which God condemned Israel. Which of these sins are common in our society today?

Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 24.




What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?

有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?

有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?

有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?

有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

31 Week 31 (7/31-8/6)



阿摩司书 6

 Amos 6

阿摩司书 7

 Amos 7

阿摩司书 8

 Amos 8

阿摩司书 9

 Amos 9

箴言 25

 Proverbs 25

阿摩司 6:1-6 描述了富裕的以色列人,他们过着奢侈的生活,却无视神的律法要求。他们通过欺骗穷人来积累财富(8:4-6)。他们遵守律法的一部分(安息日),却忽视了其他部分(正义和怜悯)。这种描述与 21 世纪的世界相符吗?

阿摩司 7-9 章记录了一系列五个预言性的异象。






注意神在阿摩司书 9:11-15 中的祝福应许。神应许,当祂复兴自己的百姓时,审判将在 "那日 "被扭转。你在这本审判书的结尾看到了怜悯的信息吗?这如何改变你对阿摩司书的看法?

从箴言 25 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"

Amos 6:1-6 describes wealthy Israelites who lived in luxury while ignoring the demands of God’s law. They built their wealth by cheating the poor (8:4-6). They obeyed parts of the law (Sabbath) while ignoring other parts (justice and mercy). Does this description match the world of the 21st century?

Amos 7-9 records a series of five prophetic visions.
-The vision of a locust plague foretold the coming destruction. After Amos interceded for Israel, God relented.
-The vision of a fire consuming the Mediterranean Sea revealed the intensity of the coming judgment. Again, Amos interceded, and God relented.
-The vision of a plumb line illustrated Israel’s failure to live according to God’s standard of righteous judgment. This time, Amos no longer appealed for mercy.
-The vision of a basket of summer fruit warned that judgment was imminent. Summer fruit was the last of the harvest. Israel was ripe for judgment. There would be no delay. God had waited patiently, but Israel refused to repent.
-The vision of God standing beside the altar to announce judgment demonstrated His sovereignty. Israel could not escape judgment.

Notice God’s promise of blessing in Amos 9:11-15. God promised that His judgments would be reversed “in that day” when He restores His people. Do you see the message of mercy at the end of this book of judgment? How does this change your perception of the book of Amos?
Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 25.



历代志下 26

 2 Chron 26

何西阿书 1

 Hosea 1

何西阿书 2

 Hosea 2

何西阿书 3

 Hosea 3

何西阿书 4

 Hosea 4

箴言 26

 Proverbs 26


在以色列沦陷于亚述之前的几年里,何西阿发表预言。何西阿与歌篾的婚姻和他孩子的名字是他对北国发布审判的先知性信息的一部分。何西阿书中的 "以法莲 "一词是指北国。

何西阿书 2-3 章显示了神对以色列的挚爱和对以色列不忠的悲哀。当你受到犯罪的诱惑时, 要意识到你的罪会给神的心带来痛苦。让这个真理在面对诱惑时给你力量。

从箴言 26 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"

King Uzziah had a long and prosperous reign. But 2 Chronicles shows his unfaithfulness regarding Temple worship. Even a good king was judged when he disobeyed God’s commands.

Hosea prophesied during the years immediately before Israel’s fall to Assyria. Hosea’s marriage to Gomer and the names of his children are part of his prophetic message of judgment on the Northern Kingdom. The term “Ephraim” in Hosea refers to the Northern Kingdom.

Hosea 2-3 shows God’s love for Israel and His sorrow at Israel’s unfaithfulness. When you are tempted to sin, realize that your sin brings pain to the heart of God. Let this truth give you strength in the face of temptation.



何西阿书 5

 Hosea 5

何西阿书 6

 Hosea 6

何西阿书 7

 Hosea 7

何西阿书 8

 Hosea 8

何西阿书 9

 Hosea 9

箴言 27

 Proverbs 27

何西阿书第 5 章对以色列的三种形式的审判发出警告:

- 像虫蛀之物或朽烂之木一样的缓慢衰敗(5:12

- 像狮子袭击一样的突然毁灭(5:14

- 被神遗弃(5:15


在以色列离经叛道之后,你还会邀请她 "回来 ""得到医治 "吗(6:1 7:1)? 今天的经文对神关于罪的审判有什么教导? 今天的读经对神关于悔改的罪人的怜悯有什么教导?

从箴言 27 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"

Hosea 5 warns of three forms of judgment on Israel:

- Slow decay like a moth or dry rot (5:12)

- Sudden destruction like the attack of a lion (5:14)

- Abandonment by God (5:15)

Which of these three judgments is the worst? Why?

After Israel’s apostasy, would you invite her to “return” and “be healed” (6:1 and 7:1)? What does today’s reading teach about God’s judgment on sin? What does today’s reading teach about God’s mercy towards repentant sinners?

Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 27.



何西阿书 10

 Hosea 10

何西阿书 11

 Hosea 11

何西阿书 12

 Hosea 12

何西阿书 13

 Hosea 13

何西阿书 14

 Hosea 14

箴言 28

 Proverbs 28

神将以色列栽植成 "结果繁多的葡萄树",但她却转向别神(10:1)。由于她的罪,以色列将像被洪水冲走的 "树枝 "(註:出自英文圣经)一样灭亡(10:7)。罪把多产的葡萄树变成了枯枝。

听听神在何西阿书 10:12 中对复兴的呼吁。如果我们播种公义,我们将收获神坚定的慈爱。 如果我们寻求神,祂就会回应。

当你阅读何西阿书 11:1-4 时,默想神对祂的孩子的慈爱怜悯。作为一个新门徒,神是如何 "教导你行走 "祂的道路的? 关于门徒生活,神最近教给了你什么?

当你阅读何西阿书 14 章时,赞美神,因为祂应许修复所有悔改求告祂的人。你在生活中是如何经历神的怜悯和宽恕的?

从箴言 28 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"

God planted Israel as a “fruitful vine,” but she turned to other gods (10:1). Because of her sin, Israel will perish like a “twig” swept away in a flood (10:7). Sin turned the fruitful vine to a dead branch.

Listen to God’s call to revival in Hosea 10:12. If we sow righteousness, we will reap God’s steadfast love. If we seek God, He will answer.

As you read Hosea 11:1-4, meditate on God’s compassion towards His children. As a new disciple, how did God “teach you to walk” in His path? What has God taught you recently about the life of discipleship?

As you read Hosea 14, praise God for His promise to restore all who call on Him in repentance. How have you experienced God’s mercy and forgiveness in your life?

Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 28.



列王纪下 15

 2 Kings 15

王下 16

 2 Kings 16

历代志下 27

 2 Chron 27

箴言 29

 Proverbs 29


从箴言 29 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"

As you read these chapters, do you see the results of Israel’s sin? When have you seen the results of sin in your own life?

Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 29.



历代志下 28

 2 Chron 28

箴言 30

 Proverbs 30

箴言 31

 Proverbs 31


丈夫们,不要把箴言 31 章作为对你妻子的 "检查清单"。相反,要问:"我的妻子表现出了本 章中的哪些美德与品格?"

Ahaz, the king of Judah, saw the results of the Northern Kingdom’s apostasy, but he did not repent. Why do you think Ahaz refused to turn to God in spite of God’s judgment on Israel?

Husbands do not take Proverbs 31 as a “checklist” for your wife. Instead, ask, “What positive characteristics from this chapter does my wife demonstrate?”





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?

有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?

有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?

有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?

有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?