32 Week 32 (8/7-8/13)



以赛亚书 1

 Isaiah 1

以赛亚书 2

 Isaiah 2

诗篇 73

 Psalm 73

以赛亚大约在公元前 740 680 年期间服事南国犹大。公元前 722 年北国落入亚述手中时,他正在传道。在以赛亚书 1-35 章中,先知对亚述即将到来的攻击发出警告;在以赛亚书 40-66 章中,以赛亚展望了未来。他预言犹大将流亡巴比伦;他保證神肯定会带祂的子民回家;他期待着弥赛亚降临。

阅读以赛亚书 1:18-20 时,请注意神赐福祂子民的条件是什么?

诗篇 73 篇是一首 "智慧诗",它将应该有的(义人应蒙福兴旺)与实际有的(却是恶人富裕 安逸)进行了对比。诗人是如何找到百思不解的答案呢?(请阅读诗篇 73:16-17 可以得到 答案。)即使是门徒也很难理解恶人何以成功富裕?灵性成熟的一部分就是即使在困难时, 也会学习信任神的良善。

Isaiah ministered to Judah from approximately 740-680 B.C. He was preaching in 722 B.C. when the Northern Kingdom fell to Assyria. In Isaiah 1-35, the prophet warns of Assyria’s coming attacks. In Isaiah 40-66, Isaiah looks to the future. He foretells Judah’s exile in Babylon; he promises that God will bring His people home; and he looks forward to the coming of the Messiah.

Read Isaiah 1:18-20. What are God’s conditions for blessing His people?

Psalm 73 is a “wisdom psalm” that contrasts what should be (blessings on the righteous) with what is (prosperity for the wicked). How does the psalmist find an answer to his search for understanding? (Read Ps 73:16-17 for an answer.) Even disciples struggle to understand the prosperity of the wicked. Part of spiritual maturity is learning to trust in God’s goodness even in difficult times.



以赛亚书 3

 Isaiah 3

以赛亚书 4

 Isaiah 4

以赛亚书 5

 Isaiah 5

以赛亚书 6

 Isaiah 6

以赛亚书 7

 Isaiah 7

诗篇 74

 Psalm 74

以赛亚书 3-4 章展示了先知信息的两个方面,即审判和盼望。他在 3:1-4:1 宣讲审判,在4:2-6 传讲未来应许的祝福。以赛亚的信息在他的时代很重要,在我们的时代也很重要。当你阅读以赛亚书时,请寻找他对我们今天世界所发的信息。

列出以赛亚书 5 章中的 "祸患"。这些问题中哪些也是我们当今的社会问题? 请注意以赛亚书 6:1-8 中的进程。

你在经文中看见了神启示的圣洁吗? 你承认了自己的罪和不洁吗? 神是否已经除去了你的罪孽? 你是否回应了祂对工人的呼召?

你经历过诗篇 74:1 中描述的痛苦吗?如果是这样,你可以将诗篇 74 篇当作祈求上帝伸张正义的祷告来阅读。你不需要为被错待而寻求个人的报复;你可以将自己的一切理由托付给神并信靠祂的公义。

Isaiah 3-4 demonstrates two aspects of the prophet’s message, judgment and hope. He preaches judgment in 3:1-4:1; he promises future blessing in 4:2-6. Isaiah’s message was important in Isaiah’s day, and it is important in our day. As you read Isaiah, look for his message for our world today.

List the “woes” in Isaiah 5. Which of these issues are problems in our society today? Notice the progression in Isaiah 6:1-8.

Have you seen God’s holiness revealed in scripture? Have you confessed your sin and uncleanness?

Has God taken away your guilt?

Have you responded to His call for workers?

Have you ever experienced the pain described in Psalm 74:1? If so, you can read Psalm 74 as a prayer asking God for justice. You do not need to seek personal revenge for wrongs; you can trust your cause to God and His justice.



以赛亚书 8

 Isaiah 8

以赛亚书 9

 Isaiah 9


 Isaiah 10


 Isaiah 11


 Isaiah 12

诗篇 75

 Psalm 75

默想以赛亚书 9:6。这些名字中哪些与你今天的需要有关?你需要一位 奇妙策士 来引导你做出明智的决定吗?你需要一位全能的神 的大能保护吗?你需要一位关心你的 永在的父吗?你需要一位 和平的君在你的生活中带来正义与和睦吗?请相信,神是满足你每一个需要的那一位!

注意以赛亚书 12:1 在那日 一词,对那些悔改的人来说,神的审判有一天会转为安慰。 读完诗篇 75 篇后,列出神在你生命中所行的三件奇妙作为

Meditate on Isaiah 9:6. Which of these names speak to your needs today? Do you need a “Wonderful Counselor” to guide you to wise decisions? Do you need a “Mighty God” of power to defend you? Do you need an “Everlasting Father” who cares for you? Do you need a “Prince of Peace” to bring justice and reconciliation in your life? Trust God as the One who meets your every need!

Notice the phrase “in that day” in Isaiah 12:1. To those who repent, God’s judgment will someday turn to comfort.

After reading Psalm 75, make a list of three “wondrous deeds” that God has done in your life.



列王纪下 17

 2 Kings 17

列王纪下 18

 2 Kings 18

诗篇 76

 Psalm 76

诗篇 77

 Psalm 77

列王纪下 17 章记录了北国的灭亡。这场浩劫的原因是以色列悖逆神,并拒绝听从先知的警告(17:7-18)。

如果你住在南国犹大,你对北国的毁灭会有何反应?这场悲剧会使你悔改转向神吗? 为什么记住神的奇妙作为如此重要?在困难时,我们可以通过回忆神过去的拯救作为而找到希望。

2 Kings 17 records the destruction of the Northern Kingdom. The reason for this disaster was Israel’s rebellion against God and her refusal to heed the prophets’ warnings (17:7-18).

If you lived in Judah, how would you respond to the destruction of the Northern Kingdom? Would this tragedy cause you to turn to God in repentance?

Why is it so important to remember God’s wondrous deeds? In times of trouble, we can find hope by remembering God’s past deeds of deliverance.



列王纪下 19

 2 Kings 19

诗篇 78

 Psalm 78

阅读希西家的信心祷告。你需要将什么问题 摊在耶和华面前(王下 19:14)?

对于犹太民族,回忆过去是将信仰传递给子女的重要方式。诗篇 78 篇既给出了积极的教训(神对祂的子民的关怀),也给出了消极的警告(祂对罪的审判)。 父母们,根据你自己与神同行的经历,想一想你们可以与孩子分享的三个教训。门徒们努力将他们的信仰传递给下一代。

Read Hezekiah’s prayer of trust. What problem do you need to “spread before the Lord?” (2 Kings 19:14)

For the Jewish people, remembering the past was an important way of passing the faith to their children. Psalm 78 gives both positive lessons (God's care for His people) and negative warnings (God’s judgment on sin). Parents, think of three lessons you can share with your children based on your own walk with God. Disciples work to pass their faith to the next generation.




 2 Kings 20

以赛亚书 13

 Isaiah 13

以赛亚书 14

 Isaiah 14

诗篇 79

 Psalm 79

诗篇 80

 Psalm 80

以赛亚书 13-23 章包括了针对犹大周围国家的预言。这些预言表明,耶和华并不是一个 地方神。与其他古代的神明不同,耶和华是万国的神。

诗篇 79 篇教导我们,当神审判那些悖逆祂的国家时,祂的名得到了尊荣。即使是审判也会给神带来荣耀。

诗篇 80 篇请求神成为牧人,好将祂的羊群从敌国手中拯救出来。想一想神在那三方面是你的牧者,花点时间感谢祂的照顾。

Isaiah 13-23 includes prophecies against nations surrounding Judah. These prophecies show that Jehovah is not a “local deity.” Unlike other ancient gods. Jehovah is God of all nations.

Psalm 79 teaches that God’s name is honored when He judges the nations who rebel against Him. Even judgment brings glory to God.

Psalm 80 asks God to be the Shepherd who delivers His flock from enemy nations. Think of three ways in which God is your Shepherd. Take time to thank Him for His care.





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?
有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?
有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

33 Week 33 (8/14-8/20)



弥迦书 1

 Micah 1

弥迦书 2

 Micah 2

弥迦书 3

 Micah 3

弥迦书 4

 Micah 4

弥迦书 5

 Micah 5

弥迦书 6

 Micah 6

弥迦书 7

 Micah 7


弥迦书 6:8 对旧约的法律做了一个总结。律法可以概括为三种基本态度:公义、怜悯和谦卑。用弥迦书 6:8 来衡量你的生活:

你对待他人公正吗? 你对穷人有怜悯吗? 你存谦卑顺服的心,与神同行吗?

Like Isaiah, Micah prophesied in the years just before the fall of the Northern Kingdom. Micah saw the destruction of the Northern Kingdom by Assyria. He also saw God deliver King Hezekiah and Jerusalem from the Assyrians.

Micah 6:8 gives a summary of Old Testament law. The law can be summarized in three fundamental attitudes: justice, mercy, and humility. Use Micah 6:8 to measure your life:

Do you treat others with justice? Do you show mercy to the poor?

Do you walk in humble obedience with God?



历代志下 29

 2 Chronicles29

代下 30

 2 Chron 30

代下 31

 2 Chron 31

代下 32

 2 Chron 32

希西家没有为犹大的苦难责怪神,他认识到神是一位公义的神(代下 29:3-10),正因为如此,希西家很快就因犹大的罪孽而忏悔。当你读到希西家悔改的信息时,问自己:我对罪有这样的恨恶吗?我是否像希西家看待犹大的罪那样认真地看待自己的罪?

由于犹大多年没有守逾越节了,人民没有达到律法上所有礼仪的要求。然而,神看到了他们的心,接受了他们讨祂喜悦的渴望(29:18-20)。当神看着你的心时,祂看到了什么? 祂是否看見一颗愿意顺服的心?

Hezekiah does not blame God for Judah’s troubles; he recognizes that God is a just God (2 Chron 29:3-10). Because of this, Hezekiah is quick to repent of Judah’s sin. As you read Hezekiah’s message of repentance, ask, “Do I have such a hatred of sin? Do I see my sin as seriously as Hezekiah saw Judah’s sin?”

Because Judah had not observed Passover in many years, the people did not meet all the ceremonial requirements of the Law. However, God saw their hearts and accepted their desire to please Him (2 Chron 29:18-20). What does God see when He looks at your heart? Does He see a heart of willing obedience?



以赛亚书 15

 Isaiah 15

以赛亚书 16

 Isaiah 16

以赛亚书 17

 Isaiah 17

以赛亚书 18

 Isaiah 18

以赛亚书 19

 Isaiah 19

以赛亚书 20

 Isaiah 20

以赛亚书 21

 Isaiah 21

诗篇 81

 Psalm 81

这几章的默示是针对以色列邻国的审判。以赛亚宣布神对摩押、大马士革、埃塞俄比亚(译注:古实)、埃及、巴比伦、以东和阿拉伯的审判。耶和华不是一个地方性的神。在以赛亚书 6:1 被高举受尊崇的神对万国都有主权。

以赛亚书 17:7-8 期待着有一天所有国家的人都会转向真神。你相信神还是相信(你)手所做的门徒们要学会信任上帝的应许

阅读以赛亚书 19:19-22。神审判的目的是为了把人带到神面前。 当神把管教带入你的生活时,你是在悔改中向祂呼求,还是会以叛逆和愤怒回应?

在诗篇第 81 篇中,划出神给予那些跟随祂的人的每一个应许。请注意神想赐给祂的孩子的美妙礼物。

These chapters are judgment oracles against Israel’s neighbors. Isaiah announces God’s judgment on Moab, Damascus, Ethiopia, Egypt, Babylon, Edom, and Arabia. Jehovah is not a local god. The God who was “high and lifted up” in Isa 6:1 is sovereign over all nations.

Isaiah 17:7-8 looks forward to the day when the people of all nations will turn to the true God. Do you trust God or do you trust in the “work of (your) hands?” Disciples learn to trust God’s promises.

Read Isaiah 19:19-22. The purpose of God’s judgment is to bring others to God. When God brings discipline into your life, do you cry out to Him in repentance or do you react in rebellion and anger?

In Psalm 81, highlight each promise that God gives to those who follow Him. Notice the wonderful gifts that God wants to give His children.



以赛亚书 22

 Isaiah 22

以赛亚书 23

 Isaiah 23

以赛亚书 24

 Isaiah 24

以赛亚书 25

 Isaiah 25

诗篇 82

 Psalm 82

诗篇 83

 Psalm 83

以赛亚审判宣告的高潮是神宣布必惩罚全地(24 章)。有一天,神将统治所有国家。作为基督徒,应觉得受激励,因你是在胜利的一方!

读以赛亚书 25:8,然后读启示录 21 章。启示录应验了以赛亚的应许,神将 吞灭死亡直 到永远。正因为有这个盼望,无论今天面临什么困难,我们都能充满信心地生活。由于这个应许,我们可以因祂的救恩欢喜快乐25:9)。

The culmination of Isaiah’s judgment speeches is his announcement that God will judge the whole earth (Isa 24). God will someday rule all nations. As a Christian, be encouraged – you are on the winning side!

Read Isaiah 25:8 and then read Revelation 21. Revelation fulfills Isaiah’s promise that God will “swallow up death forever”. Because of this hope, we can live in confidence regardless of the difficulties we face today. Because of this promise, we can “be glad and rejoice in his salvation” (25:9).



以赛亚书 26

 Isaiah 26

以赛亚书 27

 Isaiah 27

以赛亚书 28

 Isaiah 28

以赛亚书 29

 Isaiah 29

诗篇 84

 Psalm 84

请注意以赛亚书 26:3 中十分平安的条件。神将平安赐给那些:



由于以色列人拒绝顺从神,神审判他们,把美好的教导变得混乱(赛 28:9-13)。当我们拒绝回应真理时,祂可能会把明亮的变成晦暗的(见马太福音 13:13-15)。

倒退的一个标志就是我们 用嘴唇尊敬祂,而不是从心里顺服祂(赛 29:13-14)。你侍奉神是发自内心,还是仅仅有外在的仪式?

诗篇 84 篇是诗人渴望花时间在神面前的美妙见证。你在神的面前有这种喜乐吗?你能说:我羡慕渴想耶和华的院宇 吗?

Notice the conditions of perfect peace in Isaiah 26:3. God gives peace to those:

-Who keep their mind fixed firmly on Him

-Who trust in God

Because Israel refused to obey God, He judged them by turning good teaching into confusion (Isa 28:9-13). When we refuse to respond to truth, He may turn light to darkness (see also Matt 13:13-15).

One sign of backsliding is when we “honor Him with their lips” but do not obey Him from the heart (Isa 29:13-14). Do you serve God from the heart, or with outward observance alone?

Psalm 84 is a wonderful testimony to the psalmist’s desire to spend time in God’s presence. Do you have this kind of joy in God’s presence? Can you say, “My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the Lord”?



以赛亚书 30

 Isaiah 30

以赛亚书 31

 Isaiah 31

以赛亚书 32

 Isaiah 32

以赛亚 33

 Isaiah 33

诗篇 85

 Psalm 85

在以赛亚书 30-31 中,先知给了犹大两个选择。






以赛亚书 32:17 是神对平安的美丽应许。默想这个应许,并问:在公义正直中,我是否找到了平静和信靠

在以赛亚书 33 章,高举(尊崇,兴起) 一词出现了两次。当神被高举的时候,结果是什么?祂用公平和公义包围祂的子民。祂给予安稳、救恩、智慧和知识(33:5-6)。作为基督徒,我们如何通过我们的生活来高举神?

In Isaiah 30-31, the prophet gives Judah two choices.

-She can trust in an alliance with Egypt (30:1-2).

-She can trust in God (30:15). Notice the results of each choice.

-Trusting in Egypt will lead to shame and humiliation (30:3).

-Trusting in God will bring rest and salvation (30:15).

Isaiah 32:17 is a beautiful promise of God’s peace. Meditate on this promise and ask, “Am I finding quietness and trust” in righteousness?

In Isaiah 33, the word “exalted” appears twice. What are the results when God is exalted? He surrounds His people with justice and righteousness. He gives stability, salvation, wisdom, and knowledge (33:5-6). How can we as Christians exalt God through our lives?





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?

有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?

有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?

有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?

有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

34 Week 34 (8/21-8/27)



以赛亚书 34

 Isaiah 34

以赛亚书 35

 Isaiah 35

以赛亚书 36

 Isaiah 36

以赛亚书 37

 Isaiah 37

诗篇 86

 Psalm 86

划出以赛亚书 35 章中的每个应许。选择一个在你新的一周里需要的应许,每天回顾一下这个应许。

以赛亚书 36-39 章是一段历史插曲,重复了列王纪下 18-20 章的事件。通过希西家的一 生,以赛亚 36-37 章说明了以赛亚 28-35 章的信息:对上帝有信心必带来祝福。

读希西家在以赛亚书 37:14-20 中祈求拯救的祷告。他祷告的关键是第 20 节:神必因拯救 犹大脱离仇敌而得荣耀。

与以赛亚书 37 章一样,诗篇 86 章也是祈求解救的祷告。与以赛亚书一样,诗人肯定地说神将因拯救祂的子民而获得荣耀(诗篇 867-9)。

诗篇 86:11 是为一颗专一的心所作的美丽祈祷。耶和华啊,求你将你的道指教我;我要照你的真理行;求你使我专心敬畏你的名!” “专心 是指 使我的心专一门徒祈求有一颗尽心尽性尽力爱神的心。

Highlight each promise in Isaiah 35. Choose a promise that speaks to your needs for this new week. Each day, review the promise.

Isaiah 36-39 is a historical interlude, repeating the events of 2 Kings 18-20. Through the life of Hezekiah, Isaiah 36-37 illustrates the message of Isaiah 28-35: faith in God brings blessing.

Read Hezekiah’s prayer for deliverance in Isaiah 37:14-20. The key to his prayer is verse 20: God will receive the glory for delivering Judah from her enemy.

Like Isaiah 37, Psalm 86 is a prayer for deliverance. As in Isaiah, the psalmist promises that God will receive glory for delivering His people (Ps 86:7-9).

Psalm 86:11 is a beautiful prayer for an undivided heart. “Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.” “Unite my heart” means to “make my heart one.” A disciple prays for a heart that loves God completely.



以赛亚书 38

 Isaiah 38

以赛亚书 39

 Isaiah 39

列王纪下 21

 2 Kings 21

王下 22

 2 Kings 22

诗篇 87

 Psalm 87

以赛亚书 38-39 章为以赛亚书 40-55 章提供了历史背景;希西家的愚蠢将导致犹大被流放到巴比伦。

以赛亚书 39 章是一个发人深省的警告。希西家因其骄傲,向巴比伦使节展示了犹大的财富。希西家没有荣耀上帝,而是夸耀自己的成就。以赛亚警告说:巴比伦总有一天会回来,带走你向这些使节展示的一切

上帝回应了希西家的祷告,又给了他 15 年的寿命。然而,列王纪下 21 章讲述了这个故事的悲惨续集。在这十五年里,希西家生了一个儿子玛拿西,他成为犹大最邪恶的国王。他是给犹大带来神最后审判的王。

希西家在以赛亚书 37 章中祈求拯救的祷告和在以赛亚书 38 章中祈求长寿的祷告有什么不同?区别在于他的动机。在以赛亚书 37 章中,希西家寻求神的荣耀。在以赛亚书 38 章 中,希西家寻求自己的利益。以神的荣耀为动机的祷告带来了祝福。以个人欲望为动机的祷告则给国家带来灾难。当你祷告时,你是寻求神的荣耀还是你自己的欲望?

Isaiah 38-39 provides the historical context for Isaiah 40-55; Hezekiah’s folly will lead to

Judah’s exile in Babylon.

Isaiah 39 is a sobering warning. In his pride, Hezekiah displays Judah’s wealth to the Babylonian envoys. Instead of honoring God, Hezekiah boasts of his own achievements. Isaiah warns, “Babylon will someday return to carry away all that you have shown these envoys.”

God answered Hezekiah’s prayer and gave him fifteen more years to live. However, 2 Kings 21 tells the sad sequel to this story. During those fifteen years, Hezekiah fathered a son, Manasseh, who became the most wicked of Judah’s kings. He is the king who brought God’s final judgment on Judah.

What is the difference between Hezekiah’s prayer for deliverance in Isaiah 37 and his prayer for a longer life in Isaiah 38? The difference is his motivation. In Isaiah 37, Hezekiah sought God’s glory. In Isaiah 38, Hezekiah sought his own good benefit. A prayer motivated by God’s glory brought blessing. A prayer motivated by personal desire brought disaster on the nation. When you pray, do you seek God’s glory or your own desires?



王下 23

 2 Kings 23

王下 24

 2 Kings 24

王下 25

 2 Kings 25

诗篇 88

 Psalm 88

约西亚复兴的故事表明,即使在玛拿西统治下背道而驰 55 年之后,复兴还是可能的。神是一位不轻易发怒的神,祂回应祂子民的呼求。

从列王纪下 22 章,我们知道约西亚的复兴是由于重新发现神的律法而受到启发。教会历史学家已经认识到,每一次伟大的复兴都是从学习和应用神的话语开始的。你是否将你的生活建立在神的话语之上?

犹大的沦陷显示了罪的可怕后果。圣经和经验都告诉我们,罪的快乐是短暂的,但罪的后果却是长久的。犹大将因为她的罪而遭受几十年的流亡。当你阅读列王纪下 24-25 章时, 会意识到罪永远不值得所付出的代价。

诗篇 88 篇是圣经中最黑暗的诗篇。它是唯一没有任何赞美音符的诗篇。当我们想起犹太人看着耶路撒冷淪陷时的痛苦,读诗篇 88 篇是最恰当不过了。在这首诗中描述的黑暗日子里,你能信靠神吗?

The story of Josiah’s revival shows that revival was possible even after fifty-five years of apostasy under Manasseh. God is a longsuffering God who responds to the cry of His people.

From 2 Kings 22, we know that Josiah’s revival was inspired by a rediscovery of God’s Law. Church historians have recognized that every great revival has begun with the study and application of God’s Word. Are you grounding your life on God’s Word?

The fall of Judah shows the terrible results of sin. Both Scripture and experience teach that the pleasures of sin are brief, but the effects of sin are long. Judah will suffer decades in exile as a result of her sin. As you read 2 Kings 24-25, realize that sin is never worth what it costs.

Psalm 88 is the darkest psalm in the Bible. It is the only psalm without a single note of praise. It is appropriate to read Psalm 88 as we remember the pain of the Jewish people watching the fall of Jerusalem. Can you trust God in dark days described in this psalm?



历代志下 33

 2 Chronicles33

代下 34

 2 Chron 34

代下 35

 2 Chron 35

代下 36

 2 Chron 36

今天的章节讲述了玛拿西令人惊讶的悔改的故事。尽管玛拿西悖逆了 55 年,神还是向一个悔改的国王施出怜悯。当你阅读这一章时,默想一下神的奇妙恩典。


- 审判的信息见于历代志下 36:17-21。犹大的失败是由于她不听从神的命令。490 年来,犹大没有遵守安息日。在审判中,神让犹大被掳七十年。

- 盼望的信息见于历代志下 36:22-23。即使在审判中,神也没有忘记祂的子民,而是应许要把祂的子民带回耶路撒冷。

Today’s reading tells the surprising story of Manasseh’s repentance. In spite of Manasseh’s fifty-five years of rebellion, God showed mercy on a repentant king. As you read this chapter, meditate on God’s amazing grace.

The book of 2 Chronicles ends with messages of judgment and of hope:

- The message of judgment is seen in 2 Chron 36:17-21. Judah’s defeat resulted from her disobedience to God’s commands. For 490 years, Judah failed to observe the Sabbath. In judgment, God sent Judah into seventy years of captivity.

- The message of hope is seen in 2 Chron 36:22-23. Even in judgment, God did not forget His people but promised to bring His people back to Jerusalem.



以赛亚书 40

 Isaiah 40

以赛亚书 41

 Isaiah 41

以赛亚书 42

 Isaiah 42

以赛亚书 43

 Isaiah 43

以赛亚书的第一部分(1-35 章)着重于神对犹大的审判。以赛亚书的最后一部分(40-66章)着重于未来复兴的盼望,这些章节给神的子民带来安慰。盼望的信息既是当时的(被掳归回),也是未来的(应许将来临的弥赛亚)。

以赛亚书 40-44 章中出现了八次 不要害怕 的命令。划出每一次出现的经节,并列出神的儿女不必害怕的理由。

The first section of Isaiah (1-35) focuses on God’s judgment on Judah. The final section of Isaiah (40-66) focuses on the future hope of restoration. These chapters bring comfort to God’s people. The message of hope is both immediate (the return from exile) and future (the promise of a coming Messiah).

The command “fear not” appears eight times in Isaiah 40-44. Highlight each appearance and list reasons that God’s children need not fear.



以赛亚书 44

 Isaiah 44

以赛亚书 45

 Isaiah 45

以赛亚书 46

 Isaiah 46

以赛亚书 47

 Isaiah 47

以赛亚书 48

 Isaiah 48



以赛亚书 47 章中的审判信息与贯穿以赛亚书 40-66 章中的安慰信息怎么会相符合的呢?( 提示:注意本章中在被审判。)

Notice the promises in today’s reading. Choose one promise to claim for your present situation.

Isaiah contrasts the false gods Judah will carry into exile (Isa 46:1-2) with Jehovah, who want to carry His people in safety and security (Isa 46:3-4). Do you carry your gods (the things in which you trust) or do you trust God to carry you?

How does the message of judgment in Isaiah 47 fit with the message of comfort that pervades Isaiah 40-66? (Clue: notice who is being judged in this chapter.)





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?
有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?
有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

35 Week 35 (8/28-9/3)



以赛亚书 49

 Isaiah 49

以赛亚书 50

 Isaiah 50

以赛亚书 51

 Isaiah 51

以赛亚书 52

 Isaiah 52

以赛亚书 53

 Isaiah 53

以赛亚书 54

 Isaiah 54

当你读以赛亚书 49:15-16 时,要认识到神对你的爱有多深。妇人焉会忘记她的孩子吗?

当然不会! 神已经 将你铭刻在掌上。想到神是多么爱你,为此欢呼吧!

以赛亚书 51:12-13 说,当我们忘记了耶和华照顾我们的承诺时,就会害怕。门徒们有一 个美妙的特权,就是可以将我们的恐惧交给神。今天你害怕什么?你能把你的恐惧托付给神吗?

默想以赛亚书 53 章中受苦的弥赛亚形象。记住,耶稣为你承受了这一切。为祂的牺牲之爱感谢祂。

As you read Isa 49:15-16, recognize how deeply God loves you. Could a woman forget her child? Of course not! God has “engraved you on the palms of my hands.” Rejoice to think how much God loves you.

Isa 51: 12-13 says that we fear when we forget Yahweh’s promise to care for us. Disciples have the wonderful privilege of giving our fears to God. What do you fear today? Can you trust God with your fears?

Meditate on Isaiah 53 with its picture of the suffering Messiah. Remember that Jesus suffered all this for you. Thank Him for His sacrificial love.



以赛亚书 55

 Isaiah 55

那鸿书 1

 Nahum 1

那鸿书 2

 Nahum 2

那鸿书 3

 Nahum 3

以赛亚书 56

 Isaiah 56

以赛亚书 57

 Isaiah 57

以赛亚书 58

 Isaiah 58

以赛亚书 55:1-3 提供了以赛亚的伟大 邀请 之一。阅读这些经文,并对神亲切的邀请作出回应。你的心灵是否饥渴?来喝祂的活水吧!

如果你与不信的朋友或家人分享了神的话语,以赛亚书 55:10-11 给了这样的承诺:神的话语决不徒然返回。你是否愿意继续祷告和分享,并确信神会在人们心中做祂的工作吗?

尽管亚述的首都尼尼微在约拿的传教下转向了神,但她的改变是暂时的。公元前 722 年,亚述征服了以色列的北国。结果,那鸿警告说,神将审判亚述,尼尼微必要倾覆。 当你阅读这本短书时,请记住,神的审判是确定无疑的。

以赛亚书 58 章将空洞的禁食与遵守真实宗教的安息日进行对比。真正的禁食是出于谦卑而不是骄傲。真正的遵守安息日是因 "以耶和华为乐 "所激发的。

Isaiah 55:1-3 offers one of Isaiah’s great “invitations.” Read these verses and respond to God’s gracious invitation. Are you spiritually thirsty? Drink of His living water.

If you have shared God’s Word with an unbelieving friend or family member, Isa 55:10-11 gives this promise: “God’s Word will not return empty.” Will you continue to pray and share in confidence that God will do His work in the hearts of people?

Although Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, turned to God under the preaching of Jonah, her change of heart was temporary. In 722 B.C., Assyria conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel. As a result, Nahum warned that God would judge Assyria. Nineveh would be overthrown. As you read this short book, remember that God’s judgments are sure.

Isaiah 58 contrasts empty fasts and Sabbath observance with true religion. True fasts are inspired by humility rather than pride. True Sabbath observance is inspired by “delight in the Lord.”



以赛亚书 59

 Isaiah 59

以赛亚书 60

 Isaiah 60

以赛亚书 61

 Isaiah 61

以赛亚书 62

 Isaiah 62

以赛亚书 63

 Isaiah 63

以赛亚书 64

 Isaiah 64

在生活中你需要神的帮助吗?以赛亚书 59:1 给了一个美好的应许:神要听见,要拯救祂的子民。但以赛亚书 59:2-13 警告说:如果我们坚持故意不顺从,祂就不会听我们的呼求

以赛亚书 60-62 章展望了以色列光明的未来,有一天,神的 荣耀要显现在你身上。当你阅读这些章节时,请记住,以赛亚是写给那些很快就会流亡到巴比伦的子民。但在这些黑暗的日子里,先知看到了未来,那时神将拯救祂的子民,以及 万国要来就你的光。即使在审判中,神也没有忘记祂的子民。

路加福音 4:18-19 表明耶稣实现了以赛亚书 61:1-2 的应许。你是否贫穷、伤心、被掳, 还是处于哀悼之中?耶稣提供了安慰和帮助。如果你生活在与耶稣的美好关系中,今天就可以支取祂的应许。

Do you need God’s help in your life? Isaiah 59:1 gives a beautiful promise that “God wants to hear and to save His people.” But Isaiah 59:2-13 warns, “If we persist in willful disobedience, he will not hear our cries for help.”

Isaiah 60-62 looks to a bright future for Israel, a day when God’s “glory will be seen upon you.” As you read these chapters, remember that Isaiah is writing to people who will soon be exiles in Babylon. But in these dark days, the prophet sees a future when God will deliver His people and when “nations shall come to your light.” Even in judgment, God does not forget His people.

Luke 4:18-19 shows that Jesus fulfilled the promise of Isaiah 61:1-2. Are you poor, brokenhearted, captive, or in mourning? Jesus offers comfort and help. If you are living in relationship with Jesus, you can claim His promise today.



以赛亚书 65

 Isaiah 65

以赛亚书 66

 Isaiah 66

西番雅书 1

 Zephaniah 1

西番雅书 2

 Zephaniah 2

西番雅书 3

 Zephaniah 3

以赛亚书的结尾是一个选择。以赛亚对公元前 8 世纪的犹大(以及对 21 世纪的人们)说:你的人生道路决定了你最终的命运

- 那些响应神呼召的人将享受 新天新地65:17-25)。

- 那些坚持叛逆的人将受到 火焰的审判66:15-16)。

西番雅是在北国被亚述摧毁一个世纪之后,于约西亚统治时期传道。约西亚实行了许多改革,但许多人仍然悖逆神,西番雅宣布了 主的日子作为回应。耶和华的日子将是:

- 审判那些悖逆神的人的日子。

- 祝福那些跟随神的人的日子。

当你阅读西番雅书时,请划出 这个字。注意主的日子的两个方面:祝福的日子和愤怒的日子。

The book of Isaiah ends with a choice. To Judah in the 8th century BC (and to people in the 21st century), Isaiah says, “Your path in life determines your ultimate destiny.”

- Those who answer God’s call will enjoy “new heavens and a new earth” (65:17-25).

- Those who persist in rebellion will be judged “with flames of fire” (66:15-16).

Zephaniah preached during the reign of Josiah, a century after the Northern Kingdom was destroyed by Assyria. Josiah instituted many reforms, but many people continued to disobey God. In response, Zephaniah proclaimed “the Day of the Lord.” The Day of the Lord will be:

- A day of judgment on those who rebel against God.

- A day of blessing for those who follow God.

As you read Zephaniah, highlight the word “day.” Notice both aspects of the day of the

Lord: a day of blessing and a day of wrath.



使徒行传 17

 Acts 17

帖撒罗尼迦前书 1

 1Thessalonians 1

帖前 2

 1 Thess 2

帖前 3

 1 Thess 3

帖前 4

 1 Thess 4

使徒行传 17 章讲述了帖撒罗尼迦教会的建立。保罗和西拉只讲了几个星期的道,就被赶出了城。保罗写了帖撒罗尼迦前书和后书来回答这些新信徒的问题。他们最大的问题之一是关于耶稣的第二次降临。帖撒罗尼迦前书的每一章都提到了这个话题。保罗写信是为了澄清他们对耶稣再来的误解。


划出帖撒罗尼迦前书 4-5 章中圣洁生活的特质。神呼召我们成为圣洁,而不是污秽。当 你阅读保罗对圣洁生活的描述时,求神加强你的圣洁生活。在这些品质中,你需要在哪些方面成长?

Acts 17 tells of the founding of the church in Thessalonica. Paul and Silas preached for only a few weeks before being driven out of the city. Paul wrote 1 and 2 Thessalonians to answer questions for these new converts. One of their biggest questions concerned the second coming of Jesus. Every chapter of 1 Thessalonians mentions this topic. Paul wrote to clarify their understanding of Jesus’ return.

Notice Paul’s joy because of the faith of the Christians in Thessalonica. Paul risked danger to bring the gospel to the city. He rejoices as he hears positive reports of their continuing faith. He rejoices to see that the seed he planted is bearing fruit in their life. Recall the person who first brought the gospel to you. Write a note to thank them for investing in your life.

Highlight the qualities of a holy life in 1 Thessalonians 4-5. God calls us to holiness, not to impurity. As you read Paul’s description of a holy life, pray that God will strengthen you for holy living. In which of these qualities do you need to grow?



帖前 5

 1 Thess 5

帖撒罗尼迦后书 1

 2 Thess 1

帖后 2

 2 Thess 2

帖后 3

 2 Thess 3

使徒行传 18

 Acts 18



与启示录一样,帖撒罗尼迦后书没有告诉我们基督何时再来,而是提醒,你们应该如何生活,直到祂再来。在祂来之前,要站立得稳(帖后 2:15)。

今天阅读使徒行传 18 章,为下周阅读哥林多前书和后书做准备。保罗离开雅典后立即前往哥林多。他花了 18 个月时间在哥林多这个著名的希腊城市讲道并建立教会。

After receiving Paul’s first letter, it appears that some readers in Thessalonica decided that since Jesus is returning, there was no need to work or plan for the future. Paul wrote a second letter to encourage these Christians to live faithful lives while waiting for the Lord’s return.

1 Thessalonians teaches, “Live in readiness for Christ’s return.” 2 Thessalonians teaches, “Remain faithful because we do not know when Christ will return.”

Like the Book of Revelation, 2 Thessalonians does not tell us when Christ will return. Instead, 2 Thessalonians says, “This is how you should live until he returns.” Until he comes, “stand firm” (2 Thess 2:15).

Read Acts 18 today in preparation for reading 1 and 2 Corinthians next week. Paul traveled to Corinth immediately after leaving Athens. He spent eighteen months preaching and establishing a church in Corinth, a prominent Greek city.





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?
有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?
有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?