36 Week 36 (9/4-9/10)



 使徒行传 19

 Acts 19

 哥林多前书 1

 1 Corinthians 1

 哥林多前书 2

 1 Cor 2

 哥林多前书 3

 1 Cor 3



根据哥林多前书 2:11-13,只有圣灵才能向我们启示圣经的全部真理。每天在读圣经之前,祈祷:神啊,求祢开我的眼睛,使我了解祢的话语。

有些人误解了保罗在哥林多前书 2 章的教导,他们说:保罗教导我们不用学习,只要让圣灵指教我们就行。保罗认为学习是很有价值的(提摩太后书 2:15),但是他明白真智慧和属世智慧的区别。哥林多人的属世智慧是让他们追逐荣誉、声望和地位。保罗的属神智慧是基于神通过十字架所彰显的爱。

门徒以永恒的视角生活。评估一下你是如何度过你的一生。看看你最大的成就,然后问问自己:“ 100 年后这会产生什么影响?我是用金子还是用禾秸在建造?3:10-15

The church at Corinth suffered from division, immorality, and lawsuits between believers. Paul contrasts two ways to try to solve church problems: the wisdom of man or the wisdom of God.

Why does the wisdom of God appear foolish to the world? In your life, what has happened when you have lived by man’s wisdom alone? What was the result when you lived by God’s wisdom?

According to 1 Cor 2:11-13, only the Holy Spirit can reveal to us the full truth of Scripture. Before reading the Bible each day, pray, “God, please open my eyes to your Word.”

Some people misinterpret Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 2. They say, “Paul teaches that we should not study, but simply let the Holy Spirit teach us.” Paul valued study (2 Tim 2:15), but he knew the difference between true wisdom and worldly wisdom. The worldly wisdom of the Corinthians sought glory, prestige, and position. The godly wisdom of Paul was based on God’s love shown through the cross.

A disciple lives with the perspective of eternity. Evaluate how you are spending your life. Look at your biggest accomplishments and ask, “What will be the impact of this in 100 years? Am I building with gold or with straw?” (3:10-15)



哥林多前书 4

 1 Cor 4

哥林多前书 5

 1 Cor 5

哥林多前书 6

 1 Cor 6

哥林多前书 7

 1 Cor 7

读哥林多前书 3 章时,我请你评价你生命中的成就。现在请做一件更困难的事,问一问:“将怎样判断我生命中的成就?我按照祂的旨意生活了吗?4:4-5

你们中间也有人从前是这样;但如今……已经洗净” (6:11) 。 想一想你认识基督以前的生活。当你来到基督面前,祂洗净了你的罪,你的生命显示出这种转化吗?

哥林多前书 6:19-20 的原则应该成为我们日常生活的指导。我们不属于自己;我们已经被神“买赎了。因此,必须以一种为上帝带来荣耀和尊崇的方式生活。

保罗在哥林多前书 7:25-26 中的教导常常引起困惑。请注意保罗给未婚人士提出的建议中的两个前提。

1) 保罗明确指出,这只是他个人的判断,而不是从神而来的命令

2) 保罗的建议仅限于当前的困境。显然,在哥林多有一些问题,促使保罗劝人们不要负担从婚姻而来的额外责任。有些学者认为那个时候有饥荒;其他学者认为这个苦难来自罗马人的迫害。

As you read 1 Corinthians 3, I asked you to evaluate your life’s accomplishments. Now do something even more difficult; ask, “How will God judge my life’s accomplishments? Am I living by His will?” (4:4-5)

“And such were some of you. But you were washed…” (6:11). Think of your life before Christ. When you came to Christ, He washed you from those sins. Does your life show this transformation?

The principle of 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 should guide our daily lives. We do not belong to ourselves; we have been “bought” by God. Because of this, we must live in a way that brings glory and honor to God.

Paul’s instruction in 1 Corinthians 7:25-26 has often caused confusion. Notice two limits that Paul puts on his advice to those who are unmarried.

1) Paul specifies that this is his personal judgment, not a “command from the Lord.”

2) Paul’s advice is limited to the “present distress.” Apparently, there were problems in Corinth that caused Paul to discourage people from the extra responsibilities associated with marriage. Some scholars believe it was a time of famine; others believe that the “distress” was persecution by the Romans.



林前 8

 1 Cor 8

林前 9

 1 Cor 9

林前 10

 1 Cor 10

林前 11

 1 Cor 11

哥林多前书 8:11-13 为基督徒提供了一个关键性的原则。因为爱加倍(agape无私的爱, 基督徒可以放弃一些自由去帮助软弱的弟兄。读一下哥林多前书 9 章,看看保罗在自己的生活中怎么运用这个原则。

默想哥林多前书 9:24-27 中运动员的形象。你是否忠心地奔跑基督徒的路程?你是否以一个运动员赛跑那样的强度努力跟随神?

门徒是效法基督的人。所以,门徒要能对其他人说:效法我,像我效法基督一样。门徒要带出门徒。用哥林多前书 10:31 来评估你的日常生活:我的言谈、态度、商业道德,我在其他人面前的榜样是否给神带来了荣耀?你可以对一位年轻的信徒说:效法我,像我效法基督一样” (11:1) 吗?

1 Corinthians 8:11-13 gives a vital principle for Christians. Because of agape love, a Christian will give up some freedoms to help a weaker brother. Read 1 Corinthians 9 to see how Paul applied this principle in his own life.

Meditate on the imagery of an athlete in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. Are you running the Christian race with faithfulness? Do you strive to follow God with the intensity of an athlete running a race?

A disciple is a person who is following Christ. So, a disciple can say to others, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” Disciples make disciples. Evaluate your daily life by 1 Cor 10:31: “Am I bringing glory to God with my talk, my attitudes, my business ethics, and my example in front of others?” Could you say to a young believer, “Follow me as I follow Christ”? (11:1)



林前 12

 1 Cor 12

林前 13

 1 Cor 13

林前 14

 1 Cor 14


大声朗读哥林多前书 13 章,在 4-7 节中把替换成你的名字(注:并在每个短句前加上 你的名字)。这些经节是否描述了你?如果不是,向神祈祷让你被祂的爱充满。我们不可能靠自己的力量创造出神圣的爱;而是必须让神的爱通过我们作工。

虽然一些哥林多的基督徒没有正确使用他们的恩赐,但是保罗并没有禁止使用属灵的恩赐。相反,他提醒读者,最大的恩赐是服事教会和荣耀神(14 章)。属灵恩赐不是属灵地位高低的证据,也不是给接受者的福利,属灵恩赐是用来建造基督的身体。

Every Christian is given a spiritual gift for serving the body of Christ. Do you know your spiritual gift? Are you using your gift to serve your local church? If not, please talk with your pastor to learn how you can serve your church.

Read 1 Corinthians 13 aloud, substituting your name for “love” or “it” in verses 4-7. Do these verses describe you? If not, pray that God will fill you with His love. We cannot create divine love in our own power; we must have God’s love working through us.

Though some of the Corinthian Christians were misusing their gifts, Paul does not forbid the use of spiritual gifts. Instead, he reminds his readers that the greatest gifts are those that serve the church and honor God (1 Cor 14). Spiritual gifts are not evidence of superior spiritual status, nor are they given for the benefit of the recipient. Spiritual gifts are given to build up the body of Christ.



林前 15

 1 Cor 15

林前 16

 1 Cor 16

哥林多后书 1

 2 Cor 1




One reason for meditating on our future resurrection and life in heaven is to encourage us to faithfulness now (15:58). Does the promise of eternal life encourage you to serve God more faithfully today?

After sending 1 Corinthians, Paul visited Corinth to address the church’s problems. Many of the members repented, but a few continued to reject Paul’s message. In response, Paul wrote 2 Corinthians to defend the legitimacy of his ministry and to bring the rebellious members to repentance.

Paul says that God comforted him so he could comfort the Corinthians (1:4). Do you bless others with the blessings that God sends you?



哥林多后书 2

 2 Cor 2

哥林多后书 3

 2 Cor 3

哥林多后书 4

 2 Cor 4

哥林多后书 5

 2 Cor 5

哥林多后书 6

 2 Cor 6

哥林多后书 7

 2 Cor 7

默想哥林多后书 2:15-16. 你身上是否有基督馨香之气?别人是否在你身上看到了耶稣?


当保罗为自己的事工辩护时,他为神拣选了一个软弱的器皿来工作而欢喜快乐。因为我们仅仅是普通的 泥做的陶罐,让神通过我们工作得荣耀。这是有效事工的圣经模式。

当你思想生活中的艰难时,默想哥林多后书 4:16-18. 我们所受的苦楚是暂时的,我们所得的荣耀是永远的

保罗比较了生出懊悔改过的 依着神的意思忧愁和只会生出遗憾和死亡的 世俗的忧愁7:10)。懊悔不仅仅是为我们的罪的后果感到悲伤,懊悔带来了我们生活方式的转变。你曾真心为你的罪懊悔过吗?

Meditate on 2 Corinthians 2:15-16. Do you carry the “aroma of Christ”? Do others see Jesus in you?

God’s purpose is to transform His people into His image (3:18). Review God’s work in your life during the past year. Do you look more like Him now than you did one year ago? Are you growing in His image?

As he defended his ministry, Paul rejoiced that God has chosen to work through a weak vessel. Because we are mere “jars of clay,” God receives glory for what He does through us. This is the biblical model for effective ministry.

As you think of the difficulties of life, meditate on 2 Cor 4:16-18. Our affliction is “momentary”; the glory is “eternal.”

Paul contrasted “godly grief” that produces repentance with “worldly sorrow” that brings only regret and death (7:10). Repentance is more than sorrow for the results of our sin; repentance brings a change in how we live. Have you truly repented of your sins?





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?
有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?
有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

37 Week 37 (9/11-9/17)



林后 8

 2 Cor 8

林后 9

 2 Cor 9

林后 10

 2 Cor 10

林后 11

 2 Cor 11

林后 12

 2 Cor 12

为哥林多后书 8:9 中的应许而欢喜快乐吧!约翰加尔文写道:




Rejoice in the promise of 2 Cor 8:9. John Calvin wrote:
“This is the wonderful exchange which he has made with us;
that, becoming Son of man with us, he has made us sons of God with him;
by taking on our mortality, he has conferred his immortality upon us;
accepting our weakness, he has strengthened us by his power;
receiving our poverty unto himself, he has transferred his wealth to us;
taking the weight of our iniquity upon himself, he has clothed us with his righteousness.”

In the early church, some Jewish Christians added unnecessary barriers to the Gentile Christians. This brought division in the church. By sending an offering to Jewish Christians who were suffering in Jerusalem, Gentile Christians could demonstrate the unity of the church. This offering showed that there is “no Jew or Gentile” in the body of Christ. Would you sacrifice to help a fellow Christian who had made it difficult for you?

Paul prayed three times for deliverance from a “thorn in the flesh” (some physical or emotional issue that caused him pain). God did not remove the thorn. Instead, God gave Paul grace to endure the pain. Will you trust God if He denies your request for deliverance?



林后 13

 2 Cor 13

罗马书 1

 Romans 1

罗马书 2

 Rom 2

罗马书 3

 Rom 3


-公义的神怎样审判罪(1-3 章)
-公义的神怎样称罪人为义并转化罪人(4-8 章)
-公义的神怎样拣选犹太人和外邦人建造教会(9-11 章)
-神的公义怎样引导信徒的态度和行为(12-15 章)

罗马书 1:18-32 指出眼见的罪是那更深的罪的结果,就是不把神当作神来荣耀(1:21)。保罗三次指出神对那些将神的真实变为虚谎的人的审判是任凭他们犯罪。那一样带给你更大的痛苦内心对神权柄的反叛,还是像罗马书 1:26-31 里描述的肉眼可见的罪?


While he was preaching in Corinth, Paul wrote the letter to the church in Rome as preparation for a visit to this city. The theme of Romans is the righteousness of God. Paul shows
-how a righteous God judges sin (1-3)
-how a righteous God justifies and transforms sinners (4-8)
-how a righteous God has created the church out of both Jew and Gentiles (9-11)
-how the righteousness of God guides the attitudes and behavior of believers (12-15)

Romans 1:18-32 shows that visible sins are the result of the deeper sin of refusing to honor God as God (1:21). Three times, Paul says that God’s judgment on those who “exchanged the truth about God for a lie” was to “give them up” to vile sins. Which causes you greater pain – inner rebellion against God’s authority or the visible sins in Rom 1:26-31?

Our world calls sin “mistakes,” “weaknesses,” or even “my choice.” God calls it “sin.” Paul’s conclusion is clear; every human being is guilty of sin (3:10-11). We cannot be justified and made righteous until we confess our sin. Have you confessed and forsaken your sins? No salvation is possible without confession.



罗马书 4

 Rom 4

罗马书 5

 Rom 5

罗马书 6

 Rom 6

罗马书 7

 Rom 7

感谢神,因为祂赐下令人难以置信的礼物-救恩(4-5 章)。尽管我们的罪该得的工价是受审判,神仍然赐给我们白白的礼物永生。尽管我们过去与神交战,神却使我们借着我们的主耶稣基督跟神有了和睦的关系(现代中译本)。作为神的儿女,我们享受的每一个 祝福都是从神而来的恩赐。

当你读罗马书 6 章时,用保罗的问题问问自己,比如:我可以仍在罪中,叫恩典显多吗? 然后读一读保罗的答案。让保罗亲自来和你交谈。

Thank God for His incredible gift of salvation (Rom 4-5). Although we deserved judgment as the just “wage” for our sins, God gave us the free gift of eternal life. Although we were at war with God, He gave us “peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Every blessing we enjoy as God’s children is a gift of God.

As you read Romans 6, ask Paul’s questions of yourself. For example, “Can I continue in sin that grace may abound?” Then read Paul’s answer. Allow Paul to speak to you personally.



罗马书 8

 Rom 8

罗马书 9

 Rom 9

罗马书 10

 Rom 10

罗马书 11

 Rom 11

你曾经有过罗马书 7 章里那样的挫败感吗?不管我们多么努力,也不能靠自己的力量胜过罪恶。若是靠着自己的力量,只能哭求:我真是苦啊!谁能救我脱离这取死的身体呢7:24)?

值得庆幸的是,保罗没有停留在罗马书 7 章。罗马书 8:1-2 是对 7:24 绝望中呼喊的回答。 那 赐生命圣灵的律已经做了我们靠自己力量不能做到的事。通过圣灵,我们就能脱离罪和死的律了



Have you ever felt the frustration of Romans 7? No matter how hard we try, we cannot defeat sin in our own power. In our own strength, we will cry out, “Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?” (7:24)

Thankfully, Paul does not stop at Romans 7. Romans 8:1-2 is the answer to the cry of despair in Romans 7:24. The “law of the Spirit of life” has done what we cannot do in our own power. Through the Holy Spirit, we can be “free from the law of sin and death.”

There are only two ways to attempt the Christian life: the power of the flesh or the power of the Spirit (8:5-8). The power of the flesh will fail; the power of the Spirit will prevail over sin. Are you relying on the Holy Spirit to give you daily victory over sin?

God’s goal is to transform each of us into the image of Christ (Rom 8:29). Think of three character qualities the gospels demonstrate in Jesus’s earthly life. Pray that God will conform you to the image of Jesus in those areas.



罗马书 12

 Rom 12

罗马书 13

 Rom 13

罗马书 14

 Rom 14

罗马书 15

 Rom 15

罗马书 16

 Rom 16

在罗马书 1-11 章中,保罗展示了神为使罪人称义并使我们在祂眼中成为义人所做的一切。 在罗马书 12-15 章中,保罗指出我们要怎样像义人一样生活。神所做的不仅仅是我们为 义,祂更使我们转化,以新的方式来生活。这样的更新而变化始于我们愿意将身体献上, 当作活祭(12:1-2)。你曾经把自己献上给神当作活祭吗?你正在经历心意更新而变化吗?这是神对每一个信徒的目标。


In Romans 1-11, Paul shows what God has done to justify sinners and make us righteous in His eyes. In Romans 12-15, Paul shows how we will live as righteous people. God does more than “count” us righteous; He transforms us to live in a new way. This transformation begins with a willing sacrifice of ourselves to God (12:1-2). Have you “presented” yourself as a “living sacrifice” to God? Are you being “transformed by the renewal of your mind?” This is God’s purpose for every believer.

The life of the Christian is more than a list of rules; it is a life of love (13:8-14). When we love one another, we willingly fulfill God’s commands. Do you obey God out of love or out of obligation?



使徒行传 20

 Acts 20

使徒行传 21

 Acts 21

使徒行传 22

 Acts 22

如果你是教会的领袖,问一问:我是否像保罗一样服事教会?我的领导是否像使徒行传 20:17-35 中所描述的?如果你是教会的一名成员,问一问:我尊敬承担如此重责大任的教会领袖吗?我是否用我的爱和祷告来支持他们?


If you are a church leader, ask, “Do I serve the church as Paul served? Is Acts 20:17-35 a picture of my leadership?” If you are a church member, ask, “Do I respect my church leaders who carry this heavy weight of responsibility? Do I support them with my love and prayers?”

Disciples are committed to God’s call regardless of the cost. Because he was following God’s call, Paul went to Jerusalem even though he knew he would be arrested. Would you obey God in the face of arrest and death?





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?
有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?
有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

38 Week 38 (9/18-9/24)



使徒行传 23

 Acts 23

使徒行传 24

 Acts 24

使徒行传 25

 Acts 25

使徒行传 26

 Acts 26


门徒更关心福音而不是自己的成就。你和保罗一样对传福音充满了热情吗?读一下保罗对亚基帕王的最后陈述:我向神所求的,不但你一个人,就是今天一切听我的,都要像我一 样…” 保罗一生中最大的热情就是赢得别人归向基督。

When Paul is defending himself before the Sanhedrin, Felix and Agrippa, he always returns to the message of the gospel. Proclaiming Christ is more important to Paul than defending his own personal cause. As you read these chapters, notice how much space is given to the gospel.

Disciples care more about the gospel than about personal success. Do you share Paul’s passion for the gospel? Read his final statement to Agrippa, “I would to God that not only you but also all who hear me might become such as I am….” Paul’s overriding passion in life was to win others to Christ.



使徒行传 27

 Acts 27

使徒行传 28

 Acts 28

歌罗西书 1

 Colossians 1



保罗写道, 照着他(神)在我里面运用的大能,他尽心竭力(西 1:29)。我们在基督徒生活中可能犯两个错误:

1) 不肯为灵命成长所需要的属灵操练付出努力。
2) 试图靠自己的力量来过基督徒的生活。


In Romans, Paul stated his desire to visit Rome. At the end of Acts, God brought Paul to Rome - as a prisoner. God sometimes works in ways that we do not understand. Even through Paul’s arrest, God was accomplishing His purpose. At the end of Acts, under house arrest, Paul was “proclaiming the kingdom of God… without hindrance.” God often achieves His purposes in ways that are beyond our understanding.

The next four books we will read are called the Prison Epistles. They were written during Paul’s house arrest in Rome. As you read these letters, remember that they were written while Paul was chained to a Roman guard and facing a possible death sentence.

Paul wrote that he toils and struggles with “all his energy that he (God) powerfully works within me” (Col 1:29). There are two errors that we can make in the Christian life:

1) Putting forth no effort to practice the spiritual disciplines necessary for spiritual growth.
2) Attempting to live the Christian life in our own power.

Disciples discipline themselves for spiritual growth. But disciples know that the power for personal discipline comes from God. Are you attempting to live the Christian life in your own strength, or do you live in the strength God provides?



歌罗西书 2

 Col 2

歌罗西书 3

 Col 3

歌罗西书 4

 Col 4


 Philemon

歌罗西书 3 章给出了一个基督徒生活的实用模式。我们要治死一切邪念罪行(3:5),穿上美好的品德(3:12-13)。我们 无论做什么,都要奉主耶稣的名3:17)。这就意味着做什么事都服在祂的权柄之下并为了祂的荣耀。这在你的生活中是什么样子呢?


阿尼西母是一个逃跑的奴隶,后来因为保罗的事工而決志信主。保罗写这封信是为了向他的 主人腓利门请求。因为阿尼西母逃跑,虽然罗马法律允许腓利门处决他,保罗仍然为他求情。让我告诉你这个故事的其余部分。早期教会的传统,认为腓利门释放了阿尼西母然 后阿尼西母回到了保罗那里。阿尼西母后来成为以弗所教会的牧者。和睦的福音使腓利门赢得一位不再是奴仆,乃是高过奴仆,是亲爱的弟兄1:16)。

Colossians 3 gives a practical model for the Christian life. We are to “put to death” everything that is sinful (3:5) and “put on” the qualities of godliness (3:12-13). We are to “do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus” (3:17). This means to do everything under His authority and for His glory. What would this look like in your life?

Both Demas and Luke were with Paul when he wrote Colossians. In 2 Timothy, we learn that Demas later abandoned Paul while Luke remained faithful as a disciple. If Demas is at one end of the discipleship spectrum and Luke at the other (4:14), where are you as a disciple?

Onesimus was a runaway slave who was converted through Paul’s ministry. Paul wrote this letter to appeal to the owner, Philemon. Although Roman law allowed Philemon to execute Onesimus for his escape, Paul appealed for mercy. Let me tell you the “rest of the story.” According to early church tradition, Philemon released Onesimus, who then returned to Paul. Onesimus later became pastor of the church at Ephesus. The gospel of reconciliation restored Philemon to “more than a bondservant, as a beloved brother” (1:16).



以弗所书 1

 Ephesians 1

以弗所书 2

 Eph 2

以弗所书 3

 Eph 3

以弗所书 4

 Eph 4

当你读以弗所书 1 章时,重点划出在基督里在爱子里,或其他类似的词语。我们作为 信徒所得的祝福是因为我们是基督身体的一部分。因为新生命,我们成为基督的一部分,并领受那属于祂的祝福。

根据以弗所书 2:3 中,我们犯罪是因为我们的罪性。我们随着肉体和心中所喜好的去行。 既然你已经在基督里复活了,你罪惡的本性还在继续辖制你的生命吗?

用保罗在以弗所书 4:25-32 中的描述,对比一下过去一周你的言语。你的言语让你周围的人得建造吗?

As you read Ephesians 1, highlight the phrases “in Christ,” “in him,” or related words. The blessings we receive as believers come because we are part of Christ’s body. In the new birth, we become part of Christ and receive the blessings that belong to Him.

According to Ephesians 2:3, we committed sinful acts because of our sinful nature. We “lived in the passions of our flesh.” Now that you are made alive in Christ, does your sinful nature continue to rule your life?

Compare your speech from the previous week to Paul’s description in Eph 4:25-32. Does your speech build up those around you?



以弗所书 5

 Eph 5

以弗所书 6

 Eph 6

腓立比书 1

 Philippians 1

腓立比书 2

 Phil 2

以弗所书 5:21-6:9 的关键是 5:21。作为基督的身体,我们当存敬畏基督的心,彼此顺服。 在你的婚姻、家庭和工作中,怎么展现这样的顺服呢?你对待你的家人和同事是否像基督对待你一样?

当你读以弗所书 6:10-18 时,问一个问题:我缺少了这军装里的哪一样?我是否在进行属灵的争战,却没有穿上神的全副军装?请求神装备你,过得胜的基督徒生活。

腓立比书的主题就是喜乐。每一章都指出了保罗喜乐的原因。在第一章中,保罗见证说, 他即使在监狱中也能喜乐。在第二章中,他见证说,他在谦卑中找着喜乐。当你读腓立比书 时,划出欢欢喜喜喜乐一类的词。


The key to Ephesians 5:21-6:9 is 5:21. As the body of Christ, we “submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” In your marriage, family and job, how will this submission look? Are you treating your family and work colleagues as Christ treats you?

As you read Ephesians 6:10-18, ask, “Am I missing pieces of this armor? Am I fighting spiritual battles without the full armor of God?” Ask God to equip you for effective Christian living.

A main theme of Philippians is “joy.” Each chapter shows something about Paul’s joy. In Philippians 1, Paul testifies that he rejoices even in prison. In Philippians 2, he testifies that he finds joy in humility. As you read Philippians, highlight the words “joy” and “rejoice.”

What does it mean to have the mind of Christ? What would the mind of Christ look like in your closest relationships this week? Who can you serve as Christ has served you?



腓立比书 3

 Phil 3

腓立比书 4

 Phil 4

提摩太前书 1

 1 Timothy 1

提摩太前书 2

 1 Tim 2

提摩太前书 3

 1 Tim 3

提摩太前书 4

 1 Tim 4

腓立比书 3 章指出保罗在向着标竿直跑,要得神在基督耶稣里从上面召我来得的奖赏时的喜乐(3:14)。腓立比书四章保罗喜乐的一个秘密就是有一颗自律的心,思念美善的事(4:8)。

如果你意识到你是天上的国民(腓 3:20),这会怎样影响你的日常生活?你天国子民的身份会怎样引导你做每天的决定?

遵守保罗关于应当一无挂虑的命令的秘诀就是让 神所赐的平安……保守你们的心怀意念。读一下腓立比书 4:8 所列的事。当你度过这一天时,让这张清单引导你的思念,并改变你对生活的视角(4:6-8)。

写完腓立比书后,保罗被释放出狱(大约是在公元 62 年左右)。于再次被捕之前,他又进行了一次传道之旅。提摩太前书大概是在这第四次的传道旅程中写成的。保罗写信给他差派到以弗所牧会的年轻提摩太。信中,保罗对假教师的危险提出了警告,又对教会领袖的资格列出了清单。

保罗教导说,基督徒的生活是一场赛跑、一次战斗或一场战役,它要求纪律。他命令提摩太 在敬虔上操练自己。你是否通过读经、背诵经句、祷告、参加教会聚会和遵守神的命令来 操练自己的敬虔?

Philippians 3 shows Paul’s joy as he “strains to the goal” of God’s calling (3:14). Philippians 4 shows that one secret to Paul’s joy is a disciplined mind that thinks on the right things (4:8).

How will it affect your daily life if you realize that your “citizenship is in heaven” (Phil 3:20)? How does your heavenly citizenship guide your daily decisions?

The secret to obeying Paul’s command to “not be anxious about anything” is letting “the peace of God … guard your mind.” Read the list in Philippian 4:8. As you go through the day, allow this list to guide your thoughts and to change your perspective on life. (4:6-8).

After writing Philippians, Paul was released from prison (probably around A.D. 62). He made another missionary journey before again being arrested. 1 Timothy was probably written during this fourth missionary journey. Paul wrote to young Timothy, whom he had appointed pastor at Ephesus. In this letter, Paul warned of the danger of false teachers and gave a list of qualifications for church leaders.

Paul taught that the Christian life is a race, a fight, or a battle. It requires discipline. He commanded Timothy to “train yourself for godliness.” Are you training for godliness through Scripture reading and memorization, prayer, church attendance, and obedience to God’s commands?





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?
有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?
有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

39 Week 39 (9/25-10/1)



提前 5

 1 Tim 5

提前 6

 1 Tim 6

提多书 1

 Titus 1

提多书 2

 Titus 2

提多书 3

 Titus 3

保罗在写給提摩太的第一封信的结尾处,提醒基督徒的生活就是一场争战。当这个星期开始时,请求神赐力量给你,让你过敬虔的生活。承诺为了敬虔而自我约束。承诺 要为真道打那美好的仗6:12)。

结束了在克里特岛传道之后,保罗任命提多为教会的监督。这个岛上的人以品行恶劣而闻名(1:12-13)。保罗表明基督徒的生活方式必须与邻居的罪恶生活方式形成鲜明对比。通过这样做,他们将使福音变得有吸引力。读一下提多书 2 章中基督徒的生活特质。挑选一个你想要成长的领域,求神引导你走向成熟。

请注意提多书 2:5 2:10 中的对比。你的生活是否使 神的道理被毁谤还是 尊荣我们救主神的道

因为提多书 3:3 3:4-7 中的对比而喜乐。过去,我们无知⋯⋯但到了神我们救主的恩慈 和他向人所施的慈爱显明的时候,他便救了我们!为神在你生命中成就的更新变化感谢祂吧!

Paul ends his first letter to Timothy with a reminder that the Christian life is a “fight.” As you begin this week, ask God to strengthen you for godly living. Pledge to discipline yourself for godliness. Pledge to “fight the good fight of the faith” (6:12).

After preaching on the island of Crete, Paul appointed Titus as overseer for the churches. The people of this island were known for their bad character (1:12-13). Paul showed that Christians must live in a way that contrasts sharply with the sinful lifestyle of their neighbors. By doing this, they will make the gospel attractive. Read the qualities of the Christian life in Titus 2. Choose an area where you want to grow and ask God to guide you to maturity.

Notice the contrast of Titus 2:5 and 2:10. Does your life “revile the word of God” or does your life “adorn the doctrine of God”?

Rejoice in the contrast of Titus 3:3 and 3:4-7. In the past, we were foolish…. “But when the goodness of God appeared, he saved us!” Thank God for the transformation He has made in your life.



提摩太后书 1

 2 Timothy 1

提后 2

 2 Tim 2

提后 3

 2 Tim 3

提后 4

 2 Tim 4

耶利米书 1

 Jeremiah 1

提摩太后书是保罗的告别书信。他可能在公元 68 年被处死前写成了此信。与之前的软禁 不同,这次他是被关在监狱里,面临死刑的判决。知道这些是保罗的最后遗言,请注意这 位使徒在面临死亡时他重視的主题:


阅读保罗在提摩太后书 4:6-8 中的最后见证,这会成为你的见证吗?你会从现在起就为跑完人生赛程的那一天做准备吗?

未将你造在腹中之前,神就为耶利米定了一个计划。同样,神在你出生之前就为你有个 计划。这一事实会怎样影响你对生活中遇到困难时的观点?

2 Timothy is Paul’s “Farewell Letter.” He probably wrote it shortly before his death in A.D. 68. Unlike his earlier house arrest, this time he was held in a prison cell facing a death sentence. Knowing that these are Paul’s “last words,” notice the themes that are important to this apostle as he faces death:
 Avoiding false doctrine
 Faithfulness as a soldier of Christ Jesus
 The dangers of godless teachers
 The authority of scripture

Read Paul’s final testimony in 2 Timothy 4:6-8. Will this be your testimony? Will you begin now to prepare for the day when you finish the race?

God had a plan for Jeremiah “before I formed you in the womb.” In the same way, God had a plan for you before you were born. How will this truth affect your view of difficult circumstances in your life? “



耶利米书 2

 Jer 2

耶利米书 3

 Jer 3

耶利米书 4

 Jer 4

耶利米书 5

 Jer 5

耶利米因其生命和事奉中的艰辛困苦,他被称为流泪的先知。他从公元前 627 年到 580 年在耶路撒冷传道。在此期间,巴比伦军队不断攻打耶路撒冷。耶利米书警告神的审判,并且讲述耶路撒冷沦陷的故事。


有智慧行恶4:22)是什么意思?这种虚假的 智慧的结果是什么呢?

Jeremiah is called the “Weeping Prophet” because of the difficulties of his life and ministry. He preached in Jerusalem from 627 BC to 580 BC. During these years, the armies of Babylon repeatedly attacked Jerusalem. The book of Jeremiah warns of God’s judgment and tells the story of the fall of Jerusalem.

Judah sinned in two ways: by forsaking God and by trusting other gods (2:13). When we do not trust God, we trust something in God’s place. Before you were a believer, what did you trust in God’s place? What was the result?

What does it mean to be “wise in doing evil”? (4:22) What is the result of that false “wisdom”?



耶利米书 6

 Jer 6

耶利米书 7

 Jer 7

耶利米书 8

 Jer 8

耶利米书 9

 Jer 9

耶利米书 6-7 章记录了神对犹大不断的警告,但是她拒绝听从这些警告。耶利米警告犹大百姓,如果他们拒绝过敬虔的生活,倚靠圣殿也不能保护他们(7:1-4)。犹大百姓却仍然以圣殿献祭来代替服从。

耶利米书 7:16-20 很难理解,为什么神禁止耶利米为犹大代求? 你因为什么夸口(9:23-24)?你的智慧、力量和财富,还是你和神的关系?

Jeremiah 6-7 records God’s repeated warnings to Judah, but she refused to heed the warnings. Jeremiah warned the people of Judah that they must not trust in the Temple for protection if they refused to live godly lives (7:1-4). Judah allowed Temple rituals to replace obedience.

Jeremiah 7:16-20 is difficult to understand. Why does God forbid Jeremiah from interceding for Judah?

Where do you boast (9:23-24)? Your wisdom, strength and riches, or your relationship with God?



耶利米书 10

 Jer 10

耶利米书 11

 Jer 11

耶利米书 12

 Jer 12

耶利米书 13

 Jer 13

耶利米书 14

 Jer 14

如果神已经向你指出了你生命里有罪的地方,请按照耶利米书 10:24 的祷告来祷告。然后阅读诗篇 118:17-18 的应许,神是信实的,要带领祂的儿女悔改,而且也信实的饶恕和重建我们。

你是否曾有过像耶利米书 12:1-4 中的感觉?神是怎么回应你的抱怨的? 细麻布在旧约中是圣洁的象征。祭司们身穿细麻布代表他们在神眼中的圣洁。耶利米指出犹大的圣洁已经被她的罪破坏了(13:1-11)。



If God has shown you an area of sin in your life, pray the prayer of Jeremiah 10:24. Then read the promise of Psalm 118:17-18. God is faithful to bring His children to repentance, but He is also faithful to forgive and restore us.

Have you ever felt like Jeremiah in 12:1-4? What was God’s response to your complaint? Linen was a symbol of purity in the Old Testament. The priests wore linen to represent their purity in God’s eyes. Jeremiah shows that Judah’s purity has been destroyed by her sin (13:1-11).

True change does not come from good intentions alone. True change comes only from God’s grace in our life (13:23). Have you tried to change in your own power? What has been the result? Will you trust God to change you?

A sign of true repentance is confession (14:20). Have you confessed the sins of your past, or have you tried to hide your sin?



耶利米书 15

 Jer 15

耶利米书 16

 Jer 16

耶利米书 17

 Jer 17

耶利米书 18

 Jer 18

耶利米书 19

 Jer 19


注意耶利米书 17:5-8 中的对比。你是像 17:5-6 中的人那样依靠自己的力量,还是信靠神? 因为人心诡诈,所以我们常常为自己的罪辩护。要解决我们内心的自欺欺人,答案就是向神的话语和其中使人知罪的力量敞开心扉(希伯来书 4:12-13)。求神用祂的话语来启示你生命中任何不討神喜悅的事情。

耶利米书 18 章给出了一个美好的应许。即使神预言了审判,祂也会对悔罪的人施以怜悯。 陶匠将重塑手中变得柔软的粘土。

Jeremiah did not want to bring God’s message of judgment, but God turned Jeremiah’s complaint into joy (15:16). Have you ever obeyed a difficult command from God and discovered joy in obedience?

Notice the contrasts in Jeremiah 17:5-8. Are you like the man in 17:5-6 who trusts in his own strength? Or do you trust in the Lord?

Because man’s heart is deceitful, we often justify our sin. The answer to our heart’s self- deception is openness to God’s Word and its convicting power (Heb 4:12-13). Ask God to use His Word to reveal anything displeasing in your life.

Jeremiah 18 gives a beautiful promise. Even if God has prophesied judgment, He will be merciful to those who repent. The Potter will remold clay that is pliable in His hands.





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?
有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?
有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?