40 Week 40 (10/2-10/8)



耶利米书 20

 Jeremiah 20

耶利米书 21

 Jer 21

耶利米书 22

 Jer 22

耶利米书 23

 Jer 23


阅读耶利米书 20:13 中的赞美,然后阅读耶利米书 20:14 中的抱怨。耶利米知道神值得赞美,但在痛苦中,他巴不得死掉。在这样的时刻,我们唯一的希望就是转向神求助。



Even a great prophet like Jeremiah grew discouraged when the people rejected his message. He even blamed God for his situation (20:7-8). Have you ever felt that God put you in an impossible situation? Jeremiah learned (and we must learn) that God is with us in those difficult times.

Read the praise in Jeremiah 20:13 and then the complaint of Jeremiah 20:14. Jeremiah knows that God deserves praise, but in his pain, he wishes for death. In such a time, our only hope is to turn to God.

Judah’s leaders were unjust. King Jehoiakim built a palace while the people were suffering during Babylon’s siege. He forced the people to work without pay. God said that the mark of a good king is justice and righteousness, not elaborate palaces (22:13-15).

Because of their sin, God’s presence was a threat to Judah (23:23). Is God’s presence a comfort to you or a threat? Why?



耶利米书 24

 Jer 24

耶利米书 25

 Jer 25

耶利米书 26

 Jer 26

耶利米书 27

 Jer 27

注意耶利米书 24 章中的反讽。我们期望好无花果是留在耶路撒冷的余民,而坏无花果则是那些被掳(到巴比伦)的人。但是事实却是相反,神说的坏无花果将是留在耶路撒冷的余民。因为以色列的罪,神将不再保护这座城市。

即使在审判中,神仍呼唤祂的子民要悔改。当你读耶利米书 24:7 时,听听神对祂子民充满热情的爱。


Notice the irony of Jeremiah 24. We expect the “good figs” to be the people in Jerusalem and the “bad figs” to be those carried into captivity. Instead, God says that the “bad figs” will be the ones remaining in Jerusalem. Because of Israel’s sin, God will no longer protect the city.

Even in judgment, God called His people to repentance. As you read Jeremiah 24:7, hear God’s passionate love for His people.

As Judah prepared for exile, God reminded her that He had sent warnings for decades. When God has warned you against the wrong path, have you listened to His warnings?



耶利米书 28

 Jer 28

耶利米书 29

 Jer 29

耶利米书 30

 Jer 30

耶利米书 31

 Jer 31

当耶利米预言厄運时,哈拿尼雅却预言平安与繁荣。你更喜欢痛苦的真相还是令人愉快的谎 言?即使很扎心,你希望你的牧师传讲真理吗?

许多人读耶利米书 29:11,却没有读 29:10 29:12-1429:11 的应许是这样的:因为神向以色列人所怀的是赐平安的意念,所以将惩罚以色列人流亡巴比伦七十年。在那些年日里,以 色列人将呼求神,祂会垂听她祈求怜悯的声音。神的意念是好的,但也是痛苦的。

耶利米书 30-33 章给出了复兴的应许。当以色列悔改的时候,神会把她带回应许之地。画出耶利米书 31 章中的应许,在审判的时候,默想一下神的怜悯。

耶利米书 31:31 中的新约不是写在石版上,而是写在神子民的心上。神希望我们顺服是因为转化的爱心,而不是因为义务。神的律法写在你心上了吗?你顺服祂是出于爱而不是出于义务吗?

When Jeremiah prophesied doom, Hananiah prophesied peace and prosperity. Do you prefer a painful truth or a pleasing lie? Do you want your pastor to preach the truth, even when it is painful?

Many people read Jeremiah 29:11 without reading 29:10 and 29:12-14. The promise of 29:11 is this: because God has plans for Israel’s good, He will send seventy years of judgment in Babylon. During those years, Israel will call on God, and He will hear her plea for mercy. God’s plan is good, but it is painful.

Jeremiah 30-33 gives the promise of restoration. When Israel repents, God will bring her back to the land of promise. Highlight the promises in Jeremiah 31. Meditate on God’s mercy in times of judgment.

The “new covenant” in Jeremiah 31:31 is written on the hearts of God’s people instead of tablets of stone. God’s wants us to obey from transformed hearts of love, rather than from obligation. Is God’s law written on your heart? Do you obey Him out of love rather than obligation?



耶利米书 32

 Jer 32

耶利米书 33

 Jer 33

耶利米书 34

 Jer 34

耶利米书 35

 Jer 35


读耶利米书 32:17 的应许。你今天面对了什么事情,似乎太困难?把它交託给神吧! 请注意耶利米书 33:9-11 在哀悼中的赞美。这个废弃和荒芜的地方总有一天会复原。在患难的时候,你能相信神永不动摇的爱吗?

耶利米书 35 章将利甲人的忠心顺服与神的选民以色列人的顽梗悖逆作了对比。

Despite the imminent fall of Jerusalem, God commanded Jeremiah to buy a field. This purchase was a prophetic action that said, “The land will not always lie empty. God will bring His people back to Jerusalem.”

Read the promise of Jeremiah 32:17. What are you facing today that seems too difficult? Give it to God.

Notice the praise of Jeremiah 33:9-11 in the midst of lament. The place of “waste” and desolation will someday be restored. In times of trouble, can you trust God’s steadfast love?

Jeremiah 35 contrasts the faithful obedience of the Rechabites with the stubborn disobedience of God’s chosen people, Israel.



耶利米书 36

 Jer 36

耶利米书 37

 Jer 37

耶利米书 38

 Jer 38

耶利米书 39

 Jer 39

耶利米书 40

 Jer 40


耶利米书 37-43 章描述了犹大被掳前最后的光景。经过几十年的警告,神的审判临到了耶路撒冷。请注意耶利米书 39:16 中可怕的话语,我说降祸不降福的话必成就因为犹大的悖逆,神将祂的愤怒转向自己拣选的子民。

You may wonder, “How could Judah be so determined in her sin?” Jeremiah has repeatedly warned of God’s judgment, but Judah’s leaders persist in rebellion. King Jehoiakim even burned the scroll containing Jeremiah’s prophecy.

Jeremiah 37-43 tells the story of Judah’s last days. After decades of warnings, God’s judgment fell on Jerusalem. Notice the terrible words of Jeremiah 39:16, “I will fulfill my words for harm and not for good.” Because of Judah’s rebellion, God turned His wrath against His own chosen people.



耶利米书 41

 Jer 41

耶利米书 42

 Jer 42

耶利米书 43

 Jer 43

耶利米书 44

 Jer 44

耶利米书 45

 Jer 45

耶利米书 46

 Jer 46


画出耶利米书 44 章中的警告。因为百姓崇拜偶像,神说我必向你们变脸降灾44:11)。你曾像犹大一样,无视神对你犯罪的警告吗?


After seeing God’s judgment on Jerusalem, the people asked Jeremiah to pray for a word from God. They wanted to flee Jerusalem and go to Egypt. Jeremiah brought God’s message, “Do not go to Egypt.” However, they once again refused to obey God. They fled to Egypt, taking Jeremiah as a hostage.

Highlight the warnings in Jeremiah 44. Because of the people’s idolatry, God “set my face against you for harm” (44:11). Have you been guilty, like Judah, of ignoring God’s warnings against your sin?

Baruch, Jeremiah’s secretary, suffered despite his faithful service. Do you ever feel that you suffer despite serving God faithfully? God reminded Baruch that He (God) had lost much more than Baruch. God had cared for Israel – and now the nation was destroyed. God hurts for the sins of His people far more than we hurt.





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?
有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?
有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

41 Week 41 (10/9-10/15)



耶利米书 47

 Jeremiah 47

耶利米书 48

 Jer 48

耶利米书 49

 Jer 49

耶利米书 46-51 章表明了神对万国拥有主权。神是全世界,而不仅仅是以色列的统治者。 犹大为自己的罪而受苦,但神应许,祂也会审判其他拒绝祂的国家。


Jeremiah 46-51 shows God’s sovereignty over all nations. God is ruler over all the world, not just over Israel. Judah suffered for her sin, but God promised that He would also judge other nations who rejected Him.

A surprising aspect of these prophecies is God’s promise of restoration even to nations like Moab (48:47). God declared that when Moab calls on God, He will mercifully restore them.



耶利米书 50

 Jer 50

耶利米书 51

 Jer 51

正如犹大和以色列,他们因自己的罪而落败灭亡,同样,巴比伦也将遭受神的审判。没有人能逃脱神的审判。虽然神看似遗忘了自己的子民,但耶利米书应许,以色列和犹大却没有被他的神 万军之耶和华丢弃51:5)。神有一天会复兴祂的子民,祂的应许是永恒的。


Just as Judah and Israel were defeated because of their sin, Babylon will also suffer God’s judgment. No one can escape God’s justice. Though it appeared that God had forgotten His people, Jeremiah promised, “Israel and Judah have not been forsaken by their God, the Lord of hosts” (51:5). God will someday restore His people. His promises are eternal.

As you reach the end of Jeremiah, review what you have learned about God from this book. Think about His judgment on those who rebel. Think about His mercy to those who repent. Think about His promise of restoration on those who call on Him. Do you have a better picture of God’s character after reading Jeremiah?



耶利米书 52

 Jer 52

诗篇 89

 Psalm 89

耶利米哀歌 1

 Lamentations 1


诗篇 89 篇赞扬神对祂子民坚定不移的爱。在审判的时候,要好好记住神有永远不变的信 实。当你阅读诗篇 89:46-49 时,请牢记神已经应许永远不会忘记祂的子民。在第 52 节中,诗人祈祷:耶和华是应当称颂的,直到永远!因他知道神会记住祂对大卫的应许。





Jeremiah concludes with the story of the destruction of the Temple. What a tragic end to the story of Jerusalem! This disaster was the result of Judah’s rebellion.

Psalm 89 celebrates God’s steadfast love for His people. In a time of judgment, it is good to remember God’s everlasting faithfulness. As you read Psalm 89:46-49, remember that God has promised that He will never forget His people. By the verse 52, the psalmist prays, “Blessed be the Lord forever!” He knows that God will remember his promises to David.

According to Jewish tradition, Jeremiah was the author of Lamentations, a collection of five poems about the fall of Jerusalem. These poems teach:

• That Jerusalem fell because of the people’s sin

• That God is a faithful God of never-ending mercy

• That confession and repentance is the way back to God.



耶利米哀歌 2

 Lam 2

耶利米哀歌 3

 Lam 3

耶利米哀歌 4

 Lam 4


耶利米哀歌 3:22-26 是一个美好的提醒,提醒我们神在审判的时候有怜悯之心。凡等候耶和华,心里寻求他的,耶和华必施恩给他3:25)。作为门徒,即使在困难的时候, 我们也可以信靠神的信实和怜悯。

如果你正在承受自己过去的罪的后果,请支取耶利米哀歌 3:31-33 中的应许。虽然神会使人忧愁,但祂会怜悯那些悔改的人。祂并不是存心折磨我们,而是想带领我们悔改。

Although the author of Lamentations mourned the destruction of Jerusalem, he recognized the justice of God’s judgment. God had repeatedly warned of coming judgment. “The Lord has done what he purposed; he has carried out his word, which he commanded long ago” (2:17).

Lamentations 3:22-26 is a beautiful reminder of God’s mercy in times of judgment. “The Lord is good to those who wait for him” (3:25). As disciples, we can trust God’s faithfulness and mercy even in difficult times.

If you are suffering the result of your own past sin, claim the promise of Lamentations

3:31-33. Though God causes grief, He will have compassion on those who repent. He does not desire to afflict us, but to bring us to repentance.



耶利米哀歌 5

 Lam 5

约珥书 1

 Joel 1

约珥书 2

 Joel 2

约珥书 3

 Joel 3

诗篇 90

 Psalm 90

耶利米哀歌的作者知道神并没有彻底拒绝祂的子民。他祈祷说:求祢复新我们的日 子,像古时一样。如果你正在经历神的审判,请做这个祷告,并记住神是一位永远怜悯的神,乐于重建祂的子民(5:21-22)。

先知约珥在第一章中使用了一场自然灾害(蝗虫侵扰),作为第 2 章中神对未来审判的先知性警告。以色列人把耶和华的日子看作是从敌人手中被拯救出来的日子。约珥警告说,犹大若不悔改,耶和华的日子必是审判日,而不是拯救日。正如蝗虫摧毁了这个国家的庄稼一样,犹大的敌人也会摧毁这个国家。

像许多其他先知一样,约珥以悔改的呼吁结束了他的警告。对于那些经历过神审判的人来说,约珥书 2:25-27 是一个奇妙的应许:那些年蝗虫所吃的,我要补还你们。自从你归向基督,神是如何恢复你的生命的?尽可能具体地说一下,罪在哪些方面破坏,而神在哪些方面修复了。

诗篇 90 篇是摩西唯一的诗篇。它提醒我们,神是一位永恒而信实的神。这首诗呼吁我们数算自己的日子”,要谨慎而明智地生活,因为生命是短暂的。

The writer of Lamentations knows that God has not “utterly rejected” His people. He prays, “Renew our days as of old.” If you are experiencing God’s judgment, pray this prayer and remember that God is a God of everlasting mercy who delights in restoring His people (5:21-22).

The prophet Joel used a natural disaster in chapter 1 (an infestation of locusts) as a prophetic warning against God’s future judgment in chapter 2. Israel looked to the “Day of the Lord” as a time when she would be delivered from her enemies. Joel warned that if Judah did not repent, the Day of the Lord would be a day of judgment rather than a day of deliverance. Just as the locusts destroyed the nation’s crops, Judah’s enemies would destroy the nation itself.

Like many other prophets, Joel ended his warnings with a call to repentance. For those who have experienced God’s judgment, Joel 2:25-27 is a wonderful promise, “I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten.” How has God restored your life since you came to Christ? Be as specific as possible in naming areas in which God restored areas that sin had damaged.

Psalm 90 is the only psalm credited to Moses. It reminds us that God is an everlasting and faithful God. This psalm calls us to “number our days,” to live carefully and wisely because life is short.



哈巴谷书 1

 Habakkuk 1

哈巴谷书 2

 Hab 2

哈巴谷书 3

 Hab 3

诗篇 91

 Psalm 91

诗篇 92

 Psalm 92

诗篇 93

 Psalm 93

诗篇 94

 Psalm 94


- 哈巴谷问道:“神为什么允许邪恶的犹大繁荣昌盛?”(1:2-4) 神回应说:“我要差遣迦勒底人审判犹大。”(1:5-11)

- 哈巴谷问道:“神怎么能使用一个邪恶的国家来审判犹大呢?”(1:12-2:1) 神回应说:“我最终会审判迦勒底人的罪。”(2:2-20)

- 哈巴谷以一首頌赞神的伟大作为的赞美诗结束。(3:1-19)


在阅读诗篇 91 篇之前,想想你面临的一个重大挑战。在读了诗篇 91 篇之后,问:“我能相信诗篇 91 篇中的神可以解决我的问题吗?”

Most of the prophetic books record a message from the prophet to a human audience. Habakkuk records a conversation between the prophet and God:

- Habakkuk asks, “Why does God allow wicked Judah to prosper?” (1:2-4) God responds, “I will send the Chaldeans to judge Judah.” (1:5-11)

- Habakkuk asks, “How can God use a wicked nation to judge Judah?” (1:12-2:1) God responds, “I will eventually judge the Chaldeans for their sin.” (2:2-20)

- Habakkuk concludes with a hymn of praise for God’s mighty works. (3:1-19)

When Habakkuk heard of God’s past mercies, he prayed that God would again bring revival (3:2). Do you pray for revival in your church, in your family, and in your own heart? What changes would occur if God brought revival to your church?

Before reading Psalm 91, think of a significant challenge you face. After you read Psalm 91, ask, “Can I trust the God of Psalm 91 with my problem?”





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?s
有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?
有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

42 Week 42 (10/16-10/22)



以西结书 1

 Ezekiel 1

以西结书 2

 Ezek 2

以西结书 3

 Ezek 3

以西结书 4

 Ezek 4

以西结书 5

 Ezek 5

诗篇 95

 Psalm 95

和耶利米一样,以西结于耶路撒冷沦陷前的几年里也发出了预言。然而,当耶利米在耶路撒冷传道时,以西结和其他犹太流亡者一起在尼普尔城。他在公元前 597 年巴比伦进攻耶路撒冷时被掳到那里。

以西结书可能是一本难懂的书。这本书大部分的内容都是奇怪的异象和戏剧性的场景,让我们不要被书中复杂的形像打倒。以西结曾十八次说到一个活物 就如(像、好像、仿 佛)……”将之与其他事物进行比较。他用人类有限的语言来传达难以形容的异象。即使你不了解每一个细节,也要试着想象以西结所描述的活物的荣耀。


诗篇第 95 篇给出了两种选择。我们可以 在造我们的耶和华面前跪下来顺服和敬拜;也可以像在旷野中的以色列人一样硬着心。你还记得你拒绝顺服神的时候吗?你还记得有一次你跪下来顺服祂吗?比较每个决定的结果。

Like Jeremiah, Ezekiel prophesied during the years just before Jerusalem’s fall. However, while Jeremiah preached in Jerusalem, Ezekiel was in the city of Nippur with other Judean exiles. He was carried there in 597 B.C. during Babylon’s attack on Jerusalem.

Ezekiel can be a difficult book. Much of the book consists of strange visions and dramas. Do not be frustrated by the complicated images. Eighteen times, Ezekiel says that a creature “is like...” and compares it to something else. He was using limited human language to communicate indescribable visions. Try to imagine the glory of the creatures Ezekiel describes even if you do not understand every detail.

Like Jeremiah, Ezekiel was sent to deliver a painful message. Like Jeremiah, he found that the bitter message became sweet in his mouth (3:3).

Psalm 95 gives two options. We can “kneel before the Lord, our Maker” in obedience and worship or we can “harden our hearts” like Israel in the wilderness. Do you remember a time when you refused to obey God? Do you remember a time when you knelt in obedience to Him? Compare the results of each decision.



以西结书 6

 Ezek 6

以西结书 7

 Ezek 7

以西结书 8

 Ezek 8

以西结书 9

 Ezek 9

以西结书 10

 Essex 10

诗篇 96

 Psalm 96

诗篇 97

 Psalm 97

于以西结书 8-10 章,神给了以西结一个在耶路撒冷圣殿里崇拜偶像的异象。以西结当时三十岁,是祭司家族的一员,如果没有被流放,他就会在圣殿里服事。以色列已经背道了,如今在圣殿里供奉的是虚假的偶像。在审判中,神的荣耀离开了圣殿,这与耶利米书 7 章中描述的审判相同。因为以色列人的罪,神不再住在圣殿里。神的殿现在是一座荒废的建筑。

当你读完以西结时代所描述的偶像后,请读诗篇 96-97 中对耶和华的描述。令人震惊的是,人们竟然抛弃了诗篇 96 篇中的神,转而崇拜以西结书 8 章中的偶像。今天人们崇拜哪些虚假的神,而不是敬拜真正的神?

In Ezekiel 8-10, God gave Ezekiel a vision of idol worship in the Temple in Jerusalem. Ezekiel was thirty years old and a member of the priestly line. If he had not been carried into exile, Ezekiel would have been serving in the Temple. Israel has backslidden and now worshipped false idols in the Temple itself. In judgment, God’s glory left the Temple. This is the same judgment described in Jeremiah 7. Because of Israel’s sin, God no longer dwelt in the Temple. The house of God was now an empty building.

After you read about the idols of Ezekiel’s day, read the description of Jehovah in Psalm 96-

97. It is shocking to realize that people abandoned the God of Psalm 96 to worship the idols of Ezekiel 8. What false gods do people worship today instead of the true God?



以西结书 11

 Ezek 11

以西结书 12

 Ezek 12

以西结书 13

 Ezek 13

以西结书 14

 Ezek 14

诗篇 98

 Psalm 98

当你读以西结书的第一部分时,可能觉得比读何西阿等书更难看到神的爱。但即使在以西结书严厉的审判中,神的爱仍然发光闪耀。读以西结书 11:19-20,你是否看见一位尽管犹大有罪却仍然爱着她的神呢?祂要去除她的石心,赐给她一颗肉心,一颗因为爱而不是恐惧而顺服神的心。你经历过这种转化吗?你是否因爱神而顺服神吗?

在阅读以西结书里的审判时,最好也读一下赞美的诗篇。当你读诗篇 98 篇时,赞美神,因为他行过奇妙的事。神曾经在你的生命中做过一件奇妙的事吗?

As you read the first part of Ezekiel, it may be harder to see God’s love than in books like Hosea. But even in the harsh judgments of Ezekiel, God’s love shines through. Read Ezek 11:19-20. Do you see a God who loves Judah in spite of her sin? He wants to remove her heart of stone and give her a heart of flesh, a heart that obeys God because of love rather than fear. Have you experienced that transformation? Do you obey God from a heart of love?

While reading the judgments of Ezekiel, it is good to read the praises of the Psalms. As you read Psalm 98, praise God, “for He has done marvelous things.” What is one “marvelous thing” God has done in your life?



以西结书 15

 Ezek 15

以西结书 16

 Ezek 16

诗篇 99

 Psalm 99

诗篇 100

 Psalm 100



同样的,诗篇 99 篇显示了审判与饶恕之间的平衡。诗人说道,神是赦免他们的神,却按他们所行的报应他们(诗 99:8)。思想有一次神审判你罪的时候。思想有一天神原谅了你的罪的时候。感谢神,他的慈爱存到永远(诗 100:5)。

Have you ever known someone who thought they could escape God’s judgment for their sin? Some in Judah believed they could sin without penalty. God warned, “I will set my face against them” (15:7). Never believe Satan’s lie; sin always brings God’s judgment.

Have you ever known someone who thought that God would never forgive their sin? Some in Judah believed that God had forgotten them. God promised, “I will remember my covenant with you” and I will “atone for you for all that you have done” (16:60,63). Never believe Satan’s lie; God always hears the prayer of a sinner who repents.

Psalm 99 shows the same balance of judgment and forgiveness. The psalmist says God was “a forgiving God to them, but an avenger of their wrongdoings” (Ps 99:8). Think of a time when God judged your sin. Think of a time when God forgave your sin. Thank God that “His steadfast love endures forever” (Ps 100:5).



以西结书 17

 Ezek 17

以西结书 18

 Ezek 18

以西结书 19

 Ezek 19

以西结书 20

 Ezek 20

诗篇 101

 Psalm 101

在巴比伦流亡期间,有人说:我们因为父母的罪而受苦。父亲吃了酸葡萄,儿子的牙酸倒 了’” 18:2 )。神回应道:每一代人都因自己的罪而受到审判。犯罪的,他必死亡。’”18:4)。我们每个人都要站在神面前,为自己的罪负责。


当你读以西结书 20 章时,画出我的名为我名的缘故。注意神是如何保护祂圣名的荣耀。神为我名的缘故审判罪,并且为我名的缘故宽恕悔改的罪人。你的生活方式会给神的名带来荣耀吗?

During the Babylonian exile, some people said, “We are suffering because of our parent’s sin. ‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge’” (18:2). God responded, “Each generation is judged for its own sin. ‘The soul who sins shall die’” (18:4). We will each stand before God and be held accountable for our sin.

Each person is judged for his or her own sin and each person can be forgiven for his or her own sin. God promised, “If a wicked person turns away from all his sins…, he shall surely live” (18:21). God’s mercy is immense.

As you read Ezekiel 20, highlight the words “my name” or “my name’s sake.” Notice how God acts to protect the glory of His name. God judges sin “for the sake of my name,” and He forgives repentant sinners “for the sake of my name.” Are you living in a way that brings honor to God’s name?



以西结书 21

 Ezek 21

以西结书 22

 Ezek 22

诗篇 102

 Psalm 102

诗篇 103

 Psalm 103

以西结书 22 章列出了神审判犹大的罪恶的清单。当读到这一章时,你问:这些罪行中哪一 个是我这一代人犯的?想想商业和政治中的腐败;想想好莱坞所推崇的罪恶生活方式;祷告神带领我们这一代人悔改。

为神怜悯所有悔改的人而欢喜快乐吧! “祂不长久责备,也不永远怀怒”(103:9)。回想一下神对你的怜悯和同情。

Ezekiel 22 is a catalog of the sins that brought God’s judgment on Judah. As you read this chapter, ask, “Which of these sins are committed by my generation?” Think of the corruption in business and politics; think of the sinful lifestyles celebrated in Hollywood; pray that God will bring our generation to repentance.

Rejoice that God shows mercy to all who repent. “He will not always chide, nor will he keep his anger forever” (103:9). Reflect on God’s mercy and compassion to you.





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?
有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?
有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

43 Week 43 (10/23-10/29)



以西结书 23

 Ezekiel 23

以西结书 24

 Ezek 24

诗篇 104

 Psalm 104

以西结书 23 章讲了两个姐妹的故事。阿荷拉代表被亚述征服的北国。当犹大阿荷利巴看见阿荷拉拜偶像的下场,就应当悔改。可是相反,她坚持崇拜偶像,结果神允许巴比伦征服犹大。你能想到在你生命中的某一段时间,你在别人的生活中看到了罪恶的痛苦后果,却拒绝离弃自己生活中同样的罪吗?

重读创世纪 1 章,寻找与诗篇 104 篇相似之处。虽然顺序不一样(这是一首诗,而不是创世纪 1 章的历史记载),但创造的每一幕场景都出现在诗篇 104 篇里。

Ezekiel 23 tells the story of two sisters. Oholah represents the Northern Kingdom that was conquered by Assyria. When Oholibah, Judah, saw the results of Oholah’s idolatry, she should have repented. Instead, she persisted in idolatry. As a result, God allowed Babylon to conquer Judah. Can you think of a time in your life when you saw the painful results of sin in the life of other people, but refused to abandon the same sin in your own life?

Reread Genesis 1 and look for parallels with Psalm 104. Although the order is not the same (this is a poem rather than the historical account of Genesis 1), each act of creation appears in Psalm 104.



以西结书 25

 Ezek 25

以西结书 26

 Ezek 26

以西结书 27

 Ezek 27

诗篇 105

 Psalm 105

虽然以西结只向犹大人传道,但 25-32 章包含了对那些永远听不见以西结预言刑罚的国家: 亚扪、摩押、西珥、以东、非利士、推罗、西顿和埃及。这些信息是如何传达神的普世主 权?

以西结书 1-24 章的主要信息是审判。以西结书 25-48 章的主要信息是以色列未来的复兴。 第 25-32 章是如何符合复兴的主题?

诗篇 104 篇赞美神的创造大工。诗篇 105 篇赞美神在历史中的主权。创造和历史都彰显了神的威严和能力。

Though Ezekiel preached only to the people of Judah, chapters 25-32 contain prophecies against nations who will never hear Ezekiel: Ammon, Moab, Seir, Edom, Philistia, Tyre, Sidon, and Egypt. How did these messages communicate God’s universal sovereignty?

The primary message of Ezekiel 1-24 is judgment. The primary message of Ezekiel 25-48 is the future restoration of Israel. How do chapters 25-32 fit the theme of restoration?

Psalm 104 praises God for His works in creation. Psalm 105 praises God for His sovereignty in history. Both creation and history reveal God’s majesty and power.



以西结书 28

 Ezek 28

以西结书 29

 Ezek 29

诗篇 106

 Psalm 106

许多解经家认为以西结书 28:12-19 是撒旦骄傲的写照。正如撒旦因为骄傲而悖逆神一样,推罗的骄傲也使得这个帝国走向罪恶的暴力。


诗篇 106 章延续了神在历史上的伟大作为的主题。然而,在这首赞美诗中,我们听到了不同的音调。在诗篇 105 篇中,神将祂的子民从埃及拯救出来。可悲的是,诗篇 106 篇表明出神子民的悖逆,并求助于其他偶像,且以此来回应神的恩惠。正如推罗的骄傲使得她拒绝神一 样,以色列的骄傲也使得她陷入罪中。

Many commentators see Ezekiel 28:12-19 as a picture of Satan’s pride. Just as Satan rebelled against God because of pride, Tyre’s pride led this empire to sinful violence.

Sometimes we fail to recognize the impact of pride in our lives. However, pride destroys relationships and causes us to repent when we wrong others. Describe the impact of pride in your life. How does pride lead to other sins?

Psalm 106 continues the theme of God’s great acts in history. However, in this psalm, we hear a different tone. In Psalm 105, God rescued His people from Egypt. Sadly, Psalm 106 shows that God’s people responded to His favor by rebelling and turning to other gods. Just as Tyre’s pride caused her to reject God, Israel’s pride led her into sin.



以西结书 30

 Ezek 30

以西结书 31

 Ezek 31

以西结书 32

 Ezek 32

诗篇 107

 Psalm 107

同样,骄傲之罪是以西结书 31 章的一个重要主题。为什么神如此厌恶骄傲?骄傲怎么会是对至高无上的神的悖逆呢?

当你读诗篇第 107 篇时,要画出他从他们的祸患中拯救他们这句话。这句话出现了四次。 那些迷失和漂流的人向神哀求,神搭救他们……”;那些违背神的话的人向神哀求,祂拯救他们……”;那些因为自己的罪孽而陷入苦难中的愚妄人向神哀求,祂拯救他们……”;最后,陷入风暴的水手(正在职场打拼的人)向神哀求,祂领出他们来……”。你认为自己属 于这四组人中的任何一组吗?感谢仁慈的神,当我们向祂哀求时,祂就拯救了我们。

Again, the sin of pride is a significant theme of Ezekiel 31. Why is pride so abhorrent to God? How is pride a form of rebellion against a sovereign God?

As you read Psalm 107, highlight the phrase “he delivered them from their distress.” This phrase appears four times. Those who are lost and wandering cried to the Lord and “he delivered them….” Those who had rebelled cried to the Lord and “he delivered them….” Fools who were in trouble because of their own sinful ways cried to the Lord and “he delivered them….” Finally, sailors caught in a storm (workers doing their work) cried to the Lord and “he delivered them….” Do you see yourself in any of these four groups? Thank a merciful God who delivers us when we cry out to Him.



以西结书 33

 Ezek 33

以西结书 34

 Ezek 34

以西结书 35

 Ezek 35

诗篇 108

 Psalm 108

以西结书 33 34 章是对任何负有领导责任的人的警告。如果你是领导者(在教会、事工机 构,或是家庭),请仔细聆听这些章节,要认识到你对那些受你灵命关怀的人负有重责大任。作为一名教会成员,要认识到你的教会领袖所肩负的责任,为他们祷告,并留意他们的 提醒告诫。请记住,神通过祂赋予权柄的人对我们说话。作为属灵的领袖,你怎么能表现出信实?作为属灵的追随者,你怎么才能表现出尊重?


Ezekiel 33 and 34 is a warning to anyone who holds leadership responsibility. If you are a leader (in a church, ministry organization, or family), listen carefully to these chapters. Recognize your awesome responsibility to those under your spiritual care. As a church member, recognize the responsibility your church leaders carry. Pray for them and heed their warnings. Remember that God speaks to us through the people He places in authority over us. How can you show faithfulness as a spiritual leader or respect as a spiritual follower?

David’s psalm rejoices that God cares for Israel (108:8) and is sovereign over the other nations (108:9).



以西结书 36

 Ezek 36

以西结书 37

 Ezek 37

诗篇 109

 Psalm 109

以西结书 36-37 章描绘了一幅以色列复兴的美丽画面。神应许给祂的子民一个新心和新灵,使他们有渴望和力量来服从神的律法。以西结看见一个异象:遍满平原上的枯骨被神的灵复活了。尽管被流放,神还是会复兴祂的子民,给他们带来新的生命。在新约中,我们了解到这个应许是给每一个凭着信心归向神的人。虽然我们在罪中死了,但我们可以通过圣灵的力量复活。

你有没有经历过以西结书 36 章的 新心新灵,让你内心渴望顺服神吗?神的灵是不是每天都给你力量,让你遵守神的律法,过得胜的生活?你有没有经历过以西结书 37 章所见的崭 新灵命的奇迹?

诗篇 109 篇是七首咒诅诗篇之一,它呼求神审判诗人的敌人。当你阅读时,请记住几个重要原则,以便理解这些诗篇:

- 大卫的敌人就是神的敌人。

- 正义要求罪恶受到审判。

- 大卫不愿自己审判。他相信神会审判那些冤枉欺侮他的人,并为他伸张正义。他把任何复仇的权利都交给了神。

Ezekiel 36-37 paints a beautiful picture of Israel’s restoration. God promises to give His people a “new heart and a new spirit.” They will have the desire and the power to obey God’s law. Ezekiel saw a vision of a valley of dead bones being brought to life by the Spirit of God. Despite the Exile, God would restore His people and bring them new life. In the New Testament, we learn that this promise is given to everyone who turns to God in faith. Although we are dead in our sins, we can be made alive through the power of the Spirit.

Have you experienced the “new heart and new spirit” of Ezekiel 36 that gives you an inward desire to obey God? Is God’s Spirit giving you daily power to obey God’s law and live a life of victory? Have you experienced the miracle of new spiritual life seen in Ezekiel 37?

Psalm 109 is one of seven “psalms of imprecation” that call for God’s judgment on the psalmist’s enemies. As you read this, remember a few important principles for understanding these psalms:

- The enemy of David is an enemy of God.

- Justice requires that sin be judged.

- David does not take judgment into his own hands. He trusts God to bring justice on those who have wronged him. He turns any “rights” to vengeance over to God.





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?
有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?
有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

44 Week 44 (10/30-11/5)



以西结书 38

 Ezekiel 38

以西结书 39

 Ezek 39

诗篇 110

 Psalm 110

诗篇 111

 Psalm 111

诗篇 112

 Psalm 112

在以西结书 39 章中,画出就知道我是耶和华我的圣名。神关心祂的荣耀和名字。 在新约中,最常被引用的诗篇之一是 110 篇。耶稣表明,这首诗指出祂就是弥赛亚。诗篇 110 篇开头写道:主(耶和华)对我主(君王,即将来的弥赛亚)说……”这见证了以色列王的角色是神的代表,也应许弥赛亚将要来临。

诗篇 111-112 篇是一对离合诗。诗篇 111 篇描述神的性情,并以赞扬敬畏耶和华的人作为结 束;诗篇 112 篇描述一个敬畏耶和华的人的性情。在诗篇 111 篇中,神被描述为公义的、 有恩惠和有怜悯(111:3-4)。在诗篇 112 篇中,敬畏耶和华的人被描述为有恩惠、有怜悯和有公义(112:4)。当我们敬畏神时,我们就会变得像祂。你越来越像神了吗?

In Ezekiel 39, highlight the words “know that I am the Lord” or “my holy name.” God cares for His glory and name.

In the New Testament, one of the most frequently cited psalms is Psalm 110. Jesus showed that this psalm points to him as the Messiah. Psalm 110 begins, “The LORD (Jehovah) says to my Lord (the King, and later, the Messiah)….” It is a testimony to the role of Israel’s king as a representative of God and a promise of the coming Messiah.

Psalms 111-112 are a pair of acrostic poems. Psalm 111 describes God’s character and ends by commending the “fear of the Lord”; Psalm 112 describes the character of a person who “fears the Lord.” In Psalm 111, God is described as righteous, gracious, and merciful (111:3-

4). In Psalm 112, the person “who fears the Lord” is described as gracious, merciful, and righteous (112:4). When we fear God, we become like Him. Are you becoming more like God?



以西结书 40

 Ezek 40

以西结书 41

 Ezek 41

以西结书 42

 Ezek 42

诗篇 113

 Psalm 113

以西结书 40-48 章记载先知最后的异象。在以西结书 8-11 章中,以西结看到神的荣耀离开了被以色列的罪所败坏的圣殿。在以西结书 40-48 章中,他看到一座充满神荣耀的新圣殿。 对这一异象有四种主要的解释:

- 一个如实的异象,这是以色列未來千禧年时的圣殿。

- 一个象征性的异象,神在教会中与祂的子民同在。

- 一个象征性的异象,神在永恒里与祂的子民同在。

- 一个兼具真实性与象征性要素的异象。

Ezekiel 40-48 records the prophet’s final vision. In Ezekiel 8-11, Ezekiel watched God’s glory leave the temple that had been corrupted by Israel’s sin. In Ezekiel 40-48, he sees a new temple filled with the glory of God. There are four primary interpretations of this vision:

- A vision of a literal future temple in Israel during the Millennium.

- A symbolic vision of God’s presence among His people in the church.

- A symbolic vision of God’s presence among His people in eternity.

- A vision that includes both literal and symbolic elements.



以西结书 43

 Ezek 43

以西结书 44

 Ezek 44

以西结书 45

 Ezek 45

以西结书 46

 Ezek 46

诗篇 114

 Psalm 114

以西结书的一个亮点是在 43:1-5 中神荣耀的回归。神与祂子民的同在是以西结书最后一部分的中心焦点。


A highlight of the book of Ezekiel is the return of God’s glory in Ezek 43:1-5. God’s presence among His people is the central focus of the last part of Ezekiel.

After God returns and the temple is rebuilt, Ezekiel shows that God’s requirements for His people have not changed (43:6-12). God is preparing a holy people to worship in His holy temple. As you read this section, ask, “Am I living as a holy person should live?”



以西结书 47

 Ezek 47

以西结书 48

 Ezek 48

诗篇 115

 Psalm 115

诗篇 116

 Psalm 116

诗篇 117

 Psalm 117

以西结在异象中看见一条河从圣殿门口流出,他看出神有一天不仅会复兴以色列,还会复兴 万国万民。启示录 22:1-2 描述了这一异象的实现。


- 关于神的公义

- 关于神对祂的荣耀的关心

- 关于神对祂子民未来的意念

当你读诗篇 115 篇时,请注意偶像的软弱(115:4-8)和耶和华的大能(115:9-13)之间的对比。为我们事奉一位有大能和威严的神而欢喜快乐吧!祂是我们的帮助盾牌

In his vision of a river flowing from the door of the temple, Ezekiel sees that God will someday restore not just Israel but all the world. Revelation 22:1-2 shows the fulfillment of this vision.

Write one sentence summarizing what you have seen in Ezekiel…

- About God’s justice

- About God’s concern for His glory

- About God’s plan for the future of His people

As you read Psalm 115, notice the contrast between the weakness of idols (115:4-8) and the power of Jehovah (115:9-13). Rejoice that we serve a God of power and majesty. He is our “help” and our “shield.”



但以理书 1

 Daniel 1

但以理书 2

 Dan 2

诗篇 118

 Psalm 118

在但以理书 1 章中,但以理拒绝在饮食上妥协,以表明他对神的忠诚,因为这(不洁净的) 饮食可能会让他忘记自己作为犹太人的身份。在新约时代,你如何记得自己是神的儿女的身份?通过与其他信徒一起敬拜?通过圣经学习和小组团契?你如何在职场中保持基督徒的身份?

In Daniel 1, Daniel shows his faithfulness to God by refusing to compromise his diet in a way that might make him forget his identity as a Jew. In the New Testament age, how do you remember your identity as God’s child? Through worship with other believers? Through Bible study and small groups? How do you maintain your identity as a Christian in your workplace?



但以理书 3

 Dan 3

但以理书 4

 Dan 4

但以理书 5

 Dan 5

但以理书 6

 Dan 6

在但以理书 3 章中,但以理的朋友们学习到,对神忠诚需要顺服——即使是冒着死亡的危险。做门徒的代价高昂。真正的门徒即使在困难的时候也是忠诚的

读但以理书 3:16-18。但以理的朋友们相信神会把他们从烈火窑中救出来。即或不然,他们仍将保持忠诚。如果神不救你脱离迫害,你还会顺服祂吗?

但以理书 4-5 章显明了神对人的骄傲的审判。尼布甲尼撒因为骄傲而蒙羞。伯沙撒因为骄傲而被大利烏(大流士)击败。

但以理为什么打开窗户面向耶路撒冷祷告?这并不是圣经的命令。难道是为了确保他在异国 他乡永远不忘记自己是耶路撒冷的公民吗?这种做法是如何鼓励但以理在被流放期间保持忠诚的?在一个罪恶的世界里,什么行动能帮助你保持对神的忠诚?

In Daniel 3, Daniel’s friends learned that faithfulness to God requires obedience – even at the risk of death. Discipleship is costly. True disciples are faithful even when it is difficult.

Read Daniel 3:16-18. Daniel’s friends have faith that God will deliver them from the furnace. “But if not,” they will remain faithful. Will you obey God even if He does not deliver you from persecution?

Daniel 4-5 reveals God’s judgment on man’s pride. Nebuchadnezzar is brought to disgrace because of his pride. Belshazzar is defeated by Darius because of his pride.

Why does Daniel open his window and pray facing Jerusalem? This is not commanded in the Bible. Is it to ensure that in a foreign land he never forgets that he is a citizen of Jerusalem? How does this practice encourage Daniel’s faithfulness during the Exile? What practices help you remain faithful to God in a sinful world?





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?
有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?
有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?