generally associates South Florida’s Palm Beach County with her mild
winters, sunny sky, pristine beaches, and tranquil waters. Indeed, her
balmy climate and natural beauty continue to lure retiring seniors and
young professionals alike to settle here. Population grew rapidly in
the past 10 to 20 years; among them are immigrants and students from
In early
1980, the Florida Evangelistic Association (FEA), now known as Hope
International Missions, sent out Pastor Wesley Kuo and two other
missionaries to pioneer gospel work among the Chinese. Tireless
visitations and Bible studies eventually led to the establishment of
the Palm Beach Chinese Christian Chapel, our church.
At the
time, the church did not have a church building of her own, and must
resort to renting fellowship halls from other churches. From 1983 to
1994, the church had to move several times. It became obvious to all
that a permanent facility was necessary, so that God’s work could
proceed and expand steadily. However, with the dispersion of church
members spanning from the North Broward County in the south, to Martin
County in the north, finding a central location, on traffic node, was
indeed a great challenge.
In 1989,
the church established a Building Fund Committee and began planning.
After Rev. Timothy Lie succeeded Rev. Kuo as the church’s pastor, he
led brothers and sisters to pray unceasingly that the Lord may provide
an appropriate place. Finally, in June, 1994, we moved into our new
home! The church was located in Delray Beach, conveniently close to
Interstate 95. The church building can accommodate over 150 people,
with classrooms, a fellowship hall and a full-service kitchen. We
praised God for His provisions. For five years, brothers and sisters
strived arduously to pay off all the church bonds by 1999.
Rev. Lie
retired in 1995. Brother James Chen assumed responsibility of the
ministry, leading brothers and sisters to bring the gospel to the
local Chinese community.
permanent Chinese residents are gainfully employed in both the public
and private sectors, in various business services such as restaurants,
and professional jobs. In addition, there are students from China
pursuing graduate studies in Florida Atlantic University in Boca
Raton. The potential harvest is great indeed. Every year, the church
conducts evangelistic meetings, Christmas programs,
family outings, barbeques, etc., striving in every way to spread the
Good News to our kinsmen. Furthermore, satellite small groups are
formed for fellowship and bible studies, welcoming seekers and
building up believers.
Palm Beach Chinese Christian Chapel is a nondenominational Christian
church. It ministers to people of all backgrounds and cultures,
whether they are from Mainland China, Taiwan, or Southeast Asia. Here,
everyone feels relaxed, welcomed and accepted. The Sunday services are
in Chinese, with English translation. About 120 people attend the
regular worship services, in addition to 50 children and youths. The
church also claims 100 church members. A web page was established to
inform brothers and sisters of important event. Through this
cyberspace venue many visitors came to discover and find our church.
In 1999,
Brother James Chen left for Taiwan. Rev. Daniel Hsu was invited to be
the interim pastor. In 2002, Rev. Hsu formally picked up the pastoral
staff, and continued leading brothers and sisters in worship and
services. He strives for the spiritual growth of the brothers and
sisters, emphasizing heavily on Sunday school and small group bible
studies. Traversing the County on the Interstate highway, he frequents
the homes of seekers and believers alike, caring for them as a loving
shepherd. The church, under God’s guidance, collaborating with the
pastoral team, continues the work of the gospel joyfully and
As the Lord continues adding people to the church, we began to
consider expanding the Delray Beach building or moving to another
larger facility. Almost simultaneously, a property developer contacted
the church, expressing the desire to purchase our property. After much
prayers and wrestling before the Lord, the congregation saw this as an
opportunity and responsibility to grow and expand beyond our current
capacity. Finally, in December, 2005, we sold our property in exchange
for a 3 acre lot at the northwest corner of Lantana and Hagan Ranch
Roads. By God’s grace, we have funds to spare to build a 15,000 sq.
ft., 300 seat church. From then on, we launched our current building
project, taking up in strides the challenges of rezoning, and
searching for the right general contract-architect team.
In 2005, we moved to the interim worship place at Palm Beach Baptist
Church while our new church is being built. For this we believe: if
the Lord has entrusted us with expanding His Kingdom, He will no doubt
also safeguard and establish the works of His hands. And so, we look
forward to that day when we stand surely with our brothers and sisters
in the new church, testifying to His faithfulness and giving glory to
our God.