第 45 周 Week 45 (11/7-11/13)



使徒行传 17

 Acts 17

使徒行传 18

 Acts 18

读到保罗在雅典的讲道时,为这位把自己显现给饥渴世界的神 而欢欣吧!甚至在保罗到雅典

之前,神已经开始预备福音的路了。当神呼召你去跟某个人分享福音时,请记得,圣灵已经 为你的见证预备了道路。

As you read the story of Paul’s preaching in Athens, rejoice in a God who reveals Himself to a needy world. Even before Paul arrived in Athens, God had begun to prepare the way for the gospel. When God calls you to share the gospel with someone, remember that the Holy Spirit has already prepared the way for your witness.



帖撒罗尼迦前书 1

 1 Thessalonians 1

帖前 2

 1Th 2

帖前 3

 1Th 3

帖前 4

 1Th 4

帖前 5

 1Th 5


保罗和西拉在帖撒罗尼迦讲道才几周,就被敌人赶出了城(使徒行传 17 章),因此,他 们没能完整地培训新信主的人。保罗写了帖撒罗尼迦前后书来回答这些新信徒的问题,



The Biblical Story: The Gospel Comes to Thessalonica

After Paul and Silas had preached for only a few weeks in Thessalonica, enemies drove them out of the city (Acts 17). Because of this, they had not been able to fully disciple the new converts. Paul wrote 1 and 2 Thessalonians to answer questions for these new believers. One of the biggest questions concerned the second coming of Jesus. Every chapter of 1 Thessalonians mentions this topic. Paul wrote to clarify their understanding of Jesus’ return.

在帖前 4-5 章,保罗列出了一个信徒必须服从的命令的长单子,只有藉着神的大能我们才能 够服从这些命令。请记住,无论何时,神命令何事,祂的大能都让顺服成为可能。

In 1 Thessalonians 4-5, Paul gives a long list of commands for believers. We can obey these commands only through God’s power. Remember that whenever God commands something, His power makes obedience possible.



帖撒罗尼迦后书 1

 2Thessalonians1

帖后 2

 2Th 2

帖后 3

 2Th 3



After receiving Paul’s first letter, some people in Thessalonica decided that since Jesus is returning, there was no need to work, or plan for the future. Paul wrote a second letter to encourage these Christians to live faithful lives while waiting for the Lord’s return.

对每个信徒奇妙的应许,是有這个确据:神正在教会中实现祂的旨意 (帖后 1:3-4)。神正 在增长我们的信心、爱心和坚忍。 我们可以信任,祂会按照祂的形象塑造我们。

A wonderful promise for every believer is the assurance that God is accomplishing His purpose in the church (2 Thessalonians 1:3-4). God is growing our faith, love, and steadfastness. We can trust Him to build us in His image.




使徒行传 19

 Acts 19

这一章讲了福音传到以弗所的故事。又一次,我们看到神借着忠心的工人实现了祂的旨意 。


This chapter tells the story of the gospel coming to Ephesus. Once again, we see that God accomplishes His purpose through faithful workers. As you share the gospel, God is working through you to build His kingdom.



哥林多前书 1

 1 Corinthians 1

哥林多前书 2

 1 Corinthians 2

哥林多前书 3

 1 Corinthians 3

哥林多前书 4

 1 Corinthians 4


哥林多教会面临很多问题:结党分裂,道德败坏和信徒间的诉讼。保罗对比了两种解决 教会问题的方法:人的智慧或是神的智慧,哥林多前书显示,神处理教会问题的计划。

The Biblical Story: Paul’s Message to the Church at Corinth

The church at Corinth suffered from division, immorality, and lawsuits between believers. Paul contrasted two ways to deal with church problems: the wisdom of man or the wisdom of God. 1 Corinthians shows God’s plan for dealing with problems in the church.

在哥林多前书 2:1-16,保罗写道,神向每个信徒显明了祂的真理,只有圣灵能够向我们显明 圣经的全部真理。在每天读经之前,请祷告:神啊,祢今天想要教导我什么?请打开我的眼 睛来读祢的话语。

In 1 Corinthians 2:1-16, Paul shows that God reveals His truth to each believer. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal to us the full truth of Scripture. Before reading the Bible each day, pray, “God, what do you want to teach me today? Please open my eyes to your Word.”



哥林多前书 5

 1 Corinthians 5

哥林多前书 6

 1 Corinthians 6

哥林多前书 7

 1 Corinthians 7

哥林多前书 8

 1 Corinthians 8


The gospel is bigger than “accepting Christ and going to heaven.” That is part of the good news, but there is more. When we become God’s child, it changes our entire way of living. In these chapters, we see the practical application of the gospel. Paul shows that the church is called to live under the authority of Jesus Christ in every area.

哥林多前书 6:19-20 的原则必须成为每个基督徒生活的指南。我们不属于自己;我们已经被 神买赎回来了,所以,我们必须以一种能给神带来荣耀和尊荣的方式生活。

The principle of 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 must guide the life of every Christian. We do not belong to ourselves; we have been “bought” by God. Because of this, we must live in a way that brings glory and honor to God.





Based on this week’s readings, answer two questions:


1) What do you need to see God do in your life?


2) What is God calling you to do in obedience to His Word?


第 46 周 Week 46 (11/14-11/20)



哥林多前书 9

1 Corinthians 9

林前 10

 1 Co 10

林前 11

 1 Co 1

我们受呼召的基督徒要如何生活?我们蒙召忠心地奔跑这场基督徒的赛跑 (林前 9:24-27)。


How are we called to live as Christians? We are called to run the Christian race faithfully (1 Corinthians 9:24-27). We are called to follow Christ with the intensity of an athlete running a race.

当你读到保罗对于守主的圣餐的指示时,请记得,只有因着耶稣为我们而死的缘故,我们才能 活出基督徒的生命。祂为我们舍己,所以我们才能按照神呼召我们的方式生活。

As you read Paul’s instructions for observing the Lord’s Supper, remember that we can live the Christian life only through Jesus’ death on our behalf. He gave himself for us so that we can live as God calls us to live.



林前 12

 1 Co 12

林前 13

 1 Co 13

林前 14

 1 Co 14

我们被呼召如何活出基督徒的样式?我们蒙召要带着基督的爱生活(林前 13 章)。我们无法靠

自己的力量创造神圣的爱;我们必须有神的爱通过我们来工作。当你读到爱加倍(神圣之爱) 的特点时,祈求神给你这样的爱,对待你的家人、朋友、基督徒弟兄姐妹,甚至那些认为自己


How are we called to live as Christians? We are called to live with Christlike love (1

Corinthians 13). We cannot create divine love in our own power; we must have God’s love working through us. As you read the characteristics of agape (divine) love, ask God to give you that kind of love towards your family, friends, Christians brothers and sisters, and even towards those who consider themselves your enemy.



林前 15

 1 Co 15

林前 16

 1 Co 16


不可摇动,常常竭力多做主工(林前 15:58)。

God’s promise of the resurrection gives us confidence to live the Christian life today. Because of the hope of eternal life, we can “be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58).



哥林多后书 1

2 Corinthians 1

林后 2

 2 Co 2

林后 3

 2 Co 3

林后 4

 2 Co 4



After receiving 1 Corinthians, many of the Corinthians Christians repented of their sinful division, but a few continued to reject Paul’s message. Paul wrote 2 Corinthians to bring these rebellious members to repentance.

神的伟大旨意是转化祂的百姓,让他们有祂的形象(林后 3:18)。这是圣经中最奇妙的应许之 一。看看神在你生命中正在做些什么;看看祂带进你生命中的人,也看看你面临的挑战。这些 神在你生命中所允许的一切,都是祂计划的一部分,为要转化改变你,让你有祂的形象。

God’s great purpose is to transform His people into His image (2 Corinthians 3:18). This is one of the most wonderful promises in Scripture. Look at what God is doing in your life. Look at the people He has brought into your life. Look at the challenges you face. All that God allows in your life is part of His plan to transform you in His image.




林后 5

 2 Co 5

林后 6

 2 Co 6

林后 7

 2 Co 7

林后 8

 2 Co 8

林后 9

 2 Co 9

我们作门徒的动机是什么?为什么我们要忠心顺服基督?答案可以在哥林多后书 5:14-15


What is our motivation for discipleship? Why do we live in faithful obedience to Christ? The answer is found in 2 Corinthians 5:14-15. We live as faithful disciples because of the

love of Christ. His love motivates us to joyful obedience. 因为基督的爱,我们作为忠心的门




林后 10

 2 Co 10

林后 11

 2 Co 11

林后 12

 2 Co 12

林后 13

 2 Co 13

你觉得门徒的生活艰难吗?基督徒的生活要求沉重吗?听听哥林多后书 13:14 的应许。我们可

以借着三一真神的大能来活出基督徒的生命:主耶稣基督的恩惠,神的慈爱,圣灵的感动常与 你们同在。你不是靠着自己的能力来活出基督徒的生命,借着祷告,你可以有三一真神的能 力。

Do you feel that the life of discipleship is difficult? Do the demands of the Christian life seem heavy? Hear the promise of 2 Corinthians 13:14. We can live the Christian life through the power of the Trinity: the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. You are not living the Christian life in your own power. You have the power of the Trinity available through prayer.





Based on this week’s readings, answer two questions:


1) What do you need to see God do in your life?


2) What is God calling you to do in obedience to His Word?


第 47 周 Week 47 (11/21-11/27)



罗马书 1

 Romans 1

罗马书 2

 Romans 2

罗马书 3

 Romans 3

罗马书 4

 Romans 4


保罗在哥林多讲道时,给罗马信徒写了信,为他来到这个都城做准备。尽管这本书里有很 深奥的神学理论,但并不复杂。这是一本实用的书:它教导怎样在每天的实践中应用我们


The Biblical Story: The Gospel Comes to Rome

While Paul was preaching in Corinth, he wrote Romans as preparation for a visit to this capital city. Although this book contains profound theology, it is not a complicated book. This is a practical book: it teaches how to apply our beliefs in daily practice. We can summarize this book in two big sections:

罗马书 1-11 神在我们身上所做的:祂让我们从罪转向义。

罗马书 12-16 作为神的子民,我们怎样生活:靠着神的大能,我们过义人的生活。

Romans 1-11 – What God has done in us: He has turned us from sin to righteousness. Romans 12-16 – How we live as God’s people: We live righteous lives through God’s power. 罗马书 1:16-17 是整本书的基础。这是神的伟大应许:借着基督,神把救恩给了所有信祂的


Romans 1:16-17 is the foundation of the book of Romans. This is God’s great promise: through Christ, God has provided salvation to all who believe, both Jew and Greek.



罗马书 5

 Romans 5

罗马书 6

 Romans 6

罗马书 7

 Romans 7

罗马书 8

 Romans 8

福音在我们生命中会带来什么不同?借着信,我们与神和好(罗 5:1)。借着基督的死和复

活,我们战胜了罪(罗 6:1-4)。借着神的恩典,我们不被定罪。

What difference does the gospel make in our life? Through faith, we have peace with God (Rom 5:1). Through Christ’s death and resurrection, we have victory over sin (Rom 6:1-4). Through God’s grace, we have no condemnation.

你与神和好了吗?你脱离了恣意妄为的罪的辖制吗?你是在不被定罪的情况下生活吗?因着福 音,这些都属于你了。

Do you have peace with God? Have you been delivered from the power of willful sin? Are you living without condemnation? All this belongs to you because of the gospel.



罗马书 9

 Romans 9

罗马书 10

 Romans 10

罗马书 11

 Romans 11

罗马书 12

 Romans 12

在罗马书 9-11 章,保罗说明了神为我们所做的:祂在基督里拣选了我们;祂给了我们救恩。

In Romans 9-11, Paul shows what God has done for us: He has chosen us in Christ. He has provided salvation.

在罗马书 12-16 章,保罗说明了我们作为神的子民应当怎样生活:我们献上自己作为活祭。神 所做的不仅仅是算我们为义。祂改变了我们,以一种新的方式生活。这个转化是从我们甘愿 献上自己给神为祭开始的(罗 12:1-2)。

In Romans 12-16, Paul shows how we live as God’s people: we present ourselves as a living sacrifice. God does more than “count us righteous.” He transforms us to live in a new way. This transformation begins with a willing sacrifice of ourselves to God (12:1-2).




罗马书 13

 Romans 13

罗马书 14

 Romans 14

罗马书 15

 Romans 15

罗马书 16

 Romans 16

罗马书 1-11 章回答 神在做什么?这个问题。罗马书 12-16 章回答 教会被呼召做什么?


因着神改变的恩典,基督徒与政府的关系(罗 13 章)以及与别的信徒的关系(罗 14 章)都有 所不同。因着福音,你的这些关系有什么不同?

Romans 1-11 answers the question, “What is God doing?” Romans 12-16 answers the question, “What is the church called to do?”

Because of God’s transforming grace, Christians live differently in relation to the government (Romans 13) and to other believers (Romans 14). How are your relationships different because of the gospel?



使徒行传 20

 Acts 20

使徒行传 21

 Acts 21

使徒行传 22

 Acts 22

使徒行传 23

 Acts 23

划出使徒行传 20:24。这是每位信徒蒙召要作的重大的委身宣告,我们不再为自己而活,而


Highlight Acts 20:24. This is a great statement of the commitment every believer is called to make. We do not live for ourselves. Instead, our primary goal is to accomplish the mission God has given us.



使徒行传 24

 Acts 24

使徒行传 25

 Acts 25

使徒行传 26

 Acts 26


的旨意 。想象一下保罗,一个希伯来人中的希伯来人,当他听到神的呼召向外邦人传道时, 也许这对一个忠心遵守犹太传统的法利赛人,似乎是不可能的事。但保罗将自己的意志向神的 呼召降服,把福音带给外邦人,好让他们从黑暗中归向光明(徒 26:18)。

Paul lived with God’s purposes at the center of his life. This is God’s call to the church: to find and fulfill His purpose for every believer. Imagine Paul, a “Hebrew of the Hebrews,” when he heard God’s call to preach to the Gentiles. Perhaps this seemed impossible to a faithful Pharisee who obeyed all the Jewish traditions. But Paul surrendered his will to God who was calling him to bring the gospel to the Gentiles “so that they may turn from darkness to light” (Acts 26:18).

几乎 2000 年之后,仍有很多人生活在黑暗之中,他们之中有我们的邻舍、同事和朋友。你会 顺从神的呼召,把福音带给你身边那些在黑暗中的人吗?

Almost 2000 years later, there are many people still living in darkness. Some of them are our neighbors, coworkers, and friends. Will you obey God’s call to bring the gospel to those near you who live in darkness?





Based on this week’s readings, answer two questions:


1) What do you need to see God do in your life?


2) What is God calling you to do in obedience to His Word?


第 48 周 Week 48 (11/28-12/4)


使徒行传 27

 Acts 27

使徒行传 28

 Acts 28

上周,我们读到保罗渴望去罗马宣教, 他以为自己会以宣教士的身份前往, 没想到, 他是作为囚犯

到达罗马。神通过保罗被捕和下监, 成就了祂的旨意。即使是在软禁期间,保罗传讲神国的 道……并没有人禁止(徒 28:31)。借着保罗的被捕,神把福音带到了罗马。

Last week, we read about Paul’s desire to preach in Rome. He assumed he would travel there as an evangelist. Instead, Paul arrived in Rome as a prisoner. God achieved His purpose through Paul’s arrest and imprisonment. Even under house arrest, Paul was “proclaiming the kingdom of God… without hindrance” (Acts 28:31). Through Paul’s arrest, God brought the gospel to Rome.

你生命中有什么境况似乎让你觉得很难明白?神常常用超出我们理解的方式来实现祂的旨意。 即使你不理解神在做什么的时候,也要相信祂的旨意。

What circumstances in your life seem difficult to understand? God often achieves His purposes in ways that are beyond our comprehension. Trust His purposes even when you don’t understand what He is doing.



腓立比书 1

 Philippians 1

腓立比书 2

Philippians 2

腓立比书 3

 Philippians 3

腓立比书 4

Philippians 4


我们要读以下的四本书称为监狱书信。读这些信件时,请记得保罗写信的时候,是和一个罗 马士兵铐在一起,而且面对可能的死刑判决。

The Biblical Story: Paul as a Prisoner

The next four books we will read are called the Prison Epistles. As you read these letters, remember that they were written while Paul was chained to a Roman guard and facing a possible death sentence.

当我们读新约时,我们一直在问,神在做什么?” “教会被呼召做什么?腓立比书给出了一个 非常让人吃惊的答案:

As we read the New Testament, we have been asking, “What is God doing?” and “What is the church called to do?” Philippians gives a very surprising answer to these questions:

根据腓立比书,教会被呼召要在喜乐中生活 。因着这封信的情境,这个答案令人惊奇。信的作 者正面临可能的死刑,这可不是什么开心的事!收信人,腓立比的基督徒,正在遭受逼迫,这 也不是快乐的处境!

According to Philippians, the church is called to live in joy. This answer is surprising because of the circumstances of the letter. The author faces a possible death sentence– not a happy event! The recipients, Christians in Philippi, are suffering persecution – not a happy circumstance!

在这样的情况下,谁能找到喜乐?根据腓立比书,神是我们喜乐的泉源 。在困境中,腓立比书 说,靠主常常喜乐(腓 4:4)。保罗能够喜乐,因为他的喜乐不是在情境中,而是在主里。

In this situation, who can they find joy? According to Philippians, God is the source of our joy. In a very difficult situation, Philippians says, “Rejoice in the Lord always” (Phil 4:4). Paul can rejoice because his joy is found not in circumstances but in the Lord.

读腓立比书时,划出喜乐欢喜,然后问一问,即使在所面临的困境中,我怎样能找到喜 乐?当我把目光集中在基督而不是我的环境时,我就可以找到喜乐。

As you read Philippians, highlight the words “joy” and “rejoice.” Then ask, “How I can find joy even in the difficult circumstances I face?” I can find joy when I keep my focus on Christ, not on my situation.




歌罗西书 1

 Colossians 1

歌罗西书 2

 Colossians 2

歌罗西书 3

 Colossians 3

歌罗西书 4

 Colossians 4


 Philemon

神在做什么?读歌罗西书 3:1-4。神已经让我们与基督一同复活了。祂已应许我们,有一天会在


What is God doing? Read Colossians 3:1-4. God has raised us with Christ. He has promised that we will someday be with Him in eternal glory.

我们被呼召做什么。读歌罗西书 3:5-17。我们要治死一切有罪的事,穿戴基督的样式 。我们当 这样生活,来回应神救赎我们的伟大恩典。

What we called to do? Read Colossians 3:5-17. We are to put to death everything that is sinful and put on Christlike attitudes. This is how we live in response to God’s great grace that has saved us.



以弗所书 1

 Ephesians 1

以弗所书 2

 Ephesians 2

以弗所书 3

 Ephesians 3

以弗所书 4

 Ephesians 4

读以弗所书 1 章时,划出在基督里在他里面在爱子里以及类似的词语。作为信徒所得

到的诸多祝福,是因为我们是基督身体的一部分。在以弗所书 2:1-10,保罗描写了当我们重生 时会发生的极大变化。我们本该承受神的烈怒,但神 既有丰富的怜悯叫我们与基督一同活过


有保罗在以弗所书 4-6 章中描绘的新生活。

As you read Ephesians 1, highlight the phrases “in Christ,” “in him,” “in the beloved,” or related words. The blessings we receive as believers come because we are part of Christ’s body. In Ephesians 2:1-10, Paul shows the great change that comes when we are born again. Though we deserved wrath, God, “being rich in mercy” raised us with Christ. We have received mercy instead of judgment. We are alive instead of being dead in our sins. Because of this change, we can live the new life Paul describes in Ephesians 4-6.




以弗所书 5

 Ephesians 5

以弗所书 6

 Ephesians 6

提多书 1

 Titus 1

提多书 2

 Titus 2

提多书 3

 Titus 3


提多书和提摩太前后书称为 教牧书信。保罗写信给他以前的学生,现在都是牧师。他让 提多去管理克里特岛上的各教会,让提摩太去牧养以弗所教会。这些书信教导这两位年轻牧

师怎样带领教会。读的时候,要了解你们牧师肩负的沉重责任, 在他带领我们教会的时候, 为他祷告。

The Biblical Story: The Pastoral Letters

Titus and 1&2 Timothy are called “the Pastoral Letters.” Paul was writing to his former students who are now pastors. He assigned Titus to oversee the churches on the island of Crete and assigned Timothy to pastor the church in Ephesus. These letters taught these young pastors how to lead the church. As you read, understand the heavy responsibility your pastor carries. Pray for him as he leads our church.


(多 1:12-13),但因着神的恩典,他们可以过敬虔和平的生活。因着神的转化恩典,提多书 2-

3 章中的教导成为可能。读提多书第 2 章中基督徒生命中应有的素质时,求神帮助你在这些方 面成长成熟。

Because of God’s great grace, we have the power to live as God calls us to live. The people who lived in Crete were known for their bad character (1:12-13). But because of God’s grace, they can now live godly, peaceable lives. The instructions in Titus 2-3 are possible because of God’s transforming grace. As you read the qualities of the Christian life in Titus 2, ask God to help you to grow to maturity in these areas.



提摩太前书 1

 1 Timothy 1

提摩太前书 2

 1 Timothy 2

提摩太前书 3

 1 Timothy 3

提摩太前书 4

 1 Timothy 4

提摩太前书 5

 1 Timothy 5

提摩太前书 6

 1 Timothy 6


或是一场战役, 都需要纪律。我们蒙召过一个忠实的基督徒生活。

Some people think that the Christian life will be easy and comfortable, but Paul taught that the Christian life is a race, a fight, or a battle. It requires discipline. We are called to be faithful in the Christian life.

你怎样持守忠实?你必须 在敬虔上操练自己 (提前 4:7)。你必须 为真道打那美好的仗

(提前 6:12)。你是否通过读经、背诵经文、祷告、去教会,和遵从神的命令来操练敬虔?

How will you be faithful? You must “train yourself for godliness” (1 Tim 4:7). You must “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Tim 6:12). Are you training for godliness through Scripture reading and memorization, prayer, church attendance, and obedience to God’s commands?





Based on this week’s readings, answer two questions:


1) What do you need to see God do in your life?


2) What is God calling you to do in obedience to His Word?