第 49 周 Week 49 (12/5-12/11)



 彼得前书 1

 1 Peter 1

 彼得前书 2

 1 Peter 2

 彼得前书 3

 1 Peter 3

 彼得前书 4

 1 Peter 4

 彼得前书 5

 1 Peter 5


本周的读经来自普通书信。这些书信之所以称为普通是因为它们不是写给某一 特定的教会或者个人,而是给所有教会共享的。

因为它们都是简短的书信,所以有时候会被认为不重要,但这种看法是错误的!它 们都是重要的书信,因为指出了第一世纪初代教会面临的实际问题,这些问题仍然 波及到今天的教会。本周我们将要读到的题目包括:教会中信徒的相交、错误教 义的危险、坚忍等候、基督徒的殷勤接待、为义受苦,等等。读这些书信的时候 要问一个问题: 这对我在 2022 年中的处境意味着什么?

The Biblical Story: The General Letters
This week’s readings come from the “general epistles.” They are called “general” because they were written not to specific churches or individuals, but to be shared among all the churches.
Because these are short letters, they are sometimes considered unimportant. This is a mistake! These are important letters addressing practical issues that were important in the first century and continue to affect the church today. This week, you will read about such topics as relationships in the church, the danger of false doctrine, perseverance, Christian hospitality, persecution, etc. Read these letters asking, “How does this speak to my circumstances in 2022?”

昨天,我收到了一位信徒的电邮,问道:在我的国家,许多自称信徒不诚实,所以他们 羞辱了‘基督徒’的名字。当我被问道:你的宗教信仰是什么?我该怎么回答?这 里有彼得的回答:我是被拣选的(被神拣选的);我是被放逐的(被世界拒绝的);神 我的天父认识我;我借着圣灵得以成圣;我因为耶稣的宝血得洁净;我是谁?我是神的 儿女!这是对你是谁这个问题的绝好回答,当你读彼得前书时,你要为神使你成为祂 的儿女而欢喜快乐。这就是你在基督里的身份。

Yesterday, I received an email from a believer asking this, “In my country, many professed believers are dishonest, so they have shamed the name ‘Christian.’ When I am asked, ‘What is your religion,’ how should I answer?” Here was Peter’s answer: “I am elect (chosen by God). I am an exile (rejected by people). I am known by God the Father. I am made holy by the Spirit. I have been washed with the blood of Jesus. Who am I? I am a child of God!” This is a great answer to the question, “Who are you?” As you read 1 Peter, rejoice that God has made you His child. That is your identity in Christ.




希伯来书 1

 Hebrews 1

希伯来书 2

 Hebrews 2

希伯来书 3

 Hebrews 3

希伯来书 4

 Hebrews 4

希伯来书提醒我们,我们蒙召要持守信仰 。这本书信包括一个警告(不要离弃信仰)和

一个鼓励(耶稣是伟大的大祭司,祂将使我们持定信仰)。因为耶稣是我们的代祷者, 我们就能够履行神的呼召而持守住信仰。

The book of Hebrews reminds us that we are called to remain faithful. This letter contains both a warning (do not abandon the faith) and an encouragement (Jesus is our great High priest who will keep us faithful). Because Jesus is our intercessor, we can fulfil God’s call to faithfulness.



希伯来书 5

 Hebrews 5

希伯来书 6

 Hebrews 6

希伯来书 7

 Hebrews 7

希伯来书 8

 Hebrews 8

当你读希伯来书第 7 章时,问一问:如果神赐给一位大祭司来代表我,这位大祭司应该

有什么样的品德?我们需要的大祭司是圣洁、无邪恶、无玷污、远离罪人、高过诸 天 的(来 7:26)。我们需要的大祭司不必为祂自己的罪献祭,却能为我们的罪成为祭 物。神已差派耶稣基督做我们完美的大祭司 。正因为这样,祂预备了救恩并在神面前为 我们代求(来 7:25-27)。

As you read Hebrews 7, ask, “If God were providing a high priest to represent me, what kind of character should the high priest be?” We would need a high priest who is “holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens” (Heb

7:26). We would need a high priest who did not have to make a sacrifice for his own sins but who could make sacrifice for our sins. God sent Jesus Christ as our perfect high priest. Because of that, he provides salvation and intercedes with God for us (Heb 7:25-27).



希伯来书 9

 Hebrews 9

希伯来书 10

 Hebrews10

希伯来书 11

 Hebrews 11

希伯来书 12

 Hebrews 12

希伯来书 13

 Hebrews 13



As you read Hebrews, perhaps you become discouraged thinking, “How can I remain faithful in all the pressures of life? Hebrews calls me to be faithful, but it seems difficult!”

希伯来书第 11 章列举了男男女女的信心见证人。然后,希伯来书 12:1 应许我们也能奔那 神摆在前头的路程。你可能会说:可是这些人都是伟人,我可不是!请认真读这份见 证人的名单。是的,他们里面有像亚伯拉罕和摩西这样的伟人,但也有像雅各和耶弗他 这样较软弱的人。不管你是谁,只要你相信神的恩典,神会保守你信心坚定。我们不是 靠自己的力量奔跑这路程,而是,靠着仰望为我们信心创始成终的耶稣 (来 12:2)。

Hebrews 11 points to men and women who remained faithful. Then, Hebrews 12:1 promises that we too can run the race that God has given us. You might say, “But these were great heroes! I’m not a hero.” Read the list more carefully. Yes, it includes heroes like Abraham and Moses, but it also includes weaker men like Jacob and Jephthah. Whoever you are, God can hold you faithful as you trust in His grace. We do not run the race in our own power. Instead, we run by “looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith” (Heb 12:2).




提摩太后书 1

 2 Timothy 1

提摩太后书 2

 2 Timothy 2

提摩太后书 3

 2 Timothy 3

提摩太后书 4

 2 Timothy 4


道,直到再次被捕。在罗马,尼禄皇帝已判決保罗死刑。保罗写这封信给提摩太的时候 就知道自己很快会被处死。这封信是他的见证:那美好的仗我已经打过了,当跑的路我 已经跑尽了,所信的道我已经守住了 (提后 4:7

Paul’s second letter to Timothy was a farewell letter. After being released from house arrest, Paul traveled and preached until he was arrested a second time. In Rome, Emperor Nero condemned Paul to death. Paul wrote this letter to Timothy knowing that he would soon be executed. This is his testimony: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim 4:7).

当你读到保罗的诀别时,请记住这个伟大的应许:你可以和保罗一样的有信心。 保罗说 这 份 信 心 的 奖 赏 ( 公 义 的 冠 冕 ) 不 仅 仅 归 于 他 , 也 赐 给 凡 爱 慕 祂 显现 的 人 ( 提 后


As you read Paul’s farewell, remember this great promise: you can be faithful as Paul was faithful. Paul said that the reward for faithfulness (the crown of righteousness) belonged not just to him but “to all who love his appearing” (2 Tim

4:8). All of us who are waiting for Christ’s return can receive the reward for faithfulness; that includes you!



犹大书 1

 Jude 1

彼得后书 1

 2 Peter 1

彼得后书 2

 2 Peter 2

彼得后书 3

 2 Peter 3

彼得后书里有这样一个应许:耶稣将要再来。 因此也有这样一个呼召:既然耶稣将要再

来,你和我就必须要竭力地过圣洁的生活(彼后 3:11-14)。当你读彼得后书时,问一 问:我是否愿意,当基督再来时发现我正在过討祂喜悦的生活呢?

2 Peter gives this promise: Jesus will come again. And it gives this call: since Jesus will come again, you and I must be diligent to live godly lives (2 Peter 3:11-14). As you read 2 Peter, ask, “Am I living the way I want to be found when Jesus returns?”





Based on this week’s readings, answer two questions:


1) What do you need to see God do in your life?


2) What is God calling you to do in obedience to His Word?


第 50 周 Week 50 (12/12-12/18)



约翰一书 1

 1 John 1

约翰一书 2

 1 John 2

约翰一书 3

 1 John 3

约翰一书 4

 1 John 4

约翰一书 5

 1 John 5

约翰二书 1

 2 John 1

约翰三书 1

 3 John 1

约翰一书 1:9-2:1 是新约里最伟大的应许之一。如果我们承认自己的罪,神必会赦免我们的

罪。我们不必终日活在往事的愧疚中,罪已经洗净了。我们可以从过去的罪中得释放,并且 每日生活在与神的相交关系里。本周请为你的罪得饶恕欢喜快乐吧!

One of the great promises of the New Testament is found in 1 John 1:9-2:1. If we confess our sin, God will forgive our sin. We do not have to live with the ongoing guilt of our past. Our sin is gone. We are free from the past and we live in daily relationship with God. This week, rejoice that your sins are forgiven.



启示录 1

Revelation 1

启示录 2

 Rev 2

启示录 3

 Rev 3

启示录 4

 Rev 4

启示录 5

 Rev 5


生活在一世纪的人们面临一个问题:谁是终极掌管我生命的主宰?凯撒要求人们承 认: 凯撒是主。但一个基督徒永远不会承认凯撒有终极的权柄。基督徒必须宣认:耶 稣是主。祂对一切拥有主权。 启示录揭示了耶稣有一天将统管整个宇宙。那一天,万膝包括凯撒,都要向祂跪拜;万口 都要宣称,耶稣是主。在启示录中,我们将看到一个最伟大的应许:神在全世界掌权。没 有任何其他力量能打败神的终极统治。

The Biblical Story: God Reigns Over All

People living in the first century faced the question was “Who is lord, the ultimate authority in my life?” Caesar demanded that people affirm, “Caesar is lord.” But a Christian could never recognize Caesar as the ultimate authority. The Christian must proclaim, “Jesus is Lord.” He is the sovereign over everything.

The book of Revelation shows that Jesus will someday rule over the entire universe. On

that day, every knee – even Caesar – will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. In Revelation, we will see the greatest promise of all: God is sovereign in our world. No other power can defeat God’s ultimate rule.

启示录 1:12-18 描述了拥有主权的主。当看到复活的基督,圣徒约翰甚至 仆倒在祂脚前, 像死了一样 (启 1:17)。

Revelation 1:12-18 gives a description of the sovereign Lord. When he saw the resurrected Christ, even the saintly John “fell at his feet as though dead” (Rev 1:17).




启示录 6

 Rev 6

启示录 7

 Rev 7

启示录 8

 Rev 8

启示录 9

 Rev 9

启示录 10

 Rev 10

在启示录 7:9-12 中,约翰看到有无数的人敬拜耶稣为主。约翰看到从各国、各方来的人们



In Revelation 7:9-12, John saw a countless multitude worshiping Jesus as Lord. John saw people from every nation and the angels bowing before the throne. When you meet for Sunday’s church service, remember that our worship on earth is preparation for our eternal worship in heaven.



启示录 11

 Rev 11

启示录 12

 Rev 12

启示录 13

 Rev 13

启示录 12:1-5 描绘撒旦试图破坏神对我们世界的计划,但是尽管撒旦(大紅龙)尝试了各


Revelation 12:1-5 portrays Satan’s attempts to defeat God’s plan to our world. But although Satan (the dragon) tried to destroy the baby Jesus, God is sovereign. His plan to redeem humanity cannot be defeated.



启示录 14

 Rev 14

启示录 15

 Rev 15

启示录 16

 Rev 16

启示录 17

 Rev 17

启示录 18

 Rev 18


的主权,这个更大的主题。启示录第 17 章提到一个与神和祂的大能敌对的兽,但是约翰亲 眼见证耶稣将赢得最终的胜利。为什么? 因为羔羊是万主之主、万王之王。同着羔羊的, 就是蒙召、被选、有忠心的,也必得胜 (启示录 17:14

As you read Revelation, you may be tempted to focus on the pictures of judgement and destruction. Please don’t miss the bigger theme of God’s sovereign rule. Revelation 17 tells of the beast that opposes God and His power, but John testifies that Jesus will ultimately win the victory. Why? Because “he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful” (Rev 17:14).




启示录 19

 Rev 19

启示录 20

 Rev 20

启示录 21

 Rev 21

启示录 22

 Rev 22


许:神要得胜!撒旦将被打败,神会永远住在祂的子民当中。生活在艰难中,但是永远不要 忘记,神应许永远和你一起生活在天国里,这是多么荣耀的未来!

We have reached the climax of Scripture. This is the point to which all history is headed. Here is the great promise of the Bible: God will win! Satan will be defeated and God will dwell with His people forever. In the difficulties of life, never forget that you are promised an eternal life with God in heaven. What a glorious future!





What promise from Revelation is most exciting to you? Let that promise encourage you to stay faithful to God.

51-52 Weeks 51-52 (12/19-12/31)

如果你有落下没有读的章节,最后这两周可以补读。如果你按读经表读完了所有章节,请用这两周的时间深思今 年从圣经里学到了什么。你可以复习一下自己的笔记,并享受神的应许。要充满信心地生活,因为神将会实践祂 的每一个应许。

These final two weeks give you an opportunity to catch up if you have fallen behind. If you have finished on schedule, take these weeks to reflect on what you have learned this year. Review your notes and enjoy the promises of God. Live in confidence that God will fulfill every promise He has made.