第六周 Week 6 (2/6-2/12)



利未记 1

 Leviticus 1

利未记 2

 Leviticus 2

利未记 3

 Leviticus 3

利未记 4

 Leviticus 4

诗篇 12

 Psalm 12

诗篇 13

 Psalm 13

于献祭的清單里第一个提到的 是“燔祭 ”。 在这种献祭中,一切祭物全要烧在坛上(利1:9),祭司或百姓一点都不可吃。祭司可以享用之后的祭物,但是燔祭是完全属于神的。

門徒应该学习的功课:作为门徒,我们蒙召把自己当作“活祭”献给神(罗 12:1)。正如 旧约里的燔祭,我们要把自己一切所有的全献给神。

The first offering in the list of offerings is the “burnt offering.” In this offering, everything is burned on the altar (Lev 1:9). Nothing is eaten by the priest or worshiper. Later offerings were shared with the priest, but the burnt offering belonged entirely to God.

Lesson for disciples: As disciples, we are called to give ourselves as a “living sacrifice” to

God (Rom 12:1). Like the Old Testament burnt offering, we give everything to God.



利未记 5

 Leviticus 5

利未记 6

 Leviticus 6

利未记 7

 Leviticus 7

诗篇 14

 Psalm 14

诗篇 15

 Psalm 15

神是圣洁的,人是有罪的,我们无法接近祂。但是借着献祭,神开了一条重新恢复的道路。 作为新约的门徒,因耶稣基督成为了我们完美的牺牲,我们就可以来到神的面前。耶稣基督提供了一条在有罪的人和圣洁的神之间恢复关系的道路

诗篇 15 篇提醒我们,如果不是来自于顺服的心,利未记里的献祭就没有价值。诗篇 15 篇指出了一个真正门徒的品格。我们外在的行为必须反映出我们的心已经转化了。

Humanity cannot reach God. He is holy; we are sinful. But through the offerings, God provided a path for restoration. As New Testament disciples, we can come into God’s presence because Jesus became the perfect sacrifice for us. Jesus provided a path for restoration between sinful man and a holy God.

Psalm 15 reminds us that sacrifices in Leviticus had no value if they did not come from an obedient heart. Psalm 15 shows the character of a true disciple. Our actions (external) must show that our heart has been transformed.



利未记 8

 Leviticus 8

利未记 9

 Leviticus 9

利未记 10

 Leviticus 10

诗篇 16

 Psalm 16

诗篇 17

 Psalm 17

你为什么参加主日敬拜?有些人是因为害怕:如果不去教堂,神可能会惩罚我。有些人是因为想要奖赏:如果去教堂,神就会祝福我。有些人仅仅是为了想要社交。利未记 10:3 告诉我们真正敬拜的关键:我们必须荣耀神。对于真正的门徒来说,敬拜主要的不是满足自己的愿望和喜好,也不是我们情绪的反应。敬拜主要是为了荣耀神。这个周日当你敬拜时,要问:“我怎样敬拜才能荣耀神?”

Why do you attend Sunday worship? Some people are motivated by fear: if I don’t go to church, God may punish me. Some are motivated by reward: if I go to church, God will bless me. Some simply enjoy being with other people. Leviticus 10:3 shows a key to true worship: we must honor God. For true disciples, worship is not primarily about satisfying our desires or preferences. Worship is not about our emotional response. Worship is primarily about honoring God. As you worship this Sunday, ask, “How can I worship in a way that honors God?”



利未记 11

 Leviticus 11

利未记 12

 Leviticus 12

诗篇 18

 Psalm 18


Through the detailed laws in Leviticus 11-15, God taught Israel what it means to be holy - set apart to God. These laws provided a visible symbol of purity. Because God is pure, God’s people must be pure in all areas of life.



利未记 13

 Leviticus 13

利未记 14

 Leviticus 14



Although we may not understand every instruction in these chapters, remember the basic principle of these laws: all of life was either “clean” or “unclean.” Nothing was neutral. Everything was under God’s authority. Because Jesus came to fulfill the law, we no longer follow these ceremonial laws. However, for a disciple of Jesus, everything is under his authority. As you read these laws, ask, “Does God have control of every area in my life?”



利未记 15

 Leviticus 15

诗篇 19

 Psalm 19

诗篇 20

 Psalm 20

诗篇 21

 Psalm 21

你曾受试探,觉得神的命令是个沉重的负担吗?划出诗篇 19:7-11,想一想遵守神的律法能得的大赏,以及问心无愧的喜乐。喜乐的门徒学到:神的律法是赐给神儿女的宝贵礼物。

Are you ever tempted to feel that God’s commands are a difficult burden? Highlight Psalm

19:7-11. Think about the “great reward” of keeping God’s law. Think about the joy of a clear conscience. Joyful disciples learn that God’s law is a gracious gift to God’s children.





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?

有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?

有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?

有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?

有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

第 7 周 Week 7 (2/13-2/19)



利未记 16

 Leviticus 16

利未记 17

 Leviticus 17

利未记 18

 Leviticus 18

诗篇 22

 Psalm 22

Yom Kippur 赎罪日,是犹太历法中最神圣的一天这一天,一只山羊要为人的罪成为祭 物。读完利未记 16 章后,再读一读希伯来书 9:11-14,以了解神对所有将信心放在耶稣基督里的人的伟大应许。耶稣已经成为我们完美的祭物。作为耶稣基督的门徒,我们摆脱了罪的 罪责和权势。

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, was the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. On this day, a goat was sacrificed for the sins of the people. After reading Leviticus 16, read Hebrews 9:11-14 to understand God’s great promise for all who put their faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus has become our perfect sacrifice. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are free from the guilt and power of sin.



利未记 19

 Leviticus 19

利未记 20

Leviticus 20

利未记 21

 Leviticus 21

诗篇 23

 Psalm 23

诗篇 24

 Psalm 24


划出利未记 19:2. 我们是圣洁的,因为神是圣洁的。成为圣洁就是要像我们的父神,理解这 一点并不复杂。

划出利未记 20:8. 只有神使我们圣洁,我们才是圣洁的。如果我们试图通过自己的自律、研究神学或其他的努力来“成为圣洁”,我们就会变得像法利赛人一样。我们将变得喜欢论断,总是觉得自己“比你更圣洁”。所以,我们必须祷告:“神啊,我想要像你。请在我身上做任何的工作,让我能更像你。”

Leviticus 19 and 20 contain two of the key verses in the Old Testament. There are two important lessons for disciples.

Highlight Leviticus 19:2. We are holy because God is holy. To be holy is to be like our Father. It is not complicated.

Highlight Leviticus 20:8. We are holy only as God makes us holy. If we try to “become holy” through our own self-discipline, theological study, or other efforts, we will become like the Pharisees. We will become judgmental and “holier-than-thou.” Instead, we must pray, “God, I want to be like you. Please do what must be done to make me more like you.”



利未记 22

 Leviticus 22

利未记 23

Leviticus 23

诗篇 25

 Psalm 25

我曾经听到一位妈妈在教堂崇拜中对她的孩子发火,说:“不要嘻笑了,你是在教堂!” 我认为利未记 23 章却是教导我们说:“欢笑喜乐吧,因为你是在教堂里!”


I once heard a mother fuss at her child during a church service. “Quit laughing; you are in church!” I think Leviticus 23 teaches us to say, “Laugh and rejoice. You are in church!”

The Jewish festivals were a time of celebration and joy. Before it was corrupted by legalism, the Jewish religion was a joyful faith. In the same way, the life of a disciple is to be a life of joy. During seasons such as Christmas, Easter and Pentecost, celebrate the joy of following Jesus. And on “ordinary” Sundays, celebrate worship as a joyful time.



利未记 24

 Leviticus 24

利未记 25

 Leviticus 25

诗篇 26

 Psalm 26

诗篇 27

 Psalm 27

门徒的一个定义是:门徒是决定一件事(跟随耶稣)比其他任何事情都重要的人。对彼得来说,跟随耶稣比捕鱼更重要。对马太来说,跟随耶稣比为罗马人收税更重要。对大卫来说, 住在神的殿中比生命中的其他任何事情都重要(诗篇 27:4)。

你的 “件事 ” 是什么?跟随耶稣是你生命中最优先的事情吗?

One definition of a disciple is this: A disciple is a person who has decided that one thing (following Jesus) is more important than anything else. For Peter, following Jesus was more important than catching fish. For Matthew, following Jesus was more important than collecting taxes for the Romans. For David, living in God’s house was more important than anything else in life (Psalm 27:4).

What is your “one thing?” Is following Jesus the top priority in your life?



利未记 26

 Leviticus 26

利未记 27

 Leviticus 27

诗篇 28

 Psalm 28

诗篇 29

 Psalm 29


那么这一章要教导门徒什么呢?作为一个国家,当以色列向神保持忠诚的时候它就被祝福了 。作为教会, 当新约信徒对神忠诚时,我们会得到从神而来的属灵祝福。 那些“小确 幸”,比如金钱和健康总是来了又去,而“最大的祝福”,比如有主耶稣的样式和永恒的生命则永远不会被挪去。

Some people misread Leviticus 26 as a promise of prosperity to those who follow God. However, even in the Old Testament, men like Job found that you can be faithful to God and still suffer adversity!

So what does this chapter teach for disciples? As a nation, Israel was blessed when the nation remained faithful to God. As a church, New Testament believers receive God’s spiritual blessings as we remain faithful to God. The “small blessings” of money and health will come and go. The “greatest blessings” of Christlikeness and eternal life can never be taken away.



诗篇 30

 Psalm 30

诗篇 31

 Psalm 31

诗篇 32

 Psalm 32

诗篇 33

 Psalm 33

跟随耶稣并不能保证你的生命中没有麻烦。信徒和不信的人面临同样的麻烦。有时你可能想 像大卫在诗篇 31:9-13 中那样祷告:“耶和华啊,我在急难之中!” 但是在你把痛苦都倾 诉出来以后,你可以祷告第 14 节:“耶和华啊,我仍旧倚靠你。”

同样,我们也可以像诗篇 33:16-18 那样祷告。我们的希望不在于军队或者强大力量。我们的信心在于“耶和华的眼目看顾敬畏他的人,和仰望他慈爱的人”。作为门徒,我们有特权靠那全能和值得信赖的神 — 尤其在艰难的时刻。

Following Jesus does not guarantee a trouble-free life. Disciples face trouble the same as unbelievers. Sometimes you may want to pray like David in Psalm 31:9-13. “God, I am in distress!” But after you pour out your hurts, you can pray verse 14; “But I trust in you, O Lord.”

In the same way, we can pray Psalm 33:16-18. Our hope is not in an army or our great strength. Our confidence is that “the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him.” As disciples, we have the great privilege of trusting in an all-powerful and trustworthy God – even in difficult times.





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?

有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?

有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?

有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?

有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

第 8 周 Week 8 (2/20-2/26)



约翰福音 1

 John 1

约翰福音 2

 John 2

约翰福音 3

 John 3

划出约翰福音 3:5。要成为耶稣的真门徒不仅仅是定下美善的志向,真正的门徒训练会内在和外在的改变我们。我们是从水得生的(洗净外在的罪),也是从圣灵得生的(内心被赋予了新渴望和新能力来服事神)。

Highlight John 3:5. To become a true disciple of Jesus is more than simply making good resolutions. True discipleship changes us both inwardly and outwardly. We are born of water (cleansed of outward sin) and born of the Spirit (given a new inward desire and power to serve God.)



约翰福音 4

 John 4

约翰福音 5

 John 5

诗篇 34

 Psalm 34

在约翰福音 5:6 中,耶稣向一个病了38年的人提出一个令人惊讶的问题:“你想要痊愈吗?”这听起来像是一个不必要的问题,病人肯定会说:“我当然想要痊愈啊!”



In John 5:6, Jesus asked a surprising question to a man who had been an invalid for thirty- eight years. “Do you want to be healed?” That seems like a needless question. “Of course, I want to be healed!”

But many people do not want to be healed of bitterness; they hold on to their anger over past wrongs. They do not want to be healed of their bondage to sinful habits.

Of what sinful habit, emotional pain, or spiritual bondage do you need to be healed? Perhaps Jesus is asking you, “Do you want to be healed?”



约翰福音 6

 John 6

诗篇 35

 Psalm 35

诗篇 36

 Psalm 36

约翰福音 6:60-66 告诉我们门徒训练的昂貴代价。许多享受过麦饼和鱼的人,在意识到跟随耶稣的代价时,他们就转身离去。但是西门彼得知道,别无选择。他说:主啊,你有永生之道,我们还归从谁呢?(约翰福音 6:68)门徒们知道唯有耶稣能带来永生我们跟从祂,因为耶稣是通往永生的唯一道路。

John 6:60-66 shows the high cost of discipleship. Many people who had enjoyed the bread and fishes turned away when they realized the cost of following Jesus. But Simon Peter knew that there was nowhere else to turn. “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68). Disciples know that only Jesus can bring eternal life. We follow him because he is the only path to eternal life.



约翰福音 7

 John 7

诗篇 37

 Psalm 37

诗篇 38

 Psalm 38

在住棚节期间,犹太人住在临时支搭的帐棚里,以纪念他们离开埃及后,神在旷野对他们的保护。在那些旷野的岁月里,当他们没有水时,神从磐石里给他们取水喝。在节期的最后一 天,主耶稣说:人若渴了,可以到我这里来喝。主是在宣告:我是生命的活水。你渴望属灵的活水吗?门徒们都知道主耶稣是活水的唯一源头。

During the Feast of Booths, Jewish people lived in temporary shelters as a reminder of God’s protection in the wilderness after they left Egypt. During those wilderness years, God provided water from a rock when they ran out of water. On the last day of the feast, Jesus said, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.” He was announcing, “I am the water of life.” Are you thirsty for spiritual water? Disciples know that Jesus is the only source of living water.



约翰福音 8

 John 8

约翰福音 9

 John 9

诗篇 39

 Psalm 39

约翰福音 8:31 所述是对门徒训练的一个严峻测试:你 “遵守我的道” 吗?“遵守” 耶稣的道意思是持续地相信耶稣所说的话,并且过顺服祂的命令的生活。门徒都要过顺服耶稣命令的生活。

你是否很费劲地与朋友和家人分享福音?你可以效法约翰福音 9:25 中那个人的榜样。你不必争论神学或护教学,只要告诉别人耶稣在你生命中做了什么,这就是最好的见证。

John 8:31 gives the crucial test of discipleship: do you “abide in my word”? To “abide” in Jesus’ word means to continue believing what Jesus says and living in obedience to his commands. Disciples live in obedience to Jesus’ commands.

Do you struggle to share the gospel with your friends and family? Follow the example of the man in John 9:25. You don’t have to argue about theology or apologetics. Just tell them what Jesus has done in your life. That is a great testimony.



约翰福音 10

 John 10

约翰福音 11

 John 11

诗篇 40

 Psalm 40

诗篇 41

 Psalm 41

约翰福音 10:28-29 是对门徒的一个伟大应许:谁也不能把我们从父神的手中夺去。我们在慈爱天父的手臂中是安全的。我们不必害怕撒旦的攻击。我们的父神比我们所有的敌人都强大。


John 10:28-29 is a great promise to disciples: No one can take us from the Father’s hand. We are secure in the arms of our loving heavenly Father. We do not need to fear Satan’s attacks. Our Father is strong than our enemy.

David rejoiced, “He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.” Does your life show the joy of a person who has been raised from the “pit of destruction?” Our “new song of praise” is the great testimony we have to offer to the world around us.




What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?

有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?

有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?

有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?

有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

第 9 周 Week 9 (2/27-3/5)



约翰福音 12

 John 12

约翰福音 13

 John 13


1)谦卑地服事他人(约 13:14-15)

2)爱主内的弟兄姊妹(约 13:34-35) 在我们的世界里,成功以地位为标志;作为耶稣的门徒,成功的标志是服事。在我们的世界里,成功的标志是权力;作为耶稣的门徒,成功是以爱为标志

In John 13, Jesus showed two great evidences for a disciple.

1) Humble service to others (John 13:14-15)

2) Love for other believers (John 13:34-35)

In our world, success is marked by position; for a disciple of Jesus, success is marked by service. In our world, success is marked by power; for a disciple of Jesus, success is marked by love.



约翰福音 14

 John 14

约翰福音 15

 John 15

约翰福音 16

 John 16

约翰福音 17

 John 17






These chapters record some of Jesus’ most intimate moments with His disciples. These are his last words before his arrest.

In John 14, Jesus shows that disciples have peace through the Holy Spirit in our lives.

In John 15, Jesus shows that our spiritual life comes through relationship with the Vine.

In John 16, Jesus shows that disciples are guided by the Holy Spirit.

In John 17, Jesus prayed that disciples will live in unity.



约翰福音 18

 John 18

约翰福音 19

 John 19

约翰福音 20

 John 20


奇异的爱,怎能如此, 我主我神为我受死!


As you read these chapters, realize what a great price Jesus paid for our salvation. One of my favorite hymns says:

Amazing love! how can it be

That Thou, my God, should die for me!

This is the amazing love of Jesus. His love should inspire our faithful service.



约翰福音 21

 John 21

民数记 1

 Numbers 1

民数记 2

 Numbers 2

耶稣三次问彼得:“你爱我吗?” 一个学者可能知道很多关于耶稣的事,但并不真正爱耶稣。门徒则一定是爱耶稣的。你爱祂吗?

Three times, Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” A scholar may know much about Jesus without truly loving Jesus. A disciple loves Jesus. Do you love Him?



民数记 3

 Numbers 3

民数记 4

 Numbers 4

民数记 5

 Numbers 5

民数记的很多内容比较难懂,因为里面有很多古代的律法和祭祀仪式。但所有这些律法的关键在于民数记 3:13: “我是耶和华” 。当我们遵守神的命令时,我们就承认祂是主。祂是我们生命中至高的主宰。

Much of Numbers is difficult. It is full of ancient laws and rituals. But the key to all these laws is found in Numbers 3:13, “I am the Lord.” When we obey God’s commands, we are recognizing that He is the Lord. He is the sovereign authority in our life.



民数记 6

 Numbers 6

民数记 7

 Numbers 7

亚伦为以色列人的祝福(民 6:22-27)并不是一个空洞的仪式。这些祝福的话是大祭司“奉耶和华的名为以色列人祝福”。耶和华的“名”代表祂的权威,祂的荣耀和祂圣洁的性情。


Aaron’s blessing on Israel (Num 6:22-27) was not an empty ritual. With these words, the high priest “put God’s name upon the people of Israel.” God’s “name” represents His authority, His glory, and His holy character.

As disciples, we live under God’s authority. We live for His glory. We seek to reflect His character. To be a disciple means that we live under His name.




What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?

有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?

有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?

有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?

有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?