第 10 周 Week 10 (3/6-3/12)
周一 Monday 民数记 8 Numbers 8 民数记 9 Numbers 9 民数记 10 Numbers 10 民数记 11 Numbers 11 | 注意民数记 9:15-23 中的程序。神藉着云彩给以色列人指路,引领子民经过旷野。神决定他们何时起行、何时住营,也决定他们往哪里去、走得多快。这个图像很好地诠释了成为门徒 意味着什么:门徒就是跟从耶稣的人。耶稣定下我们生命的方向。今天神在引领你,你会跟从吗? Notice the procedure in Numbers 9:15-23. Through the cloud that guided Israel, God led the people through the desert. God determined when they traveled and when they remained in one place. He determined where they would go and how fast they would travel. This is a good picture of what it means to be a disciple. A disciple is a person who follows Jesus. He sets the direction of our life. God is leading you today; will you follow? |
周二 Tuesday 民数记 12 Numbers 12 民数记 13 Numbers 13 民数记 14 Numbers 14 民数记 15 Numbers 15 | 对比民数记 13:33 和 14:9。那十个探子用恐惧的眼光看迦南地,而约书亚和迦勒用信心的眼睛来看。那十个探子看到了迦南的伟人,而约书亚和迦勒卻看到了以色列的神。 门徒的眼光聚焦于神。我们必须学会通过信心的眼睛看待生活。 Contrast Numbers 13:33 and 14:9. The ten spies looked through eyes of fear; Joshua and Caleb looked through eyes of faith. The ten spies saw Canaan’s giants; Joshua and Caleb saw Israel’s God. Disciples keep their eyes on God. We must learn to look at life through the eyes of faith. |
周三 Wednesday 民数记 16 Numbers 16 民数记 17 Numbers 17 民数记 18 Numbers 18 民数记 19 Numbers 19 | 利未人是以色列人的属灵领袖。但即使他们也受到试探,背叛了神呼召来领导以色列的领袖摩西。撒旦为了制造教会分裂,喜欢通过煽动会众背叛神所拣选的领袖。门徒要学习顺从神所指定的权柄。 The Levites were the spiritual leaders of the Israelites. But even they were tempted to rebel against Moses, the one God had called to lead the nation. Satan loves to bring division in a church by inspiring rebellion against God’s chosen leaders. Disciples learn to submit to God-given authority. |
周四 Thursday 民数记 20 Numbers 20 民数记 21 Numbers 21 民数记 22 Numbers 22 | 神严厉地审判了摩西,因为他夺走了属于神的荣耀。在深感挫败的一刻,摩西寻求人的认可,而不是将神迹归荣耀于神。我们必须永远记得,我们服事的荣耀属于神。 读了民数记 21 章后,读约翰福音 3:14-16。铜蛇是耶稣为我们而死的一个美好图像,正如以色列人从蛇的毒牙下被解救出来,我们也从罪有应得的死亡中被拯救出来。耶稣被“高举”在 十字架上,我们因而得到医治。 God judged Moses severely because Moses took the glory that belonged to God. In a moment of frustration, Moses sought recognition from the people instead of giving glory to God for the miracle. We must always remember that the glory for our service belongs to God. After reading Numbers 21, read John 3:14-16. The bronze serpent was a beautiful image of Jesus’ death for us. Just as the Israelites were rescued from the bite of the serpent, we are rescued from the death we deserve because of our sin. Jesus was “lifted up” on the cross so that we can be healed. |
周五 Friday 民数记 23 Numbers 23 民数记 24 Numbers 24 民数记 25 Numbers 25 民数记 26 Numbers 26 | 巴兰的故事是对妥协的警告。每次巴兰回答巴勒,他就向罪更接近了一点。尽管神不允许巴兰咒诅以色列,但巴兰没有持守忠心。彼得后书 2:15 责備巴兰,因为他寻求“不义之工价”,启示录 2:14 说巴兰曾教导巴勒来诱惑以色列人拜巴力(25:1-3)。由于贪图利益,巴兰成了邪恶的工具。耶稣警告说,“一个人不能侍奉两个主……你不能又事奉神,又事奉玛门(财利)。”门徒只能服事一个主人,就是神。 Balaam’s story is a warning against compromise. Each time that Balaam answers Balak, he moves a bit closer to sin. Although God did not allow Balaam to curse Israel, Balaam was not faithful. 2 Peter 2:15 condemns Balaam for seeking “gain from wrongdoing” and Revelation 2:14 says that Balaam gave Balak a plan to entice Israel into Baal worship (25:1- 3). Because of his desire for profit, Balaam became a tool for evil. Jesus warned, “No one can serve two masters…. You cannot serve God and money.” Disciples can serve only one master, God. |
周六 Saturday 民数记 27 Numbers 27 民数记 28 Numbers 28 民数记 29 Numbers 29 民数记 30 Numbers 30 | 读民数记 29 章时,要认识到这些仪式的重要性。这些仪式提醒以色列人,他们属于神,神是他们的保障。你们有孩子和孙辈的,仪式很重要。圣诞节、复活节、五旬节和其他特别的日子能够帮助我们的兒孙学到,神为我们的救恩所做的一切。这些日子提醒我们神是谁,祂做了什么。 As you read Numbers 29, realize the importance of these rituals. These rituals reminded Israel that they belonged to God and that God was their protection. For those of you who have children or grandchildren, rituals are important. Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and other special days help our young people learn what God has done to provide salvation. These days remind us who God is and what He has done. |
每周回应 Weekly Summary | 这一周从神的话语里,圣灵教导了你什么? What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week? 有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid? 有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim? 有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take? 有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey? 有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow? |
第 11 周 Week 11 (3/13-3/19)
周一 Monday 民数记 31 Numbers 31 民数记 32 Numbers 32 | 门徒全心事奉神。遗憾的是,尽管约书亚和迦勒“专心跟从神”(32:11-12),其他很多人却不是。流便和迦得支派选择留在约旦河东边,而不是听从神的呼召去迦南定居。在后来的历史中,流便和迦得支派都没能实现神对以色列的旨意。作为门徒,我们必须对神和祂的呼召完全委身。 Disciples serve God wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, although Joshua and Caleb “wholly followed the Lord” (32:11-12), many others did not. The tribes of Reuben and Gad chose to remain on the east side of the Jordan rather than follow God’s call to settle in Canaan. In later history, Reuben and Gad both failed to achieve God’s purpose for Israel. As disciples, we must be fully committed to God and His call. |
周二 Tuesday 民数记 33 Numbers 33 民数记 34 Numbers 34 民数记 35 Numbers 35 民数记 36 Numbers 36 | 民数记 33:55-56 显示了三心二意顺服的危险。因为以色列人没有完完全全赶出迦南人,以色列人最终还是开始祭拜迦南人的假神。纵观旧约和教会历史,我们看到一个模式:那些三心二意事奉神的人,很快就根本不事奉祂了。神配得我们完完全全的委身。 民数记 35:34 应当能激励我们完全委身。神住在我们中间,作为神的子民,这是多么大的特权! Numbers 33:55-56 shows the danger of half-hearted obedience. Because Israel did not completely drive out the Canaanites, Israel eventually began to worship the false gods of the Canaanites. Throughout the Old Testament and through church history, we see a pattern: those who serve God half-heartedly soon do not serve Him at all. God deserves our complete commitment. Numbers 35:34 should inspire us to complete commitment. God dwells in our midst. What a privilege we have as the people of God! |
周三 Wednesday 申命记 1 Deuteronomy 1 申命记 2 Deut 2 申命记 3 Deut 3 | 申命记中的一个关键词是“记住”,它在这本书中使用了 13 次。在申命记第 1-3 章中,摩西呼吁以色列人记住神在旷野中,多年教导他们的功课。他提醒他们不信的代价,也提醒他们神在旷野的保护。作为门徒,我们应该经常回顾神在过去给我们的教训。 One of the key words in Deuteronomy is “remember.” It is used thirteen times in this book. In Deuteronomy 1-3, Moses calls the people of Israel to remember the lessons God taught them in the wilderness years. He reminds them of the cost of their unbelief and also of God’s protection in the wilderness. As disciples, we should often review the lessons God has taught us in the past. |
周四 Thursday 申命记 4 Deut 4 申命记 5 Deut 5 申命记 6 Deut 6 | 门徒会带出门徒。在申命记 4:6-8 中,摩西表明信徒的生活是对非信徒的见证。我们生命中的喜乐和美好应该吸引别人来归向耶稣。 在申命记 6:4-9 中,摩西教导门徒培养是从家庭开始的。 我们的首要任务是带领我们的家人跟随耶稣。我们的第一批门徒应该是我们的孩子。 Disciples make disciples. In Deuteronomy 4:6-8, Moses shows that a believer’s life is a testimony to unbelievers. The joy and beauty of our life should draw others to Jesus. In Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Moses teaches that disciple-making begins at home. Our first task is to lead our family to follow Jesus. Our first disciples should be our children. |
周五 Friday 申命记 7 Deut 7 申命记 8 Deut 8 申命记 9 Deut 9 申命记 10 Deut 10 | 申命记 8:11-20 提醒我们继续顺服的必要性。摩西知道,以色列人很快就会受到诱惑,转向迦南人的神。他呼吁他们要忠于神。尤金•彼得森(Eugene Peterson)写道,基督徒的生活是一种“在同一方向上的长期顺服”。换句话说,基督徒的生活是一场马拉松,而不是一场短跑。我们必须日复一日忠心地前行。 Deuteronomy 8:11-20 reminds us of the necessity of continuing obedience. Moses knew that Israel would soon be tempted to turn to the gods of the Canaanites. He called them to be faithful to God. Eugene Peterson wrote that the Christian life is a “long obedience in the same direction.” In other words, the Christian life is a marathon, not a sprint. We must keep walking faithfully day after day. |
周六 Saturday 申命记 11 Deut 11 申命记 12 Deut 12 申命记 13 Deut 13 申命记 14 Deut 14 | 仔细阅读申命记 11:26-32。考虑以色列人所面临的选择:顺服或不顺服;相信或不相信。 然后看一下你的生活。你在选择什么?做门徒是一种选择。我们不是被动地跟随耶稣,而是通过坚定地选择成为祂的门徒来跟随祂。 Carefully read Deuteronomy 11:26-32. Consider the choice that Israel faced: obedience or disobedience; belief or unbelief. Then look at your life. What are you choosing? Discipleship is a choice. We do not passively follow Jesus; we follow him through a determined choice to be his disciple. |
每周回应 Weekly Summary | 这一周从神的话语里,圣灵教导了你什么? What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week? 有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid? 有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim? 有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take? 有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey? 有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow? |
第 12 周 Week 12 (3/20-3/26)
周一 Monday 申命记 15 Deuteronomy 15 申命记 16 Deut 16 申命记 17 Deut 17 申命记 18 Deut 18 申命记 19 Deut 19 | 节日(申命记 16 章)是以色列人民纪念神所做的事情的日子。我们可以不庆祝逾越节或住棚节,但我们庆祝圣诞节、复活节和五旬节。这些都是纪念神为我们所做的一切的日子。让我建议在 2023 年再举办一个庆祝活动。开一个属灵的生日聚会,庆祝你的新生,让它成为纪念神在你生命中的伟大作为的日子。 The festivals (Deuteronomy 16) were a time when the people of Israel remembered what God had done. We do not celebrate Passover or the Feast of Booths, but we do celebrate Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost. These are times to remember what God has done for us. Let me suggest one more celebration for 2023. Have a spiritual birthday party in which you celebrate the day of your new birth. Make it a time to remember God’s great work in your life. |
周二 Tuesday 申命记 20 Deut 20 申命记 21 Deut 21 申命记 22 Deut 22 申命记 23 Deut 23 | 在你读完申命记 21:22-23 之后,读加拉太书 3:13。为耶稣在十字架上承担了我们的咒诅而欢欣鼓舞。 我们应得的是死亡,但祂死在木头上,把罪的咒诅担在自己身上了。 After you read Deuteronomy 21:22-23, read Galatians 3:13. Rejoice that Jesus took our curse on the cross. We deserved death. But he died on a tree and took the curse of sin on himself. |
周三 Wednesday 申命记 24 Deut 24 申命记 25 Deut 25 申命记 26 Deut 26 申命记 27 Deut 27 | 你知道你有多珍贵吗? 在申命记 26:18 下划线。作为神的孩子,你是神的珍宝!(译者注:此意义出于英文 NIV, ESV, AMP, CJP 等版本 )当你觉得自己没有价值,当你看到其他人有更大的成就时,请记住“我是神的宝贝”。 在申命记 27 章中。摩西呼吁以色列人记住神的要求。门徒关心神的律法 --不是出于法律 上的义务,而是因为我们爱神,想要讨祂的喜悦。 Do you know how valuable you are? Underline Deuteronomy 26:18. As a child of God, you are God’s treasured possession! When you feel worthless and when you see that other people have greater accomplishments, remember “I am God’s treasured possession.” In Deuteronomy 27. Moses calls Israel to remember what God requires. Disciples care about God’s law – not out of legalistic obligation but because we love God and want to please Him. |
周四 Thursday 申命记 28 Deut 28 申命记 29 Deut 29 | 在申命记第 29 章中,以色列人重新建立他们与神的盟约。我们对神的委身是一个持续的过程。用罗马书 12:1 的话说,我们是活祭,是一个持续的过程。重立盟约是这个过程的一部分。 In Deuteronomy 29, Israel renews their covenant with God. Our commitment to God is an ongoing process. In the words of Romans 12:1, we are living sacrifices, an ongoing process. The covenant renewal was part of this process. |
周五 Friday 申命记 30 Deut 30 申命记 31 Deut 31 申命记 32 Deut 32 | 门徒不断地记住他们对神的委身。这些章节提供了提醒以色列人记住盟约的方法。今天,我们在每周敬拜、每天与神安静相处的时间以及小组团契中都会这样做。这些不是律法上的要求,而是神借此提醒我们:“你是我的珍宝”。对于以色列——以及 21 世纪的基督徒来说,我们的倾向是忘记和变得漫不经心。对付倒退的一个办法是记住、记住、记住。 Disciples continually remember their commitment to God. These chapters provided ways to remind Israel of the covenant. Today we do this in weekly worship, daily quiet time with God, and small group fellowship. These things are not legalistic requirements; they are God’s way of reminding us, “You are my treasured possession.” For Israel – and for 21st century Christians, our tendency is to forget and grow careless. One cure for backsliding is remember, remember, remember. |
周六 Saturday 申命记 33 Deut 33 申命记 34 Deut 34 约伯记 1 Job 1 约伯记 2 Job 2 约伯记 3 Job 3 | 申命记 33:27 是对门徒的一个美妙应许:神是我们的居所;祂把我们抱在祂永恒的膀臂中。约伯记 1:21 显示了门徒对神的信任。门徒了解到我们事奉的是一位美善的神,祂所做的一 切都是为了我们的好处。 Deuteronomy 33:27 is a wonderful promise to disciples. God is our dwelling place; He holds us in His everlasting arms. Job 1:21 shows a disciple’s trust in God. Disciples learn that we serve a good God who is doing all things for our good. |
每周回应 Weekly Summary | 这一周从神的话语里,圣灵教导了你什么? What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week? 有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid? 有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim? 有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take? 有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey? 有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow? |
第 13 周 Week 13 (3/27-4/2)
周一 Monday 约伯记 4 Job 4 约伯记 5 Job 5 约伯记 6 Job 6 约伯记 7 Job 7 | 当你读到约伯朋友们的讲话时,问问自己,“我会对约伯说什么?” 约伯需要建议,但他更想要一位倾听者。有时提供建议比倾听更容易。当你读约伯记时,祈求神帮助你成为一位更会倾听的朋友,通过你的关怀和陪伴让神赐下安慰。 As you read the speeches of Job’s friends, ask yourself, “What would I say to Job?” Job did not need advice as much as he needed a listener. Sometimes it is easier to give advice than to listen. As you read Job, ask God to help you become a better listener and friend. Allow God to bring comfort through your care and presence. |
周二 Tuesday 约伯记 8 Job 8 约伯记 9 Job 9 约伯记 10 Job 10 | 你听出约伯记 9-10 章中约伯回答里的痛苦吗?有些人认为基督徒可以免于苦难。然而,基督徒和非信徒都生活在一个堕落的世界里,即使是基督徒也要忍受苦难和痛苦。 我们会受苦,但约伯记为受苦的门徒提供了重要的教训。像约伯一样,我们必须学会在人生的黑暗时刻信靠神。 Do you hear the pain of Job’s answer in Job 9-10? Some people think that Christians are exempt from suffering. However, both Christians and unbelievers live in a fallen world. Even Christians endure suffering and pain. We will suffer, but the book of Job gives important lessons for disciples who suffer. Like Job, we must learn to trust God in the dark moments of life. |
周三 Wednesday 约伯记 11 Job 11 约伯记 12 Job 12 约伯记 13 Job 13 约伯记 14 Job 14 | 门徒会受苦,但我们有盼望,因为我们可以把痛苦带到神面前。约伯决定无论在什么情况下都 要 信 靠 神 。 他 说 : “ 他 必 杀 我 , 我 虽 无 指 望 , 然 而 我 在 他 面 前 还 要 辩 明 我 所 行 的 ”(13:15)。 约伯并不害怕与神“争辩”,因为他相信神的心总是好的。 Disciples suffer, but we have hope because we can bring our pain to God. Job determined to trust God regardless of the situation. He said, “Though he slay me, I will hope in him; yet I will argue my ways to his face” (Job 13:15). Job was not afraid to “argue” with God because he trusted that God’s heart is always good. |
周四 Thursday 约伯记 15 Job 15 约伯记 16 Job 16 约伯记 17 Job 17 约伯记 18 Job 18 约伯记 19 Job 19 | 门徒会受苦,但我们有盼望,因为我们有活着的主。因为神活着并且祂在掌权,所以我们不会失去希望。 在几乎无法想象的痛苦中,约伯可以说:“我知道我的救赎主活着,末了必站立在地上”(19:25)。即使在痛苦中,我们也有盼望,因为神有主权,祂是智慧的,祂是美善的。 Disciples suffer, but we have hope because of our living Lord. Because God lives and he is in control, we do not lose hope. In almost unimaginable pain, Job could say, “I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth” (Job 19:25). Even in pain, we have hope because God is sovereign, He is wise, and He is good. |
周五 Friday 约伯记 20 Job 20 约伯记 21 Job 21 约伯记 22 Job 22 约伯记 23 Job 23 约伯记 24 Job 24 约伯记 25 Job 25 约伯记 26 Job 26 | 门徒会受苦,但我们有盼望,因为神知道我们的道路。约伯的朋友们坚持认定约伯正在受神的惩罚。约伯的妻子说约伯最好死了算了。甚至约伯也觉得他找不到神(23:8-9)。但他又说:“然而他知道我所行的路;他试炼我之后,我必如精金”(23:10)。约伯有信心,神在注视着他的旅程,有一天会证明:“约伯做得对。他是无辜的”。当你看不到神的时候,相信祂就在那里,祂仍然在看顾你的道路。 Disciples suffer, but we have hope because God knows our path. Job’s friends insisted that Job was being punished by God. Job’s wife said it was better for Job to die. Even Job felt that he could not find God (Job 23:8-9). But then he said, “But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold” (Job 23:10). Job had confidence that God was watching his journey and would someday testify, “Job has done right. He is innocent.” When you can’t see God, trust that He is there and that He is still watching over your path. |
周六 Saturday 约伯记 27 Job 27 约伯记 28 Job 28 约伯记 29 Job 29 约伯记 30 Job 30 约伯记 31 Job 31 | 门徒会受苦,但我们有盼望,因为全智的神总有一天会揭示答案。在约伯记 28:12-20 中,约伯问道:“智慧在哪里?” 他得出结论,智慧的关键是“敬畏耶和华”(28:28)。虽然约伯不理解他的苦难,但知道答案就在对神的敬畏中。 敬畏神意味着尊重神的主权,并信任我们与一位良善神的关系。约伯之所以有盼望,是因为神是一位智慧的神,祂正在做最美好的善工。 Disciples suffer, but we have hope because an all-wise God will someday reveal the answer. In Job 28:12-20, Job asks “Where is wisdom?” He concludes that the key to wisdom is the “fear of the Lord” (Job 28:28). Although Job does not understand his suffering, he knows that the answer is found in the fear of God. To fear God means to respect God’s sovereignty and trust in our relationship with a good God. Job has hope because God is a wise God and is doing what is best. |
每周回应 Weekly Summary | 这一周从神的话语里,圣灵教导了你什么? What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week? 有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid? 有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim? 有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take? 有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey? 有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow? |