第 14 周 Week 14 (4/3-4/9)
周一 Monday 约伯记 32 Job 32 约伯记 33 Job 33 约伯记 34 Job 34 | 门徒会受苦,然而,因为神是公义的,我们就有盼望。极具讽刺的是,以利户争辩说,神是公义的,因为约伯犯罪而惩罚他。然而,在约伯记的末尾,我们看到,正因为神是公义的, 祂宣告了约伯无罪。作为基督徒,我们可以仰赖神的公义。 Disciples suffer, but we have hope because God is just. There is a great irony in Elihu’s speech. Elihu argues that because God is just, He is punishing Job for sin. However, at the end of the book, we see that because God is just, He will declare Job innocent. As Chris- tians, we can trust in God’s justice. |
周二 Tuesday 约伯记 35 Job 35 约伯记 36 Job 36 约伯记 37 Job 37 | 门徒会受苦,然而,因为神是一位大能和威严的神,我们就有盼望。再一次极具讽刺的是, 以利户的话中指出,约伯遭难是因为他得罪了伟大全能的神,可是在约伯记的末尾,我们听到这位伟大而全能的神俯身向约伯直接说话。当我们受苦时,也可以知道,大能的神眼目不 离正在看顾,我们并不孤单。 Disciples suffer, but we have hope because God is a God of power and majesty. Again, there is a great irony in Elihu’s words. He thinks that Job is suffering because he has of- fended a great and powerful God. At the end of the book, we listen as this great and power- ful God stoops to speak directly to Job. When we suffer, we can know that our powerful God is watching over us. We are not alone. |
周三 Wednesday 约伯记 38 Job 38 约伯记 39 Job 39 | 门徒会受苦,然而,我们有盼望,因为神始终与我们同在。神回答约伯说:“我一直都在, 我密切参与世界的运作,你从来都不是孤单的。” 即使约伯看不见神时,神仍然与他同在。 Disciples suffer, but we have hope because God is always present with us. God’s answer to Job said, “I am always present. I am intimately involved in the operation of the world. You were never alone.” Even when Job could not see God, God was present. |
周四 Thursday 约伯记 40 Job 40 约伯记 41 Job 41 约伯记 42 Job 42 | 门徒会受苦,然而,我们有盼望,因为有一天我们要见到神。在神回答之后,约伯即使仍在苦难里也平安了。“我从前风闻有你,现在亲眼看见你”(42:5)。启示录 22:4 里应许, 每一个信徒有一天都会“见他的面”。那一天,我们所有的问题都会得到答案,我们将拥有 平安。 Disciples suffer, but we have hope because we will someday see God. After God’s answer, Job was at peace even in his suffering. “I have heard of you…, but now my eye sees you!” (Job 42:5) Revelation 22:4 promises that every believer will someday “see his face.” In that day, all our questions will be answered; we will have peace. |
周五 Friday 马太福音 1 Matthew 1 马太福音 2 Matthew 2 马太福音 3 Matthew 3 马太福音 4 Matthew 4 诗篇 42 Psalm 42 诗篇 43 Psalm 43 | 马太福音是一本门徒训练指南。这本福音以耶稣的大使命结束:“所以,你们要去,使万民作我的门徒”(28:19)。整本马太福音可以当作门徒训练的指导手册来阅读。读的时候,要留意指引我们过门徒生活的准则。 马太福音 3:2 指出了门徒训练的基础是悔改。悔改意味着从一条路转向另一条路;意味着用一种新的生活模式来代替旧的生活方式。回想一下自从你信主后的生活,你离弃了哪些罪恶 的行为?你又有了哪些新的好行为?这些都是门徒训练的一部分。 马太福音 4 章教导门徒怎么拒绝诱惑。耶稣指出了三个战胜诱惑的方法: -耶稣受圣灵的带领(4:1) -耶稣过着祷告和有纪律的灵修生活(4:2 里祂禁食 40 天) -耶稣用神的话来回应试探(4:4,7,10) 诗篇 42 篇指出了门徒训练应有的一大动力:对神的渴慕。当我们的心切慕神,如鹿切慕溪水,我们就会热切地、忠心地跟随耶稣。 The Gospel of Matthew is a guide to discipleship. Matthew ends with Jesus’ Great Commis- sion: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19). The entire Gospel of Matthew can be read as an instruction manual for discipleship. As we read Matthew, we will be looking for principles that guide our life as disciples. Matthew 3:2 shows that the foundation for discipleship is repentance. To repent means to turn away from one path to walk another path. It means replacing our old pattern of life with a new pattern. Think of your life since coming to Christ. What sinful practices have you abandoned? What new practices have you developed? These are part of the life of dis- cipleship. Matthew 4 teaches disciples how to resist temptation. Jesus shows three tools for defeating temptation: -Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit (Matt 4:1) -Jesus lived a life of prayer and spiritual discipline (Matt 4:2; he fasted forty days) -Jesus responded to temptation with the Word of God (Matt 4:4,7,10) Psalm 42 points to one of the great motivations for discipleship: a thirst for God. When we thirst for God as a deer thirsts for water, we will be eager to follow Jesus faithfully. |
周六 Saturday 马太福音 5 Matthew 5 马太福音 6 Matthew 6 马太福音 7 Matthew 7 | 登山宝训提供了门徒训练的一个典范。这不是一组法律条文的堆砌,而是一幅门徒喜乐生命的画卷。它以“……有福了”,向那些跟随主耶稣生活样式的门徒宣告。“有福了”意思是欢喜快乐的、满足的、按照神旨意生活的。 当你读这篇教导时,请注意信徒以神为中心的生活,和不信的人以自我为中心的生活的对比。只有以神为中心的生活才能带来真正的满足和喜乐。比如:一个专心在地上积蓄财宝的人永远不会真正满足,他总是想要“更多一点”。但是积蓄财宝在天上的门徒有真正的喜乐, 他知道有永恒的喜乐在等着他(6:19-20)。 The Sermon on the Mount provides a model for discipleship. This is not a legalistic set of rules; it is a picture of the joyful life of a disciple. It begins with “Blessed are…” those who follow Jesus’ pattern for discipleship. To be “blessed” is to be happy, to be fulfilled, to live according to God’s plan. As you read this sermon, notice the contrast between the self-centered life of the unbeliever and the God-centered life of the believer. Only a God-centered life brings true fulfillment and joy. For example: the person who is focused on storing up riches on earth will never be truly satisfied; he will always want “a little more.” But the disciple who stores up treasure in heaven has true joy; he knows that eternal happiness is waiting (Matt 6:19-20). |
每周回应 Weekly Summary | 这一周从神的话语里,圣灵教导了你什么? What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week? 有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid? |
第 15 周 Week 15 (4/10-4/16)
周一 Monday 马太福音 8 Matthew 8 马太福音 9 Matthew 9 诗篇 44 Psalm 44 | 作门徒需要付上什么代价?答案是一切。成为门徒要求我们完全降服于耶稣的呼召(8:18- 22; 9:9)。 然而什么是作门徒的奖赏?答案也是一切。成为门徒带来的是,与来到世界上医治病人、宽恕罪人的那一位的永恒关系(9:12-13)。 What does it cost to be a disciple? Everything. To be a disciple requires us to surrender completely to Jesus’ call (Matt 8:18-22; 9:9). But what are the rewards of discipleship? Everything. To be a disciple brings eternal rela- tionship with the one who came to bring healing to the sick and forgiveness to sinners (Matt 9:12-13). |
周二 Tuesday 马太福音 10 Matthew 10 马太福音 11 Matthew 11 诗篇 45 Psalm 45 诗篇 46 Psalm 46 | 马太福音 10 章教导:跟随神的呼召去培养门徒会带来迫害和纷争。当我们召唤别人归向耶稣时,有的人会拒绝祂;他们也可能拒绝我们。这也是作门徒训练的一部分代价。 马太福音 11 章表明门徒训练是一个“容易”的担子(11:29-30)。怎么会这样呢?因为耶稣带来了安息。法利赛人将沉重的负担加在他们的跟随者身上(律法主义的轭),耶稣的命令(门徒的轭)却带来了安息,因为我们的顺服来自于爱。如果我们爱耶稣,祂的命令就会带来喜乐。 Matthew 10 teaches that following God’s call to make disciples will bring persecution and conflict. When we call others to Jesus, some will reject him –and they may reject us as well. This is part of the cost of discipleship. Matthew 11 shows that discipleship is an “easy” burden (Matt 11:29-30). How can this be? Jesus came to bring rest. The Pharisees placed heavy burdens on their followers (the yoke of legalism). Jesus’ commands (the yoke of discipleship) bring rest because our obedience is motivated by love. If we love Jesus, his commands will bring joy. |
周三 Wednesday 马太福音 12 Matthew 12 马太福音 13 Matthew 13 诗篇 47 Psalm 47 | 马太福音 13 章是关于作门徒意味着什么的关键章节之一。其中每一个比喻都教导了关于门徒生活的一些事情: - 撒种的比喻指出门徒必须接受并行出神的话语。 - 稗子的比喻指出有些自称是门徒的人并不真的是神国里的人。 - 芥菜种的比喻和面酵的比喻鼓励我们去培养别人成为门徒。神的国度要遍满万国,所以当我们使人成为门徒时,我们就在拓展神国的事工上有份。 - 门徒训练是昂贵的,但是掩藏的财宝和重价的珠子的比喻指出跟随耶稣大有赏赐,所付出的代价也是值得的。 - 撒网的比喻教导我们要有耐心。你我都不要论断别人,主自己会判断。我们的责任只是作个忠心的门徒。 读诗篇 47 篇,并为神的国度遍及世界而欢喜快乐。“神作王治理万国”。(47:8) Matthew 13 is one of the key chapters on what it means to be a disciple. Each of these parable steaches something about the life of a disciple: -The Parable of the Sower shows that disciples must receive and act on God’s Word. -The Parable of the Weeds shows that some who claim to be disciples are not truly members of God’s kingdom. -The Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Parable of the Leaven encourage us to make other disciples. The Kingdom of God will reach all nations; as we make disciples, we have a part in the spread of the Kingdom. -Discipleship is costly, but the Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great Value show that the reward of following Jesus is worth any cost. -The Parable of the Net teaches us to be patient. You and I do not need to judge others. We can leave judgment to God. Our responsibility is simply to be faithful disciples. Read Psalm 47 and rejoice that the Kingdom of God reaches around the world. “God reigns over the nations” (Ps 47:8). |
周四 Thursday 马太福音 14 Matthew 14 马太福音 15 Matthew 15 诗篇 48 Psalm 48 诗篇 49 Psalm 49 | 门徒训练始于内心,法利赛人专注于外表,耶稣说:“从心里发出来的才污秽人。”今天,祈祷神给你一颗门徒的心,这颗心寻求在生活的每一个方面都使神喜悦;这颗心在顺服中找到了真正的喜乐。 Discipleship begins in the heart. The Pharisees focused on outward appearance. Jesus said, “It is what comes out of the heart that defiles a person.” Today, pray that God will give you the heart of a disciple. This is a heart that seeks to please God in every area of life. It is a heart that finds true joy in obedience. |
周五 Friday 马太福音 16 Matthew 16 马太福音 17 Matthew 17 马太福音 18 Matthew 18 诗篇 50 Psalm 50 | 门徒是什么?门徒不是采纳一套神学信仰的人;也不是行出一套宗教仪式的人。门徒是跟从基督的人(16:24-26)。 跟从耶稣是要付代价的。它要求我们否定自己的欲望来跟随祂。为什么一个门徒愿意背起十 字架来跟随耶稣呢?因为祂是“基督,是永生神的儿子” (16:16)。这个认识是门徒训练的基础。作为门徒,我们将自己的生命和永远的未来,孤注一掷在对耶稣真是神的儿子的信心上。 What is a disciple? A disciple is not someone who has adopted a certain set of theological beliefs. A disciple is not someone who practices a certain set of religious practices. A disci- ple is someone who follows Jesus (Matt 16:24-26). Following Jesus is costly. It requires us to deny our own desires and to follow him. Why is a disciple willing to take up a cross and follow Jesus? Because he is “the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matt 16:16). This is the foundation of discipleship. As disciples, we stake our lives and our eternal future on our faith that Jesus is truly the Son of God. |
周六 Saturday 马太福音 19 Matthew 19 马太福音 20 Matthew 20 马太福音 21 Matthew 21 | 这些章节再一次指出做门徒训练的代价。要作耶稣的门徒,我们必须: - 用 一 个 没 有 力 量 完 全 倚 靠 父 母 的 孩 子 般 的 谦 逊 来 代 替 靠 自 己 出 人 头 地 的 渴 望 (19:14) - 用服事主是最重要的渴望来代替我们对财富的追求(19:21) - 用愿意服事的心来代替对地位的渴求(20:26-28) Again, these chapters show the cost of discipleship. To be Jesus’ disciple, we must: -Replace our desire for self-reliance with the humility of a child who has no power but relies entirely on a parent (Matt 19:14) -Replace our pursuit of wealth with a desire to serve God first (Matt 19:21) -Replace our craving for position with a willingness to serve (Matt 20:26-28) |
每周回应 Weekly Summary | 这一周从神的话语里,圣灵教导了你什么? What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week? 有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid? |
第 16 周 Week 16 (4/17-4/23)
周一 Monday 马太福音 22 Matthew 22 马太福音 23 Matthew 23 诗篇 51 Psalm 51 | 马太福音 22:34-40 给出了一个耶稣对门徒的重大定义:全心全意爱主你的神,并且爱人如己。作为门徒要学习尽心、尽性、尽意爱主你的神。当你爱神的时候,就开始了透过神的眼光来看你的邻舍,这会增加对邻舍的爱。 当我们全心全意爱神,就会想取悦祂。诗篇 51 篇是大卫与拔示巴犯罪以后的认罪祷告。大卫意识到了他向神所犯的罪的严重性,所以他俯伏在地、真诚认罪。作为真信徒,当意识到我们使神伤心时,要快快地认罪悔改。 Matthew 22:34-40 gives one of Jesus’ great definitions of a disciple: to love God complete- ly and to love your neighbor as yourself. Being a disciple is learning to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. As you love God, you begin to see your neighbor through God’s eyes – and that increases your love for your neighbor. When we love God completely, we want to please Him. Psalm 51 is David’s prayer of re- pentance after his sin against Bathsheba. As David realizes the horror of his sin against God, he bows in true repentance. True disciples are quick to repent when we realize that we have hurt the heart of God. |
周二 Tuesday 马太福音 24 Matthew 24 马太福音 25 Matthew 25 诗篇 52 Psalm 52 诗篇 53 Psalm 53 | 门徒训练不是短跑;门徒训练是一场马拉松。耶稣警告说:“许多人的爱心会渐渐冷淡”,但祂应许“惟有忍耐到底的,必然得救”(24:12-13)。 十个童女的比喻指出了我们在追求门徒训练的过程中变得漫不经心的危险。真门徒是保持警醒的;他们是忠心的。当你读耶稣关于末后日子的教导时,问一个问题:“我是否承诺要长期坚持下去?靠着神的恩典,我是否下定决心要忠心到底?” Discipleship is not a sprint; discipleship is a marathon. Jesus warned that “the love of many will grow cold.” But he promised that “the one who endures to the end will be saved” (Matt 24:12-13). The parable of the ten virgins shows the danger of growing careless in our pursuit of dis- cipleship. True disciples remain watchful; they are faithful. As you read Jesus’ teaching about the last days, ask, “Am I committed for the long haul? Through God’s grace, am I de- termined to remain faithful to the end?” |
周三 Wednesday 马太福音 26 Matthew 26 诗篇 54 Psalm 54 诗篇 55 Psalm 55 诗篇 56 Psalm 56 | 约翰福音 12 章指出马太福音 26 章中的女人是马大和拉撒路的姐妹马利亚。她是福音书里我最喜欢的人物之一。她教给我真正的门徒训练是生发于爱。马利亚用这瓶昂贵的香膏膏抹耶稣,不是因为 “我的教会規定我这么做” 或是 “人们期望我这么做”,而是出于爱,她才这么做。真正的门徒训练从来不是被迫去做的,真正的门徒训练是来自一颗爱的心。 今天的每一首诗篇都包含了一个对跟随神的人的应许。作为门徒,你能支取这些应许: - 神是帮助你的,必扶持你(生)命的(诗 54:4)。 - 你可以把你的重担卸给神,祂必抚养你(诗 55:22)。 - 当你惧怕的时候,可以来倚靠神(诗 56:3-4)。 John 12 identifies the woman in Matthew 26 as Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus. She is one of my favorite characters in the gospels. She teaches me that true discipleship is in- spired by love. Mary doesn’t anoint Jesus with this expensive ointment because “My church requires it” or “People expect it.” She does it because of love. True discipleship is never forced. True discipleship comes from a heart of love. Each of today’s psalms includes a promise to those who follow God. As a disciple, you can claim these promises: - God is your helper and the upholder of your life (Ps 54:4). - Cast your burden on the Lord and he will sustain you (Ps 55:22). - When you are afraid, you can put your trust in God (Ps 56:3-4). |
周四 Thursday 马太福音 27 Matthew 27 马太福音 28 Matthew 28 诗篇 57 Psalm 57 诗篇 58 Psalm 58 | 马太福音是门徒生活的指导,这本福音以耶稣给每一位信徒的大使命为结束。耶稣使福音广传的计划是:门徒使更多的人成为门徒。这是耶稣唯一的计划,没有另一套“备用计划”。你 我都已经接受了福音,已经成为门徒,现在,我们的工作是培养训练门徒。 当我们读到这本门徒指南的末尾时,你会致力于神对门徒训练的计划吗?你要成为神伟大计划的一部分,使更多的人成为门徒吗? Matthew is a guide for disciples, and the gospel ends with Jesus’ Great Commission to eve- ry believer. This is Jesus’ plan for the spread of the gospel: disciples make disciples. This is the only plan; Jesus had no “Plan B.” You and I have received the gospel; we have become disciples. Now, our job is to make disciples. As we come to the end of this guide for disciples, will you commit to God’s plan for disciple- ship? Will you become part of His great plan for making disciples? |
周五 Friday 约书亚记 1 Joshua 1 约书亚记 2 Joshua 2 约书亚记 3 Joshua 3 约书亚记 4 Joshua 4 诗篇 59 Psalm 59 诗篇 60 Psalm 60 | 约书亚记有一些关于“第二代门徒训练”的重要教导。教会最大的挑战之一就是在第一代门徒训练后继续保持门徒训练的热情。我们要怎样把火炬传递给我们的孩子和孙辈呢? 约书亚记 1:5-9 给了第二代门徒一个应许(“我怎样与摩西同在,也必照样与你同在”),也给了他们一个命令(“谨守遵行我仆人摩西所吩咐你的一切律法”)。 纪念物对第二代门徒非常重要。你正给孩子留下纪念物吗?你正教导他们神在你生命中的作为吗?你是否正在将你的靈命家產传承给下一代呢? The book of Joshua has some important lesson on “second generation discipleship.” One of the greatest challenges for the church is maintaining a passion of discipleship after the first generation. How do we pass the torch to our children and grandchildren? Joshua 1:5-9 gives both a promise to second generation disciples (“Just as I was with Mo- ses – the first generation, so I will be with you”) and a command to second generation dis- ciples (“being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you.”) Memorials are important for second generation disciples. Are you leaving a memorial for your children? Are you teaching them about God’s work in your life? Are you passing your spiritual heritage to the next generation? |
周六 Saturday 约书亚记 5 Joshua 5 约书亚记 6 Joshua 6 约书亚记 7 Joshua 7 约书亚记 8 Joshua 8 诗篇 61 Psalm 61 | 割礼(约书亚记 5 章)和重申圣约的仪式(8:30-35)提醒了第二代圣约的应许和义务。我们不能躺平在父母顺服的功劳上,每一代人都必须承诺顺服。 The rite of circumcision (Josh 5) and the renewal of the covenant (Josh 8:30-35) reminded the second generation of the covenant promises and obligation. We cannot rest on our par- ents’ obedience; each generation must commit to obedience. |
每周回应 Weekly Summary | 这一周从神的话语里,圣灵教导了你什么? What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week? 有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid? |
第 17 周 Week 17 (4/24-4/30)
周一 Monday 约书亚记 9 Joshua 9 约书亚记 10 Joshua 10 约书亚记 11 Joshua 11 诗篇 62 Psalm 62 诗篇 63 Psalm 63 | 许多第一代的门徒都有关于神转化大能的故事。可是第二代的门徒感觉他们有的只是过往的 “传闻”。在约书亚记 10 章里,你反复读到“耶和华……” ─ “耶和华对约书亚说:‘不要怕他 们……”(10:8);“耶和华使他们在以色列人面前溃乱”(10:10);“耶和华为以色列争战”(10:14)。第二代门徒必须要看见神在自己生命中的大能。我们不能只依靠那些神在过去的信实见证。 Many first-generation disciples have stories of God’s transforming power. But second- generation disciples feel they have only “hearsay” from the past. Repeatedly in Joshua 10, you read the words “The Lord…” “The Lord said to Joshua, ‘Do not fear them….’” (10:8). “The Lord threw them into a panic before Israel” (10:10). “The Lord fought for Israel” (10:14). Second generation disciples must see God’s power in our own lives; we cannot re- ly on testimonies of God’s faithfulness in the past. |
周二 Tuesday 约书亚记 12 Joshua 12 约书亚记 13 Joshua 13 约书亚记 14 Joshua 14 诗篇 64 Psalm 64 诗篇 65 Psalm 65 诗篇 66 Psalm 66 | 迦勒(书 14:6-14)是第一代的以色列人。他亲眼目睹了神带领以色列人过红海;他在旷野见过神的伟大作为;他是从迦南地带回来好消息的两个探子之一。现在他是一个老年人了, 但依然相信神的大能,依然对神的应许有信心。 诗篇 66 篇展示了第一代应该怎样去鼓励第二代。诗人呼吁其他人:“你们来看神所行的……”(诗 66:5)。你是第一代门徒吗?告诉年轻的基督徒神在你生命中做了什么。你是第二代门徒吗?聆听年长信徒的见证,并且祷告:“主啊,请赐给我对祢的热情!” Caleb (Josh 14:6-14) was a first-generation Israelite. He had watched God take Israel across the Red Sea; he had seen God’s great work in the wilderness; he had been one of the two spies who brought a good report from Canaan. Now he is an old man, but he still believes in God’s power. He still has faith in God’s promises. Palms 66 shows how the first generation can encourage the second generation. The psalmist calls to others, “Come and see what God has done….” (Ps 66:5). Are you a first- generation disciple? Tell younger Christians what God has done in your life. Are you a sec- ond-generation disciple? Listen to the testimonies of older believers and pray, “God, give me a passion for you!” |
周三 Wednesday 约书亚记 15 Joshua 15 约书亚记 16 Joshua 16 诗篇 67 Psalm 67 诗篇 68 Psalm 68 | 约书亚记 15-21 章,看来可能对 2023 年的我们没什么可说的。这几章是关于每个支派分地业的。但是当你读的时候,请记住,尽管这片土地已经应许给了以色列人,这些支派仍然要为得地业而征战。只是听到神的应许是不够的,我们仍然要在信心中去支取这些应许。 你祷告的动机是什么?诗人向神祈求赐福,好让万国得知神的救恩(诗 67:1-2)。神赐福祂的子民,所以我们能和还不认识祂的人分享这些祝福。你能用神给你的福分祝福谁呢? Joshua 15-21 may seem to have little to say to us in 2023. These chapters contain the land allotments for each tribe. But as you read them, remember that although this land was promised to the Israelites, the tribes had to claim their land. It isn’t enough to hear God’s promises; we must claim the promises in faith. What is your motivation for prayer? The psalmist prayed for God’s blessing so that God’s power would be known among the nations (Ps 67:1-2). God blesses His people so we can share those blessings with those who do not know Him. Who can you bless with the bless- ings God has given you? |
周四 Thursday 约书亚记 17 Joshua 17 约书亚记 18 Joshua 18 约书亚记 19 Joshua 19 诗篇 69 Psalm 69 诗篇 70 Psalm 70 | 约书亚记 18:2-3 给出了警告。一些支派不愿意迈出必要的信心脚步去得应许给他们的地业。 约书亚说:“耶和华—你们列祖的神赐给你们”地了,但是,你们必须“进去得而为业”。在你的生命中神给了你什么应许?你去支取祂的应许了吗? Joshua 18:2-3 gives a warning. Some of the tribes were reluctant to take the step of faith necessary to claim their promised allotment. Joshua said, “The Lord, the God of your fa- thers, has given you” the land. BUT you must “go in to take possession of the land.” What has God promised to do in your life? Are you claiming His promises? |
周五 Friday 约书亚记 20 Joshua 20 约书亚记 21 Joshua 21 约书亚记 22 Joshua 22 诗篇 71 Psalm 71 | 当神的百姓支取神的应许时会发生什么?读一下约书亚记 21:43-45。当以色列人相信神的应许时,“耶和华将从前向他们列祖起誓所应许的全地,赐给以色列人”。耶和华应许赐福给以色列家的话“一句”也没有落空。作为主的门徒,我们有得到主应许的特权。神乐意向祂的百姓显出祂的信实。 诗篇 71 篇延续了我们在诗篇 67 篇看到的主题。读一下诗篇 71:14-18,当神拯救了我们,我们必须告诉别人神的信实,应该速速的“夸耀”神。 What happens when God’s people claim God’s promises? Read Joshua 21:43-45. When Is- rael believed God’s promises, “the Lord gave to Israel all the land that He swore to give to their fathers.” “Not one word” of God’s promises failed. As His disciples, we have the privi- lege of claiming God’s promises. God loves to show His faithfulness to His people. Psalm 71 continues the theme we saw in Psalm 67. Read Psalm 71:14-18. When God deliv- ers us, we must tell others of God’s faithfulness. We should be quick to “brag” on God! |
周六 Saturday 约书亚记 23 Joshua 23 约书亚记 24 Joshua 24 诗篇 72 Psalm 72 | 约书亚记以给第二代门徒的一个重要的教训结束。通过重申圣约的仪式,约书亚呼召以色列的百姓向神做出自己的承诺。他们不能依靠祖先对神的承诺。 今天也是同样的原则。我们不能依靠上一代人的承诺,我们必须重申我们自己对圣约的承诺。约书亚记 24:15 里有一个圣经中最伟大的信心宣告之一:“至于我和我家,我们必定事奉耶和华。”我们今天也要做出这个承诺:“神啊,我属于祢。靠着祢的恩典,我要事奉祢!” Joshua ends with an important lesson for second generation disciples. Through the cove- nant renewal ceremony, Joshua called the people of Israel to make their own commitment to God. They could not rely on the promises their ancestors had made. The same principle is true today. We cannot rely on the commitments of the past genera- tion. We must renew our own commitment to the covenant. Joshua 24:15 contains one of the Bible’s greatest statements of faith: “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Make this commitment today; “God, I am yours. By your grace, I will serve you!” |
每周回应 Weekly Summary | 这一周从神的话语里,圣灵教导了你什么? What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week? 有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid? |