18 Week 18 (5/1-5/7)



士师记 1

 Judges 1

士师记 2

 Judges 2

士师记 3

 Judges 3

士师记 4

 Judges 4

士师记 5

 Judges 5


- 忘记我们属灵遗产的危险(2:1-5, 10)。

- 接受我们周围世界的罪恶价值观的危险(3:6)。

- 失去对神国热情的危险(5:16-17)。

The Book of Judges shows dangers for disciples. This book shows what happens whenGod’s people fail to fulfill God’s purpose. As you read, notice these dangers for disciples:

- The danger of forgetting our spiritual heritage (Judges 2:1-5, 10)

- The danger of accepting the sinful values of the world around us (Judges 3:6)

- The danger of losing our passion for God’s kingdom (Judges 5:16-17)



士师记 6

 Judges 6

士师记 7

 Judges 7

士师记 8

 Judges 8

士师记 9

 Judges 9

- 叛教背道的危险(6:1)。

- 信靠我们的力量而不是神的力量的危险(7 章)。

- 让成功使得我们远离神的危险(8:27)。

- The danger of apostasy (Judges 6:1)

- The danger of trusting our strength instead of God’s strength (Judges 7)

- The danger of allowing success to turn us away from God (Judges 8:27)



士师记 10

 Judges 10

士师记 11

 Judges 11

士师记 12

 Judges 12

- 因叛逆而冒犯神的危险(10:13-14 ) 。

- 不信神的良善,而是试图通过愚蠢的誓言来 "赢得 "神的帮助的危险(11:30)。

- The danger of offending God through rebellion (Judges 10:13-14)

- The danger of trying to “earn” God’s help through foolish vows instead of trusting His goodness (Judges 11:30)



士师记 13

 Judges 13

士师记 14

 Judges 14

士师记 15

 Judges 15

士师记 16

 Judges 16

- 软弱领袖的危险(14-15 章)。

- 在试探中粗心大意的危险 (16 章)。

- The danger of weak leaders (Judges 14-15)

- The danger of carelessness in temptation (Judges 16)



士师记 17

 Judges 17

士师记 18

 Judges 18

士师记 19

 Judges 19

士师记 20

 Judges 20

士师记 21

 Judges 21

- 宗教腐败和任意而行的危险(17-18 章)。

- 道德沦丧的危险 (19 章) 。

- The danger of religious failure and carelessness (Judges 17-18)

- The danger of moral failure (Judges 19)



路得记 1

 Ruth 1

路得记 2

 Ruth 2

路得记 3

 Ruth 3

路得记 4

 Ruth 4


After reading the depressing stories of Judges, Ruth is like a breath of fresh air. This book tells the story of a Moabite woman who was faithful to Israel’s God. It shows us that it is possible to be a faithful disciple even in a time of national apostasy and sin. This book also shows us that faithfulness brings God’s blessing to faithful disciples.





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?
Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
Is there an ACTION you should take?
Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

19 Week 19 (5/8-5/14)



路加福音 1

 Luke 1

路加福音 2

 Luke 2

在你开始学习路加福音之前,请先阅读书中的 9:23-25。这几节经文是理解路加福音中关于门徒训练教导的关键。在这本福音书中,耶稣呼吁我们作真正的门徒。祂要求我们背起自己 的十字架跟随祂。当你阅读时,问问自己:"我愿意不惜一切代价跟随耶稣吗?"

划出路加福音 1:38,马利亚在不理解的情况下愿意顺服神的呼召。当你不完全理解耶稣的命令时,你会愿意跟从祂吗?

阅读路加福音 2:26-38,西面和亚拿在看不到神的应许实现时,就相信了神。当耶稣的应许迟迟没有实现时,你会跟随祂吗?

Before you begin Luke, read Luke 9:23-25. These verses are key to understanding Luke’s teaching about discipleship. In this gospel, Jesus calls us true discipleship. He demands that we take up our cross and follow him. As you read Luke, ask yourself, “Am I willing to follow Jesus even if it costs everything?”

Highlight Luke 1:38. Mary was willing to obey God’s call when she did not understand. Will you follow Jesus when you don’t fully understand His commands?

Read Luke 2:26-38. Simeon and Anna trusted God when they could not see the fulfillment

of God’s promise. Will you follow Jesus when his promises are delayed?



路加福音 3

 Luke 3

路加福音 4

 Luke 4

路加福音 5

 Luke 5


你是否愿意对耶稣向门徒的呼召,说: ""吗(5:1-11)?

Will you follow Jesus’s example of resisting temptation (Luke 4:1-13)? Will you say “yes” to Jesus’ call to discipleship (Luke 5:1-11)?



路加福音 6

 Luke 6

路加福音 7

 Luke 7

路加福音 6:20-49 的讲道对跟随耶稣的人提出了很高的要求。你是否心甘情愿地順服祂的命令?

The sermon in Luke 6:20-49 places high demands on those who follow Jesus. Do you willingly obey his commands?



路加福音 8

 Luke 8

路加福音 9

 Luke 9


The parable of the sower shows that that different people (soils) will respond to the seed (God’s Word) in different ways. Will you allow God’s Word to bear rich fruit in your life? Will you surrender everything to follow Jesus (Luke 9:57-62)?



路加福音 10

 Luke 10

路加福音 11

 Luke 11


你愿意效法耶稣去爱你的邻舍吗(10:25-37)?你如何回应有需要的人?你会像祭司和利未 人那样回避问题吗?或者你会看到有需要的人就服事他?


Will you be a disciple who shares the gospel with other people (Luke 10:1-9)?

Will you follow Jesus in loving your neighbor (Luke 10:25-37)? How do you respond to people in need? Do you avoid the problem, like the priest and Levite? Or do you see to serve a needy person?

Will you follow Jesus in daily prayer (Lk 11:2-4)?



路加福音 12

 Luke 12

路加福音 13

 Luke 13

路加福音 14

 Luke 14


作门徒需要我们接受神的恩典的邀请。你会接受祂的邀请吗(14:15-24)? 你愿意背起你的十字架,竭尽全力跟随耶稣吗(14:25-33)?

Will you live a life of discipleship by putting God’s priorities ahead of the priorities of our society (Luke 12:13-21)?

Being a disciple requires us to accept God’s gracious invitation. Will you accept His invitation (Luke 14:15-24)?

Will you take up your cross and follow Jesus with everything (Luke 14:25-33)?





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?
Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
Is there an ACTION you should take?
Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

20 Week 20 (5/15-5/21)



路加福音 15

 Luke 15

路加福音 16

 Luke 16

路加福音 17

 Luke 17


- 如果你是一个远离神的浪子,你会回到父亲身边吗?

- 如果你是哥哥,你会欢迎那些从流浪中回家的人吗?

As you read the story of the Prodigal Son, ask yourself, “Where am I in this story?”

- If you are a prodigal who has wandered from God, will you return to the Father?

- If you are an elder brother, will you welcome those who return home from their wandering?



路加福音 18

 Luke 18

路加福音 19

 Luke 19

门徒是祈祷的人。当你读路加福音 18 章时,问一下。

- 我是否会坚持不懈地求告(18:1-8)?

- 我是否会谦卑地祷告(18:9-14)?

- 我是否会放胆地呼求(18:35-43)?


Disciples are people of prayer. As you read Luke 18, ask:

- Will I pray persistently (Luke 18:1-8)?

- Will I pray humbly (Luke 18:9-14)?

- Will I pray boldly (Luke 18:35-43)?

Will you faithfully use your gifts to serve God (Luke 19:11-27)?



路加福音 20

 Luke 20

路加福音 21

 Luke 21


你愿意在面对迫害时持守忠心吗(21:10-19)? 你是否愿意在面对试探时谨慎度日(21:34-36)?

Will you give generously to support God’s work (Luke 21:1-4)?

Will you remain faithful in the face of persecution (Luke 21:10-19)? Will you live carefully in the face of temptation (Luke 21:34-36)?



路加福音 22

 Luke 22

路加福音 23

 Luke 23


你愿意在生活中心甘情愿地顺服天父吗(22:39-46)? 你愿意跟随祂甚至到十字架上吗(23:49)?

Will you serve like Jesus (Luke 22:24-27)?

Will you live in willing submission to the Father (Luke 22:39-46)? Will you follow him even to the cross (Luke 23:49)?



路加福音 24

 Luke 24

使徒行传 1

 Acts 1

使徒行传 2

 Acts 2


- 路加福音 24 章以耶稣升天的故事和圣灵的应许结束。

- 使徒行传第一章以耶稣升天的故事和圣灵的应许开始。

路加福音教导我们成为门徒的意义。 使徒行传教导我们如何使人成为门徒。当我们阅读使 徒行传时,问问自己如何应用这些课程,并开始在你的朋友和家人中培訓门徒。那么,在2023 年我们如何培訓门徒呢?

我们通过告诉他人耶稣为我们所成就的事情来培訓门徒(使徒行传 1:1-11)。 我们借着充满我们的圣灵能力来培訓门徒(使徒行传 2 章)。

Acts is a sequel to Luke. Both books were written by Luke. The last verses of Luke and the first verses of Acts link the two books.

- Luke 24 ends with the story of Jesus’ ascension and the promise of the Holy Spirit.

- Acts 1 begins with the story of Jesus’ ascension and the promise of the Holy Spirit.

The Gospel of Luke teaches us what it means to be a disciple. Acts teaches us how to make disciples. As we read Acts, ask how you can apply these lessons and begin making disciples among your friends and family. So how do we make disciples in 2023?

We make disciples by telling others what Jesus has done for us (Acts 1:1-11) We make disciples through the power of the Holy Spirit filling us (Acts 2).



使徒行传 3

 Acts 3

使徒行传 4

 Acts 4

使徒行传 5

 Acts 5


我们培訓门徒是因为我们跟随着耶稣(4:13)。 我们有时通过受苦来培訓门徒(5:33-42)。

We make disciples in the name of Jesus, not in our own abilities (Acts 3:6). We make disciples because we have been with Jesus (Acts 4:13).

We sometimes make disciples through suffering (Acts 5:33-42).





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?
Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
Is there an ACTION you should take?
Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

21 Week 21 (5/22-5/28)



使徒行传 6

 Acts 6

使徒行传 7

 Acts 7

使徒行传 8

 Acts 8



We make disciples through humble service (Acts 6:1-7).

We make disciples by following the guidance of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:26-40).



使徒行传 9

 Acts 9

使徒行传 10

 Acts 10

使徒行传 11

 Acts 11

使人成为门徒需要我们超越文化偏见(10-11 章)。我们必须认识到,福音的真谛比自己个人的喜好更重要。

Making disciples requires us to move beyond our cultural prejudices (Acts 10-11). We must realize that the gospel is more important than our personal preferences.



使徒行传 12

 Acts 12

使徒行传 13

 Acts 13

使徒行传 14

 Acts 14

使人成为门徒需要我们在受逼迫的情况下仍然保持忠诚(12 章;特别是注意 12:24)。

我们通过放胆传讲福音来培訓门徒(13 章和 14:19-23)。 使人成为门徒需要我们避免因赞誉而分心(14:8-18)。

Making disciples requires us to be faithful despite persecution (Acts 12; notice Acts 12:24, especially).

We make disciples by proclaiming the gospel boldly (Acts 13 and 14:19-23). Making disciples requires us to avoid being distracted by praise (Acts 14:8-18).



雅各书 1

 James 1

雅各书 2

 James 2

雅各书 3

 James 3

雅各书 4

 James 4

雅各书 5

 James 5

雅各是耶稣肉身的兄弟。耶稣复活后,雅各成为信徒,并很快地成为耶路撒冷教会的领袖。他的书信可能是在使徒行传 14-16 章左右的某个时间写的。

雅各书是一份门徒操练的实用指南。当阅读雅各书时,将这书信中涉及的具体主题列出来。 例如,雅各书 1 章包括关于试探(1:12-15)、动怒(1:19-20)、顺服(1:21-25)、言语(1:26)和看顾穷人(1:27)的教导。选择一个在你生活中需努力改進的重要课题,接下来的一周里,每天祷告,求神帮助你在生活中应用雅各的教导。

James was the half-brother of Jesus. After Jesus’ resurrection, James became a believer and was soon a leader in the church at Jerusalem. His epistle was probably written sometime around the period of Acts 14-16.

James is a guide to practical discipleship. As you read James, make a list of practical topics addressed in this letter. For example, James 1 includes teaching about temptation (1:12-15), anger (1:19-20), obedience (1:21-25), speech (1:26), and care for the poor (1:27).

Choose one topic that speaks to an area of struggle in your life. For the next week, pray daily that God will help you apply James’ teaching in your life.



使徒行传 15

 Acts 15

使徒行传 16

 Acts 16

我们培訓门徒,必须忠于圣经(15 章)。

耶路撒冷大公会议开会讨论外邦信徒在教会中的角色。他们问:"外邦人必须受割礼才能成为教会的一员吗?外邦人必须遵守犹太人的食物法规吗?" 经过祷告和研究圣经,他们确定

外邦人只必须遵守来自利未记 17-18 章的四条律例。利未记说,这些律法适用于 "以色列家的人(犹太人)或寄居在他们中间的外人(外邦人)"。正因为如此,早期教会决定,外邦 皈依者必须遵守这四条律法(15:20)。 圣经,而不是传统,是早期教会的最终权威。

我们通过回应圣灵的呼召来培訓门徒(16:6-10)。 我们借着在困境中仍然喜乐来培訓门徒(16:25-34)。

To make disciples, we must remain faithful to Scripture (Acts 15).

The Jerusalem Council met to discuss the role of Gentile believers in the church. They asked, “Must Gentiles be circumcised to be a part of the church? Must Gentiles follow the Jewish food laws?” After praying and studying Scripture, they determined that the Gentiles had to follow only four guidelines, from Leviticus 17-18. Leviticus says that these laws apply to “any one of the house of Israel (Jews) or of the strangers who sojourn among them (Gentiles).” Because of this, the early church determined that these four laws must be followed by Gentile converts (Acts 15:20). Scripture, not tradition, was the final authority for the early church.

We make disciples by responding to the Spirit’s call (Acts 16:6-10). We make disciples by rejoicing in times of trouble (Acts 16:25-34).



加拉太书 1

 Galatians 1

加拉太书 2

 Galatians 2

加拉太书 3

 Galatians 3

加拉太书 4

 Galatians 4

加拉太书 5

 Galatians 5

加拉太书 6

 Galatians 6

加拉太书可能是保罗的第一封书信。即使在耶路撒冷会议之后,一些犹太基督徒仍试图迫使外邦人遵守食物律法和割礼。保罗写加拉太书为了解决这种错误的教导。请注意他警告错误 教导的紧迫感;若有人传福音给你们,与你们所领受的不同,他就应当被咒诅"1:9)。


- 门徒委身于福音(1:6-7)。

- 门徒委身于单单因信称义(2:15-16)。

- 门徒委身于灵命的自由,而不是受律法的规條捆绑(4:6-7)。

- 门徒委身于结出圣灵的果子(5:22)。

- 门徒要委身于彼此关怀 (6:2)

Galatians was probably Paul’s first letter. Even after the Jerusalem Council, some Jewish Christians tried to press Gentiles to follow the food laws and circumcision. Paul wrote Galatians to address this false teaching. Notice the urgency of his warning against false teaching; “If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed” (Gal 1:9).

Galatians calls us to an ongoing commitment as disciples. We must not abandon our commitment to follow Jesus.

- Disciples are committed to the gospel (Gal 1:6-7)

- Disciples are committed to justification by faith alone (Gal 2:15-16)

- Disciples are committed to spiritual liberty, not bondage to legalistic rules (Gal 4:6-7)

- Disciples are committed to bearing spiritual fruit (Gal 5:22)

- Disciples are committed to caring for one another (Gal 6:2)





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

Is there a SIN you should avoid?
Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
Is there an ACTION you should take?
Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?

第 22 周 Week 22 (5/29-6/4)



撒上 1

 1 Samuel 1

撒上 2

 1 Samuel 2

撒上 3

 1 Samuel 3

撒上 4

 1 Samuel 4


- 撒母耳记上第 1 章显示了祷告的力量。神会回应祂孩子们的祷告。

- 训练真正门徒的功课之一是学习谦卑。撒母耳记上第 2 章中哈拿的祷告证明了神对谦卑者有恩典。"神反对骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人"(雅各书 4:6)。

- 撒母耳记上第 3 和第 4 章显示了神对不顺从的审判。如果不顺服于神的权柄,我们就不能作为门徒跟随祂。

Historical books often teach lessons through the life examples of the characters. As we read the Old Testament historical books, we will look for lessons for New Testament disciples.

- 1 Samuel 1 shows the power of prayer. God acts in response to the prayers of His children.

- Part of true discipleship is learning humility. Hannah’s prayer in 1 Samuel 2 testifies to God’s grace to the humble. “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6).

- I Samuel 3 and 4 shows God’s judgment on disobedience. We cannot follow God as a disciple without submitting to His authority.



撒上 5

 1 Samuel 5

撒上 6

 1 Samuel 6

撒上 7

 1 Samuel 7

撒上 8

 1 Samuel 8

撒上 9

1 Samuel 9

撒上 10

1 Samuel 10


为了 "归顺耶和华",以色列人必须摒弃所有其他的神(7:3)。我们不能怀着三心二意来事 奉神。门徒们要全心全意地事奉神。

划出撒母耳记上 8:20 的这些话:"......使我们像列国一样"。以色列寻求与其他国家一样,这很快导致了他们离弃耶和华。忠实的门徒力求像神,而不是像我们周围的世界。

The Philistines learned to respect the ark of the covenant when they saw the unimaginable power of Jehovah. As disciples, we should recognize the great power of our God.

In order to “return to the Lord,” Israel had to put away all other gods (1 Sam 7:3). We must not serve God with a divided heart. Disciples serve God with complete devotion.

Highlight these words in 1 Samuel 8:20: “… that we also may be like all the nations.” Israel sought to be like the other nations, and this soon led them to abandon Yahweh. Faithful disciples seek to be like God, not like the world around us.



撒上 11

 1 Samuel 11

撒上 12

1 Samuel 12

撒上 13

1 Samuel 13

撒上 14

1 Samuel 14

扫罗在早年的生活中表现出了真正的谦卑(9-11 章)。可悲的是,他开始依赖自己的能力,

对神的时间安排不耐心等待(13-14 章),这导致了灾难。作为一个门徒,要学会等候神的 时间。

In his early life, Saul showed true humility (1 Samuel 9-11). Sadly, he began to rely on his own power and to be impatient with God’s timing (1 Samuel 13-14). This led to disaster. As a disciple, learn to wait on God’s timing.



撒上 15

1 Samuel 15

撒上 16

1 Samuel 16

撒上 17

1 Samuel 17


门徒关心神的意见过于人的意见。注意大卫和扫罗之间的区别。扫罗最关心的是人的认可; 大卫最关心的是神的荣耀。大卫与歌利亚作战是为了"使普天下的人都知道以色列中有神"17:45-46)。你在寻求谁的认可呢?

When we begin to trust our own power and wisdom, we soon fall into disobedience. This was the downfall of Saul, and it often becomes the downfall of New Testament disciples. Ask God to renew your determination to follow Him alone.

Disciples care more for God’s opinion than for man’s opinion. Notice the difference between David and Saul. Saul was most concerned for the approval of people; David was most concerned for the glory of God. David fought Goliath so that “all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel” (1 Sam 17:45-46). Whose approval do you seek?



撒上 18

1 Samuel 18

撒上 19

1 Samuel 19

撒上 20

1 Samuel 20

撒上 21

1 Samuel 21

注意大卫成功的关键。他 "所向无敌,因为上主与他同在"18:14,现代中文译本)。门徒们依靠神的力量,而不是依靠自己的能力,来获得成功。

Notice the key to David’s success. He “had success in all his undertakings, for the Lord was with him(1 Samuel 18:14). Disciples rely on God’s power, rather than on their own abilities, for success.



撒上 22

1 Samuel 22

撒上 23

1 Samuel 23

撒上 24

1 Samuel 24

撒上 25

1 Samuel 25

神可能会允许你处于你的领袖表现出属灵软弱的地方,这就是大卫所处的情况。但在那种情况下,大卫拒绝伤害扫罗(24 章)。你愿意等候神在你的生命中的时间吗?

God may allow you to be in a place where your leader shows spiritual weakness. This was the situation David was in. But in that situation, David refused to harm Saul (1 Samuel 24). Are you willing to wait for God’s timing in your life?




What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?
Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
Is there an ACTION you should take?
Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?