第 23 周 Week 23 (6/5-6/11)
周一 Monday 撒母耳记上 26 1 Samuel 26 撒上 27 1 Samuel 27 撒上 28 1 Samuel 28 撒上 29 1 Samuel 29 撒上 30 1 Samuel 30 撒上 31 1 Samuel 31 | 扫罗生命的终结显示了以色列第一位国王和大卫王之间的悲惨对比。两位国王都是神所拣选的,都是有天赋的统治者,但他们选择了截然不同的道路。扫罗选择依靠自我和骄傲不馴的道路,而大卫选择谦卑和顺服。真正门徒的生活,别无他途,就是谦卑顺服神。 我喜欢撒母耳记上 30:6 的话: "大卫却倚靠耶和华他的神,心里坚固"。当你软弱的时候,就在神里面刚强自己。对门徒来说,这是个多么美妙的应许:当你软弱的时候,要倚靠祂的力量。 The end of Saul’s life shows the tragic contrast between Israel’s first king and King David. Both kings were chosen by God; both were gifted rulers; but they chose very different paths. Saul chose the path of self-reliance and pride; David chose the path of humility and obedience. The only path for a true disciple is a life of humble obedience to God. I love the words of 1 Samuel 30:6: “But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.” When you are weak, strengthen yourself in God. What a wonderful promise to disciples: when you are weak, rely on His power. |
周二 Tuesday 撒母耳记下1 2 Samuel 1 撒下 2 2 Samuel 2 撒下 3 2 Samuel 3 撒下 4 2 Samuel 4 | 想象一下,你是大卫,听到扫罗已死的消息。你会因为敌人死了而欢欣鼓舞吗?还是会像大卫一样哀悼(1:17-27)? 在撒母耳记下 3:33-34,大卫为扫罗的堂兄弟,也是扫罗军队的指挥官押尼珥的死感到悲痛。门徒有谦和的灵;他们不会因为敌人受苦而欢欣鼓舞。 Imagine that you are David hearing the news that Saul is dead. Will you rejoice that your enemy is dead? Or will you mourn like David (2 Sam 1:17-27)? In 2 Samuel 3:33-34, David mourned the death of Abner, Saul’s cousin and the commander of Saul’s army. Disciples have a humble spirit; they do not rejoice at the suffering of an enemy. |
周三 Wednesday 撒下 5 2 Samuel 5 撒下 6 2 Samuel 6 撒下 7 2 Samuel 7 撒下 8 2 Samuel 8 撒下 9 2 Samuel 9 | 这几章是大卫统治的高峰期。他取得了政治上的成功,将所有以色列人统一在他的权柄之下(5章);他取得了军事上的成功,击败了困扰以色列几十年的非利士人(5 章);他有宗教上的成功,将约柜归还耶路撒冷(6 章),以及,他有属灵应许的成就,因为神在祂自己和大卫之间立下了盟约(7 章)。神为什么将这样多的祝福倾注在大卫身上?因为大卫对神忠诚。神回应大卫的忠诚,使他战胜诸多敌人。 在撒母耳记下 5:19-25 中,大卫一再 "求问耶和华"。门徒们认真地向神寻求生活的指导。 These chapters are the high point of David’s reign. He has political success, uniting all Israel under his authority (2 Sam 5). He has military success, defeating the Philistines who had plagued Israel for decades (2 Sam 5). He has religious success, returning the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem (2 Sam 6). He has spiritual success, as God makes a covenant between Himself and David (2 Sam 7). Why did God pour such blessings on David? Because David was faithful to God. In response to David’s faithfulness, God gave victory over David’s enemies. In 2 Samuel 5:19-25, David repeatedly “inquired of God.” Disciples carefully seek God’s direction for life. |
周四 Thursday 撒下 10 2 Samuel 10 撒下 11 2 Samuel 11 撒下 12 2 Samuel 12 撒下 13 2 Samuel 13 | 这几章是对门徒的可怕警告。在撒母耳记下 1-10 章的伟大胜利之后,大卫陷入了罪恶。他与拔示巴通奸,然后谋杀了她的丈夫以掩盖自己的罪行。撒母耳记下的其余部分将显示这罪行的后果。 大卫即使在罪中,也表现出谦卑的灵。扫罗将自己的失败归咎于他人,大卫则承认自己的罪 (12:13)。当神定你的罪时,你的反应是什么?你是悔改呢?还是为自己的行为辩解,寻求开脱?门徒们很快就会认罪悔改。 These chapters are a terrible warning to disciples. After the great victories in 2 Samuel 1- 10, David falls into sin. He commits adultery with Bathsheba and then murders her husband to cover his sin. The rest of 2 Samuel will show the result of that sin. Even in David’s sin, he showed his spirit of humility. Saul blamed others for his failures; David confesses his sin (2 Sam 12:13). What is your response when God convicts you? Do you repent, or do you excuse your actions? Disciples are quick to repent of sin. |
周五 Friday 撒下 14 2 Samuel 14 撒下 15 2 Samuel 15 撒下 16 2 Samuel 16 撒下 17 2 Samuel 17 | 这几章显示了罪的后果。神警告大卫说:"我必从你家中兴起祸患攻击你"(撒下 12:11)。 当大卫最喜爱的儿子押沙龙引起一场分裂国家的内战时,这个审判就应验了。这场内战直到押沙龙被杀才结束。 These chapters show the consequences of sin. God warned David, “I will raise up evil against you out of your own house” (2 Sam 12:11). This judgment was fulfilled when Absalom, David’s favorite son, divided the nation in a civil war which did not end until Absalom is killed. |
周六 Saturday 撒下 18 2 Samuel18 撒下 19 2 Samuel 19 撒下 20 2 Samuel20 撒下 21 2 Samuel 21 | 即使因为对拔示巴犯罪而受苦的岁月里,大卫也表现出一个门徒的谦和灵命。 -他为导致国家陷入内战的押沙龙之死感到悲痛(18 章)。 -战争结束后,大卫赦免了他的敌人(19 章) Even in his years of suffering for his sin against Bathsheba, David showed the humble spirit of a disciple. -He mourned the death of Absalom, who had led the nation into civil war (2 Samuel 18). -After the war, David pardoned his enemies (2 Samuel 19) |
每周回应 Weekly Summary | 这一周从神的话语里,圣灵教导了你什么? What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week? 有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid? |
第 24 周 Week 24 (6/12-6/18)
周一 Monday 撒下 22 2 Samuel 22 撒下 23 2 Samuel 23 撒下 24 2 Samuel 24 | 撒母耳记下 22 章也显示了大卫对神的信任。这是一首称颂之歌,因为他脱离敌人的手,得到了拯救。撒母耳记下 23:1-7 记录了大卫的最后见证。这些都是对神的赞美和信靠之词。门徒们借着对神美善的信心而生活。 2 Samuel 22 also shows David’s trust in God. This is a song of praise for deliverance from his enemies. 2 Samuel 23:1-7 records David’s final testimony. These are words of praise and trust in God. Disciples live by their faith in God’s goodness. |
周二 Tuesday 历代志上 1 1 Chronicles 1 历代志上 2 1 Chron 2 | 历代志回顾了与撒母耳记上、下和列王纪上、下相同的历史。历代志的重点是对神应许的 盼望。在写历代志的时候,以色列民已经被掳。历代志的重点在于盼望神必恢复以色列。 我建议你快速读完这几章的家谱。但当你阅读时,要寻找希望的迹象。门徒是有盼望的人! Chronicles reviews the same history as 1&2 Samuel and 1&2 Kings. The focus of Chronicles is the hope of God’s promise. By the time Chronicles was written, Israel had been carried into exile. Chronicles focuses on the hope that God will restore Israel. I suggest that you read quickly through the chapters of genealogies. But as you read them, look for signs of hope. Disciples are people of hope! |
周三 Wednesday 历代志上 3 1 Chron 3 历代志上 4 1 Chron 4 历代志上 5 1 Chron 5 | 雅比斯的故事显示了一个人的名字中的盼望。雅比斯这个名字(4:9-10)听起来像希伯来语 的 "痛苦"。雅比斯祈求上帝在他的生活中带来祝福而不是痛苦。 "神就答应了他的要求"。 这个故事提醒我们,如果我们呼求上帝(即使是在痛苦的时候),他将听到并应允我们的祈求。 The story of Jabez shows hope in a person’s name. The name Jabez (1 Chron 4:9-10) sounds like the Hebrew word for “pain.” Jabez prayed that God would bring blessing instead of pain into his life. “And God granted what he asked.” This story reminds us that if we call on God (even in times of pain), He will hear and answer our prayer. |
周四 Thursday 历代志上 6 1 Chron 6 历代志上 7 1 Chron 7 | 这几章中的希望在哪里?这些家谱表明,神没有忘记祂的子民。如果你是耶稣的门徒,请欣喜地看到神永远不会忘记你。 Where is the hope in these chapters? The genealogies show that God had not forgotten His people. If you are a disciple of Jesus, rejoice that God will never forget you. |
周五 Friday 历代志上 8 1 Chron 8 历代志上 9 1 Chron 9 历代志上 10 1 Chron 10 | 历代志中收录扫罗的唯一故事是他的死亡。在一本关乎对神忠心的书中,扫罗之死的故事提醒我们,门徒必须忠心。扫罗的故事显示了不持守忠心的后果。 The only part of Saul’s story included in Chronicles is his death. In a book about faithfulness to God, the story of the death of Saul reminds us that disciples must be faithful. The story of Saul shows the consequences of unfaithfulness. |
周六 Saturday 历代志上 11 1 Chron 11 历代志上 12 1 Chron 12 历代志上 13 1 Chron 13 历代志上 14 1 Chron 14 | 神对乌撒的审判(13 章)似乎很严厉。然而,神知道,如果祂的子民要尊神为圣洁的神,就必须尊重祂有关圣洁事物的神圣性律法。神是圣洁的,祂的子民必须以祂为圣洁。门徒们尊神为圣洁的。 God’s judgment on Uzzah (1 Chronicles 13) seems severe. However, God knew that if His people were to honor God as a holy God, they must respect His laws about the sanctity of holy things. God is holy, and His people must treat Him as holy. Disciples honor God as holy. |
每周回应 Weekly Summary | 这一周从神的话语里,圣灵教导了你什么? What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week? 有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take? 有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey? 有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow? |
第 25 周 Week 25 (6/19-6/25)
周一 Monday 历代志上 15 1 Chron 15 历代志上 16 1 Chron 16 箴言 1 Proverbs 1 | 当约柜返回耶路撒冷时,米甲嘲笑她丈夫大卫踊跃跳舞庆祝(代上 15:29)。在米甲眼中,大卫"有失体统",但大卫无法控制自己的喜悦。门徒们因神的良善而欢欣鼓舞。 我们看到雅各书是一本实用的门徒培训书。我们可以称箴言为培训门徒智慧的指南。在箴言的每一章中,选择一节经文,给你作为门徒提供日常生活的智慧。 从箴言 1 章中抄下你的“每日经节”。 Michal mocked her husband David for his celebration when the Ark of the Covenant was returned to Jerusalem (1 Chron 15:29). In Michal’s eyes, David was “undignified.” But David could not control his joy. Disciples rejoice in God’s goodness. We saw that James is a book of practical discipleship. We could call Proverbs a guide to wise discipleship. In each chapter of Proverbs, choose one verse that gives wisdom for your daily life as a disciple. Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 1. |
周二 Tuesday 历代志上 17 1 Chron 17 代上 18 1 Chron 18 代上 19 1 Chron 19 代上 20 1 Chron 20 箴言 2 Proverbs 2 | 门徒们喜爱智慧。箴言 2:4-5 显示了智慧的价值。你对智慧的重视程度如何?你是否像寻找隐藏的宝藏一样孜孜不倦地寻找智慧? 从箴言 2 章中抄下你的“每日经节”。 Disciples love wisdom. Proverbs 2:4-5 shows the price of wisdom. How much do you value wisdom? Do you search for wisdom as diligently as you would search for hidden treasure? Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 2. |
周三 Wednesday 历代志上 21 1 Chron 21 代上 22 1 Chron 22 代上 23 1 Chron 23 箴言 3 Proverbs 3 | 门徒们专心信赖神。信赖神会带来智慧(箴 3:5-7)。心中自以为是的,导致愚昧。你是信靠神还是信靠自己的智慧? 从箴言 3 章中抄下你的 "每日经节"。 Disciples trust God fully. Trust in God leads to wisdom (Prov 3:5-7). Trusting in our own heart leads to folly. Do you trust in God or in your own wisdom? Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 3. |
周四 Thursday 历代志上 24 1 Chron 24 代上 25 1 Chron 25 代上 26 1 Chron 26 箴言 4 Proverbs 4 | 门徒们过着严谨的生活,他们走在 "正路 "上(箴 4:25-27),拒绝偏行邪恶。看看你的生活-婚姻、财务、工作、道德、言论等等,你在这些方方面面中都走在 "正路 "上吗? 从箴言 4 章中抄下你的 "每日经节"。 Disciples live careful lives. They walk in a “straight path” (Prov 4:25-27). They refuse to turn away to evil. Look at your life – your marriage, finances, job, ethics, speech, etc. Do you walk in a “straight path” in each of these areas? Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 4. |
周五 Friday 历代志上 27 1 Chron 27 代上 28 1 Chron 28 代上 29 1 Chron 29 箴言 5 Proverbs 5 | 大卫对所罗门的嘱咐包括两个指示。 他命令所罗门 "认识神",并 "诚心乐意地侍奉祂"。门徒认识神。认识神不仅仅是 "知道有神"。"认识神 "意味着与神建立了一种关系。你认识神吗? 从箴言 5 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"。 David’s charge to Solomon includes two instructions. He commands Solomon to “know God” and to “serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind.” Disciples know God. Knowing God is more than “knowing about God.” To “know God” means to have a relationship with God. Do you know God? Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 5. |
周六 Saturday 列王纪上 1 1Kings 1 列王纪上 2 1 Kings 2 箴言 6 Proverbs 6 | 门徒们爱神所爱,恨神所恨。 阅读神所憎恶的七件事(箴 6:16-19)。你是否注意避免这些罪恶的方方面面? 从箴言 6 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"。 Disciples love what God loves and hate what God hates. Read the seven things God hates (Prov 6:16-19). Are you careful to avoid these areas of sin? Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 6. |
每周回应 Weekly Summary | 这一周从神的话语里,圣灵教导了你什么? What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week? 有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid? |
第 26 周 Week 26 (6/26-7/2)
周一 Monday 列王纪上 3 1 Kings 3 列王纪上 4 1 Kings 4 列王纪上 5 1 Kings 5 箴言 7 Proverbs 7 | 列王纪上和列王纪下对门徒提出了许多警告。当你阅读以色列的衰败和堕落的故事时,注意导致她失败的所作所为。 列王纪上 1-10 章是以色列历史的高峰。所罗门的早期统治显示出巨大的潜力(列王纪上 3-10 章)。神应许赐给所罗门聪明智慧和富足尊荣。当所罗门忠于神的时候,他的统治是成功的。他很有智慧(列王记上 3 章),拥有巨大的财富(列王记上 4 章),且建造了一座美丽的圣殿(列王纪上 5-8 章)。 从箴言 7 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"。 The books of 1 & 2 Kings give many warnings to disciples. As you read the story of Israel’s decline and fall, watch for the actions that led to her failure. 1 Kings 1-10 are the high point of Israel’s history. Solomon’s early reign showed great potential (1 Kings 3-10). God promised to give Solomon wisdom and prosperity. When Solomon was faithful to God, his reign was successful. He was wise (1 Kings 3); he had great wealth (1 Kings 4); he built a beautiful Temple (1 Kings 5-8). Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 7. |
周二 Tuesday 列王纪上 6 1 Kings 6 列王纪上 7 1 Kings 7 箴言 8 Proverbs 8 | 所罗门统治时期的高潮是在列王记上 5-6 章的建造圣殿。圣殿是神住在祂子民中与他们同在的标志。如果以色列人对神持守忠心,神就会住在圣殿祂的子民中间。神用祂的同在和荣耀祝福忠心的门徒。 从箴言 8 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"。 The high point of Solomon’s reign was building the Temple in 1 Kings 5-6. The Temple was the sign of God’s presence among His people. If Israel remained faithful to God, God would dwell among His people in the Temple. God blesses faithful disciples with His presence and glory. Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 8. |
周三 Wednesday 列王纪上 8 1 Kings 8 列王纪上 9 1 Kings 9 箴言 9 Proverbs 9 | 门徒寻求智慧,逃避愚昧。 -列举箴言 9:1-12 中智慧的三个特征。 -列举箴言 9:13-18 中愚昧的三个特征。 从箴言 9 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"。 Disciples seek wisdom and run from folly. -List three characteristics of wisdom in Prov 9:1-12. -List three characteristics of folly in Prov 9:13-18. Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 9. |
周四 Thursday 列王纪上 10 1 Kings 10 列王纪上 11 1 Kings 11 箴言 10 Proverbs 10 | 正如撒母耳记下 11 章开始了大卫因犯罪而衰落的故事,列王纪上 11 章开始所罗门衰落的故事。由於政治婚姻和不明智的联盟,所罗门很快转向了其他神。 箴言 10-29 章集结了关于各种主题的 "智慧谚语":婚姻、家庭、舌头、骄傲、懒惰、金钱 等等。从这几章的每一章中,选择一节适用于你作为门徒的生活。将这节经文抄写到阅读 日志中,并在一天中默想它。 从箴言 10 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"。 Just as 2 Samuel 11 began the story of David’s decline because of sin, 1 Kings 11 begins the story of Solomon’s decline. Through political marriages and unwise alliances, Solomon soon turned to other gods. Proverbs 10-29 is a collection of “wise sayings” on a variety of topics: marriage, family, the tongue, pride, laziness, money, etc. From each of these chapters, choose one verse that applies to your life as a disciple. Copy that verse into this reading journal and meditate on it throughout the day. Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 10. |
周五 Friday 历代志下 1 2 Chronicles 1 历代志下 2 2 Chron 2 历代志下 3 2 Chron 3 历代志下 4 2 Chron 4 历代志下 5 2 Chron 5 箴言 11 Proverbs 11 | 这几章重复了所罗门统治时期的故事,这些故事鼓励被掳回归的以色列民单单对神忠心。门徒持守对神的忠心。 从箴言 11 章中抄写你的 "每日经节"。 These chapters repeat the story of Solomon’s reign. The story of Solomon’s reign encouraged the returning exiles to be faithful to God alone. Disciples remain faithful to God. Copy your “verse for the day” from Proverbs 11. |
周六 Saturday 历代志下 6 2 Chronicles 6 历代志下 7 2 Chron 7 历代志下 8 2 Chron 8 历代志下 9 2 Chron 9 | 历代志下 7:14 给了门徒们一个美妙的应许:如果我们呼求神,祂就会垂听我们。 “这称为我名下的子民,若是自卑、祷告,寻求我的面,转离他们的恶行,我必从天上垂听,赦免他们的罪,医治他们的地。” 2 Chronicles 7:14 gives a wonderful promise to disciples: if we call on God, He will hear us. “…if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” |
每周回应 Weekly Summary | 这一周从神的话语里,圣灵教导了你什么? What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week? 有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid? 有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim? 有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take? 有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey? 有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow? |