49 Week 49 (12/4-12/10)



启示录 1

 Revelation 1

启示录 2

 Revelation 2

启示录 3

 Revelation 3

启示录开宗明义: 耶稣基督的启示……”,表明耶稣是这本书的中心人物。阅读时,请标示出基督的形像。我会用 号来标注前几个,之后,请继续边读边标示。

启示录 1-3 章记载了现在的事1:19)。这些是给一世纪小亚细亚教会的信息,至今仍然在对 我们发声。

启示录 1:7 – 耶稣是在得胜中 驾云降临的那位。

启示录 1:13 – 耶稣是荣耀的人子。 当你读到给每个教会的信息时,可以问一问:这是在描述我吗?请注意其中的警告和应许。 你正处于离弃起初爱心的危险之中吗(2:4)?请采纳给以弗所教会基督徒的忠告:回转而且行当初来到耶稣前所行的事。


Revelation begins with the words “The revelation of Jesus Christ….” Jesus is the central figure of the book. As you read, highlight the images of Christ. I will mark the first few with a †. After that, continue to mark them as you read.

Revelation 1-3 records “things that are” (1:19). These messages to the churches of first-century Asia Minor still speak to us today.

† Rev 1:7 – Jesus is the one who “is coming with the clouds” in victory.

† Rev 1:13 – Jesus is the glorious “son of man.”

As you read the message to each church, ask “Does this describe me?” Notice the warnings and the promises.

Are you in danger of abandoning your first love (2:4)? Take the counsel given to the Christians at Ephesus. Return and do the things that you did when you first came to Christ.

The church at Laodicea received no commendation. But even at Laodicea, those who respond to Christ’s invitation will sit with him on his throne. You can be faithful even in difficult situations.



启示录 4

 Revelation 4

启示录 5

 Revelation 5

启示录 6

 Revelation 6

启示录 7

 Revelation 7

启示录 8

 Revelation 8

启示录 4-22 章记载了以后必成的事。这几章着眼于将来的事件。你可能会觉得这几章很令人迷惑不解,因为对未来的预言从不像对过去的记录那么清晰明朗。如果你觉得这几章的细节难以理解,那就把注意力放在重大的主题上:神的主权;祂对子民的保护;基督最终必战胜邪恶,以及神对未来的计划。

启示录 4-5 章展现出一幅在天堂敬拜的画面。敬拜的焦点是神、祂的荣耀与圣洁。

启示录 5:5 – 耶稣是 ____________________

启示录 5:6 – 耶稣是 ____________________

启示录中,耶稣被描绘成羔羊。羔羊本性驯良温和,然而启示录 6:16 显示了羔羊的忿怒。我们不能永远拒绝神,总有一天,万膝都要跪拜在祂的权柄之下(启示录 5:13;腓立比书2:11)。我们现在就应该心甘情愿地跪拜,而不是等到审判的日子,在败局中屈膝下跪。

启示录 7:17 – 耶稣是圣羔羊,成了牧人。

Revelation 4-22 records “things that shall take place after this.” These chapters look at future events. You may find these chapters confusing because prophecies about the future are never as clear as records of the past. If you find the details of these chapters difficult, focus on the big themes: God’s sovereignty, His protection of His people, Christ’s ultimate victory over evil, and God’s plan for the future.

Revelation 4-5 shows a picture of worship in heaven. This worship is focused on God and His glory and holiness.

† Rev 5:5 – Jesus is ____________________.

† Rev 5:6 – Jesus is ____________________.

Jesus is portrayed in Revelation as the Lamb. While a lamb is gentle, Revelation 6:16 shows the “wrath of the Lamb.” We cannot reject Him forever. A day will come when every knee will bow to His authority (Rev 5:13; Phil 2:11). We should bow willingly now rather than bow in defeat at the judgment.

† Rev 7:17 – Jesus is the Lamb who becomes the shepherd.



启示录 9

 Revelation 9

启示录 10

 Rev 10

启示录 11

 Rev 11

启示录 12

 Rev 12

启示录 9:20-21 表明,罪惡的世人即使是面对瘟疫和神的审判时还是拒绝悔改。想想我们当今的世界,你看到了世人顽梗、拒不悔改的迹象吗?


启示录 12:5 – 耶稣是 ____________________

Revelation 9:20-21 shows that sinful men refuse to repent even in the face of plagues and God’s judgment. Think about our world today. Do you see signs of man’s stubborn refusal to repent?

Throughout Revelation, the scenes of judgment on earth are interspersed with scenes of worship in heaven. The worship reminds us that God will ultimately triumph over evil (11:16-18).

† Rev 12:5 – Jesus is ____________________.



启示录 13

 Rev 13

启示录 14

 Rev 14

启示录 15

 Rev 15

启示录 16

 Rev 16

启示录 13 章表明神有时会允许祂的圣徒受苦。在苦难面前坚毅忍耐是启示录的一个重要主题。你愿意为神受苦吗?

启示录 13 章中的兽会行大奇事迷惑人。千万不要相信那些行出表面上的神迹奇事,卻不遵循圣经的教师。奇事是可以伪造的,而我们最终的权威必须是神的话语。

Revelation 13 shows that God sometimes allows His saints to suffer. Perseverance in the face of suffering is a major theme of Revelation. Are you willing to suffer for God?

The beast of Revelation 13 will deceive people with “great signs.” We must not trust apparent miracles and signs from teachers who do not follow Scripture. Signs can be faked; our final authority must be God’s Word.



启示录 17

 Rev 17

启示录 18

 Rev 18

启示录 19

 Rev 19

启示录 17:14 – 耶稣是____________________



启示录 19:11 –耶稣是骑在白马上,那一位称为诚信真实的。

† Rev 17:14 – Jesus is ____________________.

One message of Revelation is endurance. Faithful endurance requires us to avoid compromise with evil. God called His people to “come out” of Babylon “lest you take part in her sins” (18:4). In Revelation, “Babylon” represents the evil powers of this world. God’s people must never compromise truth for the sake of political, economic, or social power.

As you read about the fall of Babylon, rejoice in God’s ultimate victory (19:6-8). Although the powers of evil may appear to be strong, God will ultimately win.

† Rev 19:11 – Jesus is the Faithful and True rider on the white horse.



启示录 20

 Rev 20

启示录 21

 Rev 21

启示录 22

 Rev 22

约翰写启示录是为了鼓励受迫害的基督徒。他保证,他们要与基督一同作王一千年20:6)。约翰写这封信时,距罗马帝国灭亡还不到 400 年。但神的国度比所有其他帝国更长久。

当你阅读启示录 20:15 时,问问自己:我的名字写在生命册上了吗?神应许,凡信祂的人必得永生。如果你从未接受过基督,请回转归向祂,并接受祂应许的新生命吧!

读启示录 21-22 章时,请回想创世记 2 章中伊甸园的画面。在天上,伊甸园将恢复完美。神将扭转人类罪恶的后果;我们必再次生活在一个完美的世界里。圣经的故事可以这样总结:

- 一个完美世界的创造(创世记 1-2 章)
    - 对罪的审判(创世记 3-11 章)
        - 通过以色列得救赎(创世记 12 玛拉基书 4 章)。这指向了
           耶稣基督,末后的亚当(马太福音 1 约翰福音 21 章)
        - 通过教会,即新的以色列得救赎(使徒行传 1 启示录 19 章)
    - 对罪的最终审判(启示录 20 章)
- 一个新天新地完美世界的创造(启示录 21-22 章)

启示录 22:4 是圣经中最激动人心的经文之一。在堕落后,没有人看见神的面容还能存活(出埃 及记 33:20)。但在天上,我们要见他的面。我们将永远活在祂荣耀和美好的同在中。当我们与神面对面时,生命中承受的所有艰辛困难都值得了。

启示录 22:12 – 耶稣是____________________

启示录 22:16 – 耶稣是____________________.

Revelation was written to encourage persecuted Christians. John promised that “they will reign with him for a thousand years” (20:6). When John wrote this letter, the Roman Empire was less than 400 years from collapse. God’s kingdom will outlast all other empires.

As you read Rev 20:15, ask, “Is my name written in the book of life?” God promises that anyone who believes will have eternal life. If you have never accepted Christ, please turn to Him and accept His promise of new life.

As you read Revelation 21-22, recall the picture of the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2. In heaven, the perfection of the Garden will be restored. God will reverse the results of man’s sin; we will once again live in a perfect world. We can summarize the story of the Bible like this:

- Creation of a perfect world (Gen 1-2)
   - Judgment for sin (Gen 3-11)
      - Redemption through Israel (Gen 12 – Mal 4). This points to…
         Jesus Christ, the second Adam (Matt 1 – John 21)
      - Redemption through the Church, the new Israel (Acts 1 – Rev 19)
   - Final judgment for sin (Rev 20)
- New creation of a perfect world (Rev 21-22)

Revelation 22:4 is one of the most exciting verses of the Bible. After the Fall, no one could see God and live (Ex 33:20). But in heaven, we “will see his face.” We will live forever in His glorious and beautiful presence. All the difficulties of life will be worth it when we see Him face to face.

† Rev 22:12 – Jesus is ____________________.

† Rev 22:16 – Jesus is ____________________.





What did the Holy Spirit teach you from God’s Word this week?

有没有一个罪是你应该躲避的? Is there a SIN you should avoid?
有没有一个应许是你应该支取的?Is there a PROMISE you should claim?
有没有一个行动是你应该采取的?Is there an ACTION you should take?
有没有一个命令是你应该遵守的?Is there a COMMAND you should obey?
有没有一个典范是你应该追随的?Is there an EXAMPLE you should follow?


Year End

50-52 Weeks 50-52 (12/11/2023-12/31/2023)

如果你进度慢了,最后的这三周给你一个机会赶上来。如果你已经按计划表读完了,那就利用这几周的时间来反思今年学到了什么。回顾你的笔记,求神提醒你所学到、可运用在来年的宝贵功课。求神把祂的话语持续植入你的心中。 坚持度日日顺服神话语的生活。记住雅各书 1:22-25


These final three weeks give you an opportunity to catch up if you have fallen behind. If you have finished on schedule, take these weeks to reflect on what you have learned this year. Review your notes and ask God to remind you of valuable lessons for the coming year. Ask God to continue to plant God’s Word in your heart. Commit to living in daily obedience to His Word. Remember James 1:22-25:

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing