
PBCCC 今年读经计划说明



  1. 现行方法:每天登录教会每日读经网页 palmbeachchinese.org/biblereading.php
  2. 每天用App读,可以阅读,也可以听朗读。具体步骤见下面的提示。
  3. 用打印出来的每月读经表,按照每天的经节阅读。可以扫码阅读灵修讲解。

下载App 的步骤:


  1. 在苹果的App Store 或安卓的Play Store,🔎︎:YouVersion Bible
  2. 注意不要选错App,选Church的,如下图。
  3. 如你早已有此App,请跳到第6步。
  4. 安装Install App。
  5. 安装后打开、用邮箱注册、登录。
  6. 点击下方菜单: 计划 (Plans)
  7. 发掘计划 (Find Plans) :🔎︎ 圣经日日行 (Bible in One Year)。
  8. 选择语言:按右下角的 更多 (More)  → 语言 (Language)
  9. 每天读经可以直接进入计划我的计划来打卡读经、按🔈来听朗读版。


另外,也可以下载圣经日日行的App,但用户界面体验不如在YouVersion Bible App好。
在应用商店🔎︎ 圣经日日行 或 Bible in One Year,选择Bible with Nicky by alpha international安装。
转换语言,请点左下角菜单 ☰ → Settings → Content Language 和 App Language → 简体中文

微读圣经WeDevote Bible App内的读经计划功能目前没有此读经计划。



Bible in One Year

PBCCC Annual Bible Reading Plan

This year, we use the Bible in One Year plan developed by Nick Gumbel of Alpha International.  We join millions of Christians around the world to read God’s previous words.  We begin every with a psalm or proverb to gain wisdom and strength from God, then we will connect the New Testament with the Old Testament to see our salvation throughout the whole bible.

3 methods:

  1. Current method: church webpage palmbeachchinese.org/biblereading.php
  2. Use App. You can read or listen to the audio. See below for detailed instruction.
  3. Use printed sheet to read the verses. Also can scan the QR code on sheet to read devotion.

Download App Instructions

If you choose Method 1 or 3 above, no need to download, please ignore this part.

  1. In App Store or Play Store, 🔎︎ YouVersion Bible
  2. Do not select wrong App, must be Life.Church as shown below
  3. If you already have this App, skip to Step 6.
  4. Install
  5. Open App, Register using your email.
  6. Press bottom menu item: (Plans)
  7. Find Plans: 🔎︎ Bible in One Year
  8. Change Language: Press bottom right MoreLanguage
    Select language for App interface, Bible text, Plans.
  9. To follow this plan everyday, press Plans → My Plans. 🔈 to listen.
    Bible versions to use: ESV, NIV, CCB, CUNPSS.

This plan has its own App, but it is not as easy to use as the YouVersion App above.
You can download it in your App or Play Store, 🔎︎ Bible in One Year,
select Bible with Nicky by alpha international, Install.
To switch language, press bottom left menu ☰ → Settings → Content Language/App Language.

WeDevote Bible App’s Plan feature no longer have this bible reading plan.